A Pawn's Passage

Chapter 25: Fine Wine and Beautiful Women

Chapter 25: Fine Wine and Beautiful Women

All eyes turned to Zhang Yuelu. The waiter hesitated for a moment before turning away.

Shaojiu, or burning wine, was a type of strong distilled liquor. It got its name because of its intense flavor and the sensation of being burned by fire after taking a sip. It was popular in the Liaodong Region, where the weather was harsh and cold, making it suitable for keeping warm.

This was a favorite among soldiers. It would make sense for someone from the Liaodong Region to ask for this wine. Even if Qi Xuansu had expressed a desire for shaojiu, most people would accept it. However, Zhang Yuelu had requested it, so it raised some eyebrows.

Firstly, it was not common to encounter women who enjoyed drinking, and those who preferred strong liquor were even rarer. Secondly, Zhang Yuelu’s slight Jiangnan accent suggested she was not from the Liaodong Region.

Even Qi Xuansu could not help but glance at her. “Shaojiu?”

“Shaojiu,” Zhang Yuelu confirmed.

Qi Xuansu whispered, “Usually, only alcoholics like shaojiu. You don’t strike me as one.”

“Yellow rice wine is a bit too mild for me. It doesn’t have the same kick,” Zhang Yuelu said, seemingly unconcerned with the curious glances cast her way. She looked just as indifferent as she was at Chiming Palace, where she ignored the opinions of the three Deputy Hall Masters.

It was not arrogance, but rather her natural disposition. She treated everyone equally. Whether it was the three Deputy Hall Masters, Qi Xuansu, or even the Sages, she remained courteous without humbling herself.

Qi Xuansu fell silent and simply sized her up.

She was a young woman with outstanding but not exceptionally stunning features, dressed in a simple Daoist robe, yet exuding a strong and confident air.

Soon, the banquet officially began. Besides the aged Nu Er Hong, Zhang Yuelu also ordered a shaojiu which was served in a small jar, about 500 milliliters.

The waiters at the restaurant thought this young woman was merely indulging in the moment. Or perhaps they thought she was feeling troubled and wanted stronger alcohol to drown her sorrows. They did not think that she was a true drinker.

However, seeing her composed demeanor while conversing with the young man beside her, they did not think that she looked like someone seeking solace in alcohol. Nevertheless, the waiter did not serve her too much shaojiu. That was because people with a low alcohol tolerance could get drunk on just a few shots, so serving too much would be wasteful.

Zhang Yuelu lifted the jar and removed the seal. Almost immediately, the strong aroma wafted out, enough to make one’s nose sting. It was not an exaggeration to say that someone could get a bit intoxicated just by smelling the wine.

Zhang Yuelu’s eyes lit up as she poured the shaojiu into a cup and took a small sip.

Qi Xuansu inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief at this sight. He was genuinely worried that Zhang Yuelu might gulp down the wine straight from the jar and wipe the alcohol stains off her mouth with her sleeve, like a bold outlaw feasting on meat and swigging wine. He could not process such a jarring image in his mind because Zhang Yuelu looked like such a refined young lady.

Fortunately, Zhang Yuelu opted to drink from a cup, avoiding any excessively unconventional behavior.

In fact, Qi Xuansu was not the only one at the table who breathed a sigh of relief at that sight. They were glad that Zhang Yuelu was a civil lady who merely wanted to enjoy a drink.

After finishing her cup of shaojiu, a faint blush appeared on Zhang Yuelu’s fair face. She looked at Qi Xuansu and raised her cup, asking, “Would you like some?”

Seemingly afraid of Qi Xuansu’s refusal, she quickly added, “It’s delicious!”

Qi Xuansu’s smile was somewhat stiff, but he nodded nonetheless. “Sure.”

Zhang Yuelu lifted the jar and filled Qi Xuansu’s cup to the brim. This was not the small liquor cup, but an antique three-legged golden goblet, just like the one mentioned in a popular poem. “Do not let the golden goblet be empty under the moon’s glow.”

A filled goblet was, at the very least, 60 milliliters.

Zhang Yuelu filled up her cup and said, “The reason people drink is to get drunk, so don’t use your qi to counteract the after-effects of alcohol. If so, it’ll just be a waste of good liquor. You might as well not drink then.”

Qi Xuansu raised his cup and sighed. “So be it. I shall risk my life to drink with you.”

They clinked their cups together and downed the wine in one gulp. None of them used their qi to resist the alcohol’s after-effects.

In an instant, Qi Xuansu felt a fiery sensation burning in his chest. The heat spread from his mouth to his throat and down to his stomach, lingering for a long time. What’s more, the alcohol rushed straight to his Fengchi acupoint. In no time, Qi Xuansu felt his head grow heavy, and he had to grasp the armrest of his chair.

In contrast, Zhang Yuelu remained seated steadily, with only a deeper blush on her face.

In any case, the difference in their cultivation levels was evident. The benefits of cultivation for the body should not be ignored. A Heavenly being, even without deliberately resisting the effects of alcohol, could not get drunk after a thousand cups.

At the end of the banquet, Zhang Yuelu supported the tipsy Qi Xuansu as they left the Phoenix Tower and walked through Taiqing Square.

They shared half a liter of shaojiu. Zhang Yuelu drank 300 milliliters, while Qi Xuansu drank 200 milliliters of shaojiu and 130 milliliters of Nu Er Hong. Zhang Yuelu only had a slight blush on her face, while Qi Xuansu was clearly intoxicated.

Qi Xuansu was a decent drunk who did not behave crazily. He also did not take advantage of his drunken stupor to harass Zhang Yuelu. However, he was a chatterbox when intoxicated.

He muttered to himself, “Actually, I still prefer Nu Er Hong. But I don’t quite understand why it’s named after daughters instead of sons.”[1]

Zhang Yuelu could not help but chuckle. She explained, “Actually, there is something called the Zhuang Yuan Hong, named specially for sons. It’s a custom in the Jiangnan region. When a boy is born, the family will brew this type of wine and bury it in the cellar. It stays buried for 10 to 20 years, and they only dig it up for a grand feast when their son becomes a scholar.”

Qi Xuansu understood. “I see. When a girl is born, her parents bury the wine and only drink it when she gets married, hence why it’s called Nu Er Hong.”

Zhang Yuelu suppressed a smile and praised, “Yes, sir. You’re quite knowledgeable.”

“You should call me Tian Yuan. It’s my courtesy name.” Qi Xuansu waved his hand. By this time, he was already quite drunk, so he did not think through what he said. “But I have another question. There’s only one top scholar in the whole country every three years. Won’t the wine go to waste if the son doesn’t become a scholar?”

Zhang Yuelu giggled. “It’s just a name. They can still drink it when the son gets married.”

Qi Xuansu was intoxicated by the night breeze, feeling even more drunk. “The Nu Er Hong we drank earlier was a ten-year vintage. I heard there are even decades-old ones. Do girls in Jiangnan not get married?”

Zhang Yuelu could not hold back her laughter any longer. She laughed so hard that her tears came out. “That’s right, just like me, we don’t get married and dedicate our lives to the Daoist Order.”

Qi Xuansu nodded. “Dedicate your life to the Daoist Order... like wielding the Sword of Wisdom?”

At that moment, they heard someone calling out from behind. Zhang Yuelu stopped and turned around to see who it was while still supporting Qi Xuansu.

The female disciple who had invited them to the wedding ceremony caught up to them, holding two boxes.

She handed the boxes to them, saying, “These are some pastries that we have prepared for each guest. I hope you’ll like them.”

Zhang Yuelu took the boxes and thanked her.

The female disciple glanced at the two of them and then at the moon in the sky. She smiled and said, “You shouldn’t waste such a beautiful evening. I won’t disturb you any longer.”

Zhang Yuelu smiled gently, without a hint of shyness.

After the woman left, Zhang Yuelu continued to support Qi Xuansu as they walked to the statue of the Primordial Daoist Ancestor.

The statue of the Primordial Daoist Ancestor stood on a massive, three-tiered pedestal. Zhang Yuelu helped Qi Xuansu sit on the first tier of the pedestal and asked, “Where do you live? I’ll take you home.”

“Home...” Qi Xuansu was momentarily stunned. He sobered up a little.

After a long while, he sighed deeply and said, “I don’t have a home to return to.”

Zhang Yuelu stayed silent and sat down beside Qi Xuansu. They were about thirty centimeters apart. She looked up at the moon in the night sky and changed the subject. “I didn’t expect your alcohol tolerance to be so low.”

Another gust of night wind sobered Qi Xuansu up even more. Perhaps he was so drunk that his mind became clearer.

Qi Xuansu smiled bitterly. “This is the strongest shaojiu I’ve ever had, and I didn’t use my qi to resist the effects. I drank nearly half a jar and still didn’t collapse. I can even talk to you. That’s pretty good, right?”

Zhang Yuelu said, “Alcohol tolerance is judged by comparison.”

Qi Xuansu said, “Do you know how painful a hangover feels?”

“I don’t, but you’ll know soon enough,” Zhang Yuelu said with a faint smile. “Actually, getting drunk isn’t so bad. At least, you can temporarily forget your troubles. I’ve heard of a type of alcohol called Dreaming Death. It’s specifically made for the sages because regular alcohol has no effect on them. If a sage wants to get drunk, they’ll ask for a jar of Dreaming Death.”

Qi Xuansu asked, “What happens if an ordinary person drinks it?”

“If an ordinary person drinks Dreaming Death, they will forget many things, including their parents, spouses, children, friends, and even themselves. That’s why it’s a controlled item that is rarely seen on the market. I’ve always wanted to try it, but I’ve never had the chance.”

Qi Xuansu said softly, “You’re still all about that path to enlightenment.”

The moonlight shone on them, casting two long shadows.

After a moment of silence, Zhang Yuelu said, “It’s getting late. I’ll walk you home.”

Qi Xuansu waved his hand. He recited, “Two souls, amidst the mountain’s floral sway. A cup, then another, in a sweet array. In a drunken haze, bid thee farewell tonight. Come dawn, with lute embraced, seek my light.”

“Well, then... until we meet again.” Zhang Yuelu did not insist. She stood up, holding her box of pastries.

Qi Xuansu replied, “Until we meet again.”

Zhang Yuelu turned and left.

Qi Xuansu remained seated on the steps as he watched Zhang Yuelu disappear into the night. He had intended to circulate his qi to dispel the effects of the alcohol, but he suddenly remembered Zhang Yuelu’s words about how difficult it was to get drunk. Thus, he immersed himself in this drunken state.

He had not expected to meet such an interesting woman tonight, but he did not dwell on it too much. After all, in this vast city of ??people, they might never get a chance to meet each other again. They were merely passing through each other's lives.

Their encounter was but a fleeting dream.

1. Nu Er Hong literally translates to “Daughter Red.” ☜

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