A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Chapter 780: Eradicating the Enemy

Chapter 780: Eradicating the Enemy

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly as arcs of golden lightning sprang out of his body, and he dodged to the side while flipping a hand over to stow the six flying swords into his Profound Heavenly Gourd.

The poisonous green light clinging to the six flying swords was instantly sucked away by the green light within the Profound Heavenly Gourd, and the green spots on their surfaces also faded, much to Han Li's relief.

"You're not getting away!" Tie Yu yelled as he switched to a different hand seal, and the nine arrows immediately swerved mid-flight to continue pursuing Han Li.

All of a sudden, the nine arrows connected as one, causing them to speed up even further, yet right as Han Li was on the verge of being caught, he took a glance behind him while sweeping a sleeve through the air, releasing a burst of green light that swept up the nine arrows.

The poisonous green light emanating from the arrows quickly faded until there was only a thin layer left, and Tie Yu could sense that his spiritual connection with them was also diminishing.

His expression instantly darkened slightly as he opened his mouth to release a ball of green light, then plunged a hand into it before pulling out a green whip that was lined with extremely sharp hooked spikes.

With a flick of his wrist, the whip elongated rapidly, instantly crossing over a distance of several thousand feet before wrapping itself around the nine arrows and giving them a firm tug.

A dull thump rang out as the whip was able to wrench the nine arrows out of the surrounding green light, and Han Li raised an eyebrow upon seeing this, then withdrew the burst of green light before suddenly flying directly toward Tie Yu.

At the same time, he began to chant a rapid incantation, and his body split up into around a dozen identical arcs of golden lightning, all of which split up before converging toward Tie Yu from different directions.

All of the arcs of lightning were also giving of identical auras, making it impossible to determine which one was Han Li.

Tie Yu's expression changed slightly upon seeing this, and he raised a hand to grab onto the bow above his head, following which nine more arrows appeared on its bowstring before being fired through the air.

As soon as the nine arrows were fired, they immediately split up into countless green arrow projections that rained down from the heavens.

Every single one of the arrow projections was giving off fierce poison law power fluctuations, causing all of the nearby devilish qi to churn violently.

The volley of arrows instantly pierced through all of the arcs of golden lightning, causing them to explode, and one of them reverted back into Han Li.

At this moment, his entire body was clad in a suit of armor formed entirely by arcs of golden lightning, and he remained completely unscathed.

As soon as the true Han Li was revealed, Tie Yu immediately made a hand seal, redirecting all of the arrow projections in the sky toward Han Li.

In response, Han Li raised both hands to release a series of thick arcs of golden lightning, all of which were giving off formidable lightning law powers.

With a sweep of his sleeve, the arcs of golden lightning erupted forth in a relentless torrent, forming a dense net of golden lightning in front of him.

The volley of arrows descended upon the net of golden lightning amid a string of resounding booms, but the net of lightning was able to withstand the assault without displaying any signs of caving.

Han Li gave a cold harrumph as he made a grabbing motion, and eighteen Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords instantly appeared at his behest before releasing countless streaks of golden sword qi that formed a golden mountain, which crashed straight into the volley of arrow projections.

The golden mountain was able to barge its way straight through the arrow projections without encountering any resistance, and it appeared right in front of Tie Yu at an astonishing speed.

Tie Yu's expression changed slightly as he opened his mouth to release a black shield, which instantly transformed into a protective black light barrier while he dodged to the side as quickly as he could.

The mountain of golden sword projections came crashing down, and despite the black light barrier's unremarkable appearance, it was able to keep most of the streaks of golden sword qi at bay.

However, some of the sword qi was still able to pierce through the light barrier, and even though Tie Yu was taking evasive measures to the best of his abilities, several streaks of sword qi were still able to catch up to him, slicing several deep gashes into his body.

A furious look appeared in his eyes as he let loose a thunderous roar, and plumes of mist-like green light began to surge out of his body in a frenzy, forming a green spirit domain that was close to fifty kilometers in size around him.

The spirit domain contained incredibly dense poisonous green mist, and all of the trees in the mountain range below that came into contact with the green mist were instantly reduced to puddles of green goo.

At this point, Tie Yu's subordinates had already fled into the distance, so they weren't caught within the spirit domain.

However, the same couldn't be said about Shi Chuankong, and the protective spiritual light around his body was being rapidly whittled down by the surrounding poisonous mist.

He hurriedly summoned several protective spiritual treasures, which formed several layers of light barriers around him, but those light barriers were also being rapidly eaten away.

However, those light barriers had bought him some time, and he began rapidly strumming the strings of his Virata Lute, releasing a stream of silver runes that formed a silver array around him.

In the next instant, Shi Chuankong vanished from within the green spirit domain, then reappeared dozens of kilometers away immediately thereafter.

Tie Yu paid no heed to Shi Chuankong, continuing to glower intently at Han Li.

All of the poisonous green mist within the spirit domain surged toward Han Li from all directions at his behest, forming a series of giant green dragons that swooped down upon him.

All of the green dragons were giving off incredibly formidable poison law power fluctuations, causing the space in their wake to tremble violently.

Han Li's expression remained unchanged upon seeing this, and he made a string of rapid hand seals, releasing a spirit domain of his own.

Now that he was at the High Zenith Stage, the golden ripples in his time spirit domain had become far denser than before, and as soon as the spirit domain was unleashed, the surrounding poisonous mist and green dragons were instantly slowed down significantly.

An astonished look appeared in Tie Yu's eyes upon seeing this, and he immediately tried to do something, but his movements had also become extremely slow and sluggish.

Han Li made a hand seal, and arcs of golden lightning sprang out of his body before forming a lightning array around him.

The arcs of golden lightning were far dimmer than usual within Tie Yu's poison spirit domain, but they were still able to form a functional lightning array, and in the next instant, Han Li vanished from the spot before reappearing behind Tie Yu, then opened his mouth to release a bolt of radiant golden lightning toward Tie Yu's head.

Tie Yu was extremely alarmed by this turn of events, and he wasn't in time to turn around, so he could only channel his poison law powers with all his might.

The surrounding poisonous mist gathered behind him, forming a green giant that was over a hundred feet tall, and it was none other than his domain spirit.

The spirit domain's entire body was giving off fierce poison law power fluctuations, and its speed wasn't hampered by much as it opened its mouth to devour the bolt of golden lightning.

However, before Tie Yu even had a chance to catch his breath, a golden flying sword suddenly shot out of the poisonous mist in front of him, and it was none other than one of Han Li's Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords.

Some green spots had already appeared on the sword, but it was still incredibly fast as it flew a lap around Tie Yu's head like lightning.

Tie Yu's expression instantly stiffened, following which his head fell to the side.

Han Li flicked a finger through the air in an expressionless manner, releasing a streak of golden sword qi, which pierced into Tie Yu's head, causing it to explode like a watermelon and completely destroying the soul inside.

Tie Yu's headless body began to plummet out of the sky as a geyser of blood erupted out of its neck, but it was caught by a burst of azure light released by Han Li.

In the wake of Tie Yu's demise, the green domain spirit's body quickly began to dissipate, and it let loose one final indignant roar before it disintegrated into nothingness.

Han Li made a hand seal, and a ball of golden light flew back to him, containing the eighteen Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, as well as a green bow and nine arrows.

The flying swords had all been corroded to a certain extent by the green spirit domain, but not to a very severe extent, and Han Li stowed the flying sword, the bow, and the arrows away into his Profound Heavenly Gourd, then withdrew his time spirit domain as well.

A few moments later, all of the golden light and poisonous mist in the sky faded away, and Shi Chuankong appeared beside Han Li with a wide smile as he praised, "I am truly in awe of your incredible power, Fellow Daoist Li."

In the distance, all of Tie Yu's subordinates were looking on with incredulous expressions.

The late-High Zenith Stage Tie Yu had just been slain by an early-High Zenith Stage human cultivator!

In the next instant, someone let loose a panicked roar, and everyone fled into the distance.

A cold look flashed through Han Li's eyes as he prepared to set off after them.

By killing Tie Yu, they had made an enemy out of one of the Ten Hazards, so all of these people had to be killed as well.

"Take a rest, Fellow Daoist Li. Leave these people to me," Shi Chuankong said with a faint smile, then set off after the fleeing devilish beings as a streak of dark purple light.

Meanwhile, Han Li turned his attention back to Tie Yu's headless body, and after recovering a green storage bracelet, he released several balls of crimson flames that set the body alight, instantly incinerating it into ashes.

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