A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Chapter 804: Strange Powers

Han Li was slightly alarmed by this turn of events, but he didn't panic.

His Mantra Treasured Axis appeared behind him amid a flash of golden light, and it released waves of golden ripples that washed over his body, eradicating the two bursts of external law powers that had infiltrated his body.

However, to his dismay, the fragrant substance remained in his body, completely unaffected by his time law powers, and he was still feeling extremely feeble.

"Well done, Fellow Daoist Hua! This is where you die, Gao Feng!" the dark-skinned elderly man yelled as he pointed a finger at Han Li, and five more giant black turtles emerged from the shadows around him before opening their eyes in unison.

Pillars of black light erupted out of the six turtles' collective thirty-six eyes, and they condensed into a series of thin black threads that hurtled directly toward Han Li.

These thin black threads were giving off a glacial aura that was almost on par with that of Han Li's Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, and at the same time, all of the ice spikes on the backs of the giant black turtles detached themselves before hurtling directly toward Han Li.

In the face of the oncoming attacks, Han Li remained completely unfazed as he made a hand seal before opening his mouth to release a silver fireball that was around ten feet in diameter.

The silver fireball instantly expanded into a sea of silver flames that was around an acre in size, with Han Li at the very center.

Waves of fire that were dozens of feet tall rose up into the air, giving off a sweltering aura.

The Essence Fire Raven was dancing within the sea of flames, and as soon as the black threads and ice spikes pierced into the silver flames, they were instantly melted away into nothingness.

All of the pink sword projections in the air also vanished before reverting back into a pink flying sword, and the spiritual light emanating from it was rapidly fading in the face of the scorching flames.

The woman's expression changed drastically as she raised a hand to try and summon her flying sword back to herself, but right at this moment, the Essence Fire Raven swooped down onto the sword, catching it in its beak before tipping its head back to swallow the sword as if it were a little bug.

The woman's spiritual connection with the flying sword instantly vanished, and she gave a muffled groan as her complexion paled significantly.

A look of alarm and concern appeared on the dark-skinned elderly man's face upon seeing this, but before he had a chance to do anything, the Essence Fire Raven suddenly launched itself at him with astonishing speed.

Even before the fire raven had fully descended upon him, the heat radiating from its body was already enough to make the nearby space tremble incessantly, as if it were about to be set alight.

All of the black shadows around the elderly man were rapidly evaporating, and he hurriedly flew back in retreat, while a burst of black light erupted out of his body, quickly forming a black spirit domain that was around a hundred feet in size.

A burst of glacial law powers was churning incessantly within the black spirit domain, freezing everything within it.

At the same time, seven or eight treasures flew out of his body in rapid succession, forming a series of protective barriers around him.

A very humanized look of derision flashed through the Essence Fire Raven's eyes upon seeing this, and it abruptly swelled to around twice its original size, while roughly a dozen large specks of silver light appeared on its wings.

Bursts of silver flames erupted backward out of those specks of light, and the Essence Fire Raven instantly sped up dramatically, flying headfirst into the black spirit domain as a long streak of silver light.

The black spirit domain had no effect on the Essence Fire Raven at all, and it instantly tore through the spirit domain before crashing into the protective barriers in front of the elderly man.

The protective barriers weren't able to pose any resistance, either, and the Essence Fire Raven was barely slowed down at all as it tore through all of them in rapid succession before piercing straight through the dark-skinned elderly man's body.

The elderly man was instantly split into two at the waist, following which the two halves of his body erupted into scorching silver flames.

A fearful look finally appeared on the woman's face upon seeing this, and she gritted her teeth before fleeing into the distance as a streak of pink light.

However, she had only managed to fly for about a thousand feet before several translucent chains shot out of the nearby space without any warning, then wound themselves around her body like lightning.

At the same time, Han Li appeared directly before her, clearly having already recovered from the poison that he had inhaled.

The pink light emanating from the woman's body instantly brightened significantly before erupting outward to form a pink spirit domain, and around a dozen different fragrances appeared within the spirit domain, mixing with the law powers inside before converging toward Han Li.

In response, the golden light radiating from Han Li's body brightened significantly at his behest, releasing bursts of time law powers that kept all of the external law powers within the spirit domain at bay.

At the same time, he flicked a finger through the air, and several arcs of golden lightning shot out of his fingertip before striking the woman in several of her vital regions, including her glabella and her dantian.

A loud thunderclap rang out, and the woman's entire body was charred black, following which she convulsed violently for a moment before falling unconscious.

Immediately thereafter, the pink spirit domain vanished, and the fragrances in the air began to dissipate.

Han Li then swept a sleeve through the air, releasing a burst of green light that emitted tremendous suction force, sucking all of the fragrances up his sleeve.

Right at this moment, a dull thump suddenly rang out from the sword array in the distance, and a miniature azure figure flew out from within. It was Elder Qi's nascent soul, and it had somehow managed to escape from the Horned Dragon Sword Array.

As soon as the azure nascent soul emerged, it immediately fled into the distance as a streak of azure light, but right at this moment, Shi Chuankong appeared directly in front of it, then reached out with one hand, conjuring a huge purple hand projection that caught the nascent soul in a flash.

The nascent soul immediately began struggling with all its might, but strands of purple light were surging out of the hand projection, forming a dense net that prevented the nascent soul from getting away.

"Elder Qi, I've always seen you as family, and I've never wronged you in any way. Why have you betrayed me?" Shi Chuankong asked in a furious voice with his fists tightly clenched.

However, the nascent soul didn't appear to have heard him at all, and it yelled in a defiant voice, "I won't tell you anything about Young Master Shi!"

Immediately a look of resolve appeared on its face as blinding azure light began to radiate from its body.

"Stop him, Fellow Daoist Shi! He's about to self detonate!" Han Li yelled in alarm.

Shi Chuankong hurriedly sprang into action upon hearing this, and threads of purple light began to burrow their way into the azure nascent soul, but it was already too late.

In the next instant, the nascent soul exploded violently into a radiant azure sun.

Shi Chuankong hurriedly flew back in retreat, but he was too close to the azure sun, yet right as he was about to get swept up in the explosion, an arc of golden lightning fell out of the sky, forming a protective barrier in front of him, and two crossed golden flying swords could just barely be made out within the barrier.

The explosion of azure light raged ferociously against the lightning barrier, causing it to tremble incessantly, but it displayed no signs of breaking.

A few moments later, the azure sun rapidly dimmed before vanishing altogether.

Han Li appeared beside him in a flash, then made a hand seal, and the golden lightning barrier reverted back into a pair of Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords before flying back up his sleeve.

"What happened just now, Fellow Daoist Li? Who is this Gao Feng that they were speaking of?" Shi Chuankong asked as he turned to Han Li.

Han Li offered no response. Instead, he closed his eyes, and he seemed to be sensing something.

Right at this moment, a loud explosion rang out several thousand feet away, and a yellow figure stumbled out of thin air with another Han Li hot on their tail.

The other Han Li swept a sleeve through the air, releasing six Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords that hurtled directly toward the yellow figure, but the latter remained completely unfazed, releasing a streak of translucent light that contained a yellow copper mirror.

An earth-shattering boom rang out, and the six Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords were sent flying back, but the streak of translucent light also exploded.

Meanwhile, the yellow figure vanished from the spot, then reappeared thousands of feet away to reveal male figure in a yellow robe, but his facial features were concealed behind a layer of yellow light.

"If I'm not mistaken, this man orchestrated everything that happened just now. I don't know how he did it, but he appeared to have somehow manipulated Elder Qi and the others into mistaking us for two other people, thereby turning them against us," Han Li said.

Shi Chuankong's expression instantly darkened significantly upon hearing this.

Han Li swept a sleeve through the air, and the Han Li beside Shi Chuankong dissipated into specks of azure light, revealing it to have been nothing more than avatar.

The Horned Dragon Sword Array also reverted back to twelve Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords that flew up his sleeve, and the bodies of the rotund man and the eight Golden Immortals fell to the ground.

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