A Demon Lord's Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss

Chapter 556.2

Chapter 556.2

Hi, everyone. I have an important exam soon, so I will not be able to give as much as time to TL as before. Because of this, I will be reducing the release rate to 2 chapter per week for next 6 weeks. Once my exams are over, I will release bonus chapters to make up for lower release rate right now. Have a great day.

“…I once saw a battle of the current Beast King up close and personal.” (Beastman)

“Oh? So?” (Adventurer)

“I don’t know how much you guys understand, but to us, a [King] has to be strong. He has to be the best warrior. In other words, the king of the beastmen race is simply the strongest one among the current beastmen.” (Beastman)

“Ah…I see where you are going with this.” (Adventurer)

“You guessed it. If that girl and the Beast King were to fight, I can’t say who would win. After all, I could not even imagine the level of strength they have reached.” (Beastman)

“…A while ago, there were rumors that the current hero was weak, but that was a big lie, wasn’t it?” (Demon Girl)

“What? People don’t have the eyes to see. How can someone who gives off such a strong presence be seen as weak?” (Adventurer)

“I agree with you, demon people. There are some who are amazingly strong, and then there are those who are completely unreasonable. Humans are so strange and mysterious.” (Beastman)

“There are many humans and because of our numbers, we couldn’t just be lumped as a single group. Well, I can imagine that the hero may have been involved in some politics, but I’m not a knowledgeable man, so I don’t know all the details!” (Adventurer)

“I see. I’m not intelligent either. Let’s get along, my friend.” (Demon Girl)

“Oh, well, I guess I’ll have to join you. I don’t like to use my head for anything except headbutting.” (Beastman)

“Oh, yeah? We may be from different species, but our brains are just as bad!” (Adventurer)

The three of them laughed at each other.

This casual conversation was also something that did not exist until a short while ago.

Nell could hear the conversation between the three of them, and wanted to say something about the almost monstrous way she was being treated. But she also understood that if she reacted strangely, she would only make things awkward. So, she decided to pretend not to hear their conversation.

“…But still, hero-dono. Compared to before, you are using a much more…distinctive weapon.” (Holy Knight)

The one who was speaking to Nell was a holy knight acquainted with Nell.

“Oh, this? I’ve been thinking lately that I’d like to be able to use a weapon of this size. I still can’t handle it at all, though, because my body is more fluid. So I’m also training myself right now, actually.” (Nell)

“…From what I’ve seen, you seem to have mastered it well enough.” (Holy Knight)

“Haha, no, no way. I’m just pushing myself with my physical abilities.” (Nell)

Nell had already returned the holy sword [Durandal] she used before to the church, and now used [Yoruba], a sword made by Yuki, as her primary weapon.

The sword Yuki made for his beloved wife, based on Enne’s opinion, was already familiar to Nell’s hand, and even Remillo Gilbert, the previous hero called Sword Saint, commented, “With that sword, even I won’t be your match.”

Remillo’s swordsmanship was still superior to Nell’s, but when other factors were combined, even the strongest of the previous generation could no longer match Nell.

Nell’s height, arm length, muscle mass, status, swordsmanship, fighting style, and fighting preferences…

The sword that mirrored everything about her, and only her abilities were reflected in her sword, was certainly pushing her to the next level.

But – in fact, it was not the Yoruba that she was currently using in training.

The reason was that if she used it, it would cut the other person’s sword, so it wouldn’t be good for training, but recently, she wanted to be able to handle Enne as well, so she asked Yuki to make her a separate large sword for training purposes.

Yuki now had a daughter and a son.

Even though they were not Nell’s own children, they were definitely her children as well.

When they grew up, she wanted to improve her swordsmanship so that she could teach them how to defend themselves properly.

With this in mind, Nell began to devote herself to training even more than before.

A mock sword similar in length and weight to Enne’s, which was no longer comparable to what a heavy sword would be for an ordinary person to hold.

It was longer than Nell’s height and heavier than Nell’s weight.

If she could handle such an unwieldy sword, it meant that her swordsmanship itself would grow as well.

–If it were the Enne herself, it would be easier because Enne would make the adjustments for her.

Even if her body was swept away, Enne would correct it and change it to the most appropriate slash, and she would manage the center of gravity, so Nell’s body would not be swept away in a strange way.

Nell’s honest impression was that it was so easy that she was unable to train when fighting with her in her hands.

Incidentally, Yuki had become so accustomed to swordsmanship with Enne that he could no longer use other types of swords.

When Yuki was not with Enne, he used blunt weapons, and when he made weapons for comfort, he prepared only large battle cudgels and hammers.

Her next step was to make strange toys and useless but good-looking weapons, and then he would get carried away and create too many of them, only to have Lefi burn them later for being “in the way”.

“-Re, report!” (Knight) 

And so it was when Nell was training each one of them.

A relatively young holy knight appeared on the spot, looking a bit impatient.

“We have confirmed the appearance of a war class monster in the vicinity! I would like you to prepare for mobilization…!” (Knight) 

The training hall stirred at these words, but only Nell seemed unconcerned and said.

“Oh, just in time. Okay, then, everyone, it looks like we have a good partner for live-action training, so let’s move! Follow me!” (Nell) 

“Wait, just in time? And training?” (Adventurer) 

“Don’t worry, I can handle that level of opponent. I’m a hero, after all.” (Nell) 

Seeing Nell smiling, those here who already understand her abilities chuckled and said, “…well, I guess we’ll actually be okay,” and then started preparing to move, thinking that this would indeed be a good opportunity for training.

Nell’s words and actions had been gradually upsetting everyone’s definition of a [Hero], but she didn’t realize it yet.

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