A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Chapter 797: Two Souls in One Body

All of a sudden, an unsettling smile appeared on the woman's face, and an azure nascent soul emerged from her shoulder before giving Han Li a resentful glare, then vanished into the woman's body.

A burst of azure light flashed over the woman's body, and one half of her head of black hair instantly turned azure in color, while the other turned purple, and the same had happened to her pupils as well.

Han Li felt a burst of tremendous spiritual sense sweep through the woman's consciousness, and his Spiritual Sense Cage was instantly eradicated without being able to pose any resistance.

"She has two souls occupying the same body!" Han Li exclaimed as he flew back in retreat.

"In the past, I only knew that these two were twin sisters who were extremely powerful with their bodies combined, even killing a Great Encompassment cultivator together in the past, but I never knew that they had a shared body! In that case, what was it that was destroyed just now with the island?" Shi Chuankong asked with a bewildered expression.

"That was most likely some type of avatar. Given that they share the same body, their collective soul is most likely comparable in power to that of a Great Encompassment cultivator in their combined state, so make sure you don't..."

Before Han Li had a chance to finish, he was cut off by a shrill shriek.

The shriek was extremely high-pitched, and it pierced straight into his and Shi Chuankong's consciousnesses like a sharp spear, throwing their spiritual sense into disarray. At the same time,their immortal spiritual power circulation had gone completely awry, and they began to involuntarily fall out of the sky.

Han Li fought through the excruciating pain in his consciousness as he hurriedly channeled his Spirit Refinement Technique, and a burst of invisible force instantly appeared in his consciousness to ward off the sound-based attack.

As for Shi Chuankong, he had been caught completely off guard, and he plummeted straight into the bamboo forest below, seemingly having fallen unconscious.

The woman's shriek died down, and she said, "Our master wanted to spare you out of the kindness of his own heart, and that's why Sister Zi He was trying to extend you an olive branch, but you've sealed your own fate now!"

Her voice had suddenly become a little more coarse, and it was clear that it was Qing Ling who was speaking.

Han Li took a moment to compose himself, and he offered no response as he summoned eighteen Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords at once, with all of their tips turned toward the woman.

A cold sneer appeared on the woman's face upon seeing this, and she chanted an incantation, upon which Han Li felt as if the entire world around him had been instantly plunged into darkness.

He slowly raised his head to look up, and he was greeted by the sight of two giant eyeballs, one azure and one purple, hovering up above, both of which were giving off bursts of rippling light.

As the rippling light swept over his body, he wasn't struck by any discomfort. Instead, it was a very soothing sensation, like basking in a warm spring breeze.

Enshrouded in the layers of ripples, Han Li's entire body was filled with warmth, and before he knew it, he had fallen into a very relaxed and lazy state of lethargy.

However, at this moment, restrictive bands of azure and purple light were currently appearing in rapid succession around his soul deep in his consciousness, and despite its best efforts to break free, its struggles proved to be in futility.

However, Han Li was no ordinary High Zenith cultivator, and he possessed far more willpower and spiritual sense than the woman anticipated.

Even within the ripples of light, he was still constantly shaking his head from side to side, trying to snap himself out of his stupor, and the woman was very surprised to see this.

In the past, no one below the mid-High Zenith Stage had managed to retain even a shred of mental clarity in the face of such a powerful spiritual attack, and the woman said to herself, "If we can devour his soul, our cultivation base will definitely be enhanced."

This time, it was Zi He's voice that had spoken, and Qing Ling replied in a cautious manner, "Don't get complacent. His soul is far more powerful than that of the average Jade Immortal, so we have to be on our guard here and ensure that we claim his and Shi Chuankong's head for our master. Otherwise, we'll surely be punished for losing such an important avatar."

"I'll follow your lead then, Sister," Zi He said as the woman turned her gaze to Han Li.

At this point, Han Li had already recovered from the spiritual attack, and he had restabilized himself in mid-air as he cast a wary gaze toward the woman.

"I didn't think he would be able to snap out of it on his own," Zi He remarked in a surprised manner.

After shaking off the effects of the spiritual attack, Han Li immediately channeled his Reversal True Axis ability, launching himself at the woman at an astonishing speed, while his eighteen Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords were flying ahead of him.

The Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords reached the woman in the blink of an eye, but they were kept at bay by some type of invisible force around a hundred feet away, unable to make any further progress.

Han Li immediately activated his Infernal Devilish Eyes upon seeing this, and it was revealed to him that his Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords had been stopped cold in their tracks by eighteen translucent spiritual sense threads that were as thin as strands of hair.

The spiritual sense threads were extending out of the woman's body, and they were wrapped tightly around the flying swords, locking them firmly into place.

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this, and arcs of golden lightning sprang out of his Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords at his behest, instantly snapping all of the spiritual sense threads wrapped around them.

Immediately thereafter, the eighteen flying swords continued to hurtle directly toward the woman, who remained completely unfazed as she brought her hands together in front of herself to make a strange hand seal.

A semi-transparent spirit domain instantly erupted out of her body, encompassing all of the oncoming Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords.

In the instant that the flying swords flew into the spirit domain, a sense of foreboding immediately welled up in Han Li's heart, and sure enough, in the next instant, his spiritual connection with the swords was severed.

The lightning and sword qi emanating from the eighteen Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords instantly faded, and they were left hovering in mid-air in a completely still manner.

Despite Han Li's best efforts to reestablish a spiritual connection, the eighteen swords displayed no reaction whatsoever.

The spirit domain only encompassed an area no more than several dozen kilometers in radius, yet all other spiritual sense seemed to be inhibited in this space. Not only had Han Li's spiritual connection with his flying swords been severed, his spiritual sense had also been somewhat affected.

Despite this, his expression remained unchanged as he summoned another Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Sword, then swung it through the air to release an arc of golden lightning.

Looks like I can still control my flying swords as long as it's not with my spiritual sense.

This observation came as quite a relief to Han Li, but at the same time, he was feeling a little frustrated with himself. If he had focused on cultivating the Spirit Refinement Technique, perhaps he would've already reached full mastery of the fifth level by now, and that would undoubtedly make him much better equipped to face this opponent.

However, there was no point in thinking about that now.

"Don't get distracted now," Zi He suddenly sneered in a mocking voice, and Han Li looked up to see a strange colored glass lantern flying directly toward him.

The lantern was rather antiquated in appearance, with an engraving of a peculiar-looking beast perched on each of its four corners, facing away from each other while raising their hands to the sky to support a lotus flower oil lamp up above.

There didn't appear to be any oil in the lamp, but it held a green flame that was flickering slightly.

As soon as Han Li's gaze fell upon the flame, his entire body instantly stiffened, and his attention was completely drawn to the tiny flame, as if it had some type of transfixing property.

At the same time, a giant oil lamp projection appeared in his mind, and green light flashed through the eyes of the four strange beasts below the lamp as all of them opened their mouths in unison.

Han Li shuddered internally, and he could feel his own spiritual sense rapidly seeping out before flowing into the mouths of the four peculiar beasts like wisps of smoke.

As his spiritual sense quickly faded away, the flame on the oil lamp only burned brighter and brighter, as if it were feeding on his spiritual sense as a fuel source.

"Now that the Soul Devouring Lamp has been lit in his consciousness, his spiritual sense will be completely exhausted soon, and by then, his soul will be ours to devour. In the meantime, let's go and kill Shi Chuankong," Qing Ling said.

"We'll do as you say," Zi He replied.

Even though their voices were clearly different, it still looked like a single person talking to herself while role-playing as two different people, presenting a very strange sight to behold.

With that, the woman began to descend toward Shi Chuankong in the bamboo forest below.

At this moment, Shi Chuankong remained completely still on the ground in a prone position. It seemed like he was still unconscious, and his spiritual sense fluctuations had become very feeble.

The woman raised a hand from several hundred feet away, releasing a purple and azure metal chain that shot forth through the air before piercing straight into the back of Shi Chuankong's head, pulverizing it like a ripe watermelon.

An elated smile appeared on one half of the woman's face upon seeing this, but a perplexed look appeared on the other half of her face, and Qing Ling said in a wary voice, "Something's not right... Why hasn't his nascent soul tried to escape?"

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