A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 372: The earth trembles

Chapter 372: The earth trembles

Then in the next instant, voluminous amounts of informations and plethoric eye-related techniques abruptly surfaced in Alex's mind, which Alex made up his mind to go through later since he was here to accomplish a lot of things.

Not long, the shocking phenomenon that his body produced only took place for only a small amount of time before it stopped.

But, he had caused a lot of destruction to everything around him.

The earth for hundreds of meters and more had been deeply gashed apart, while the mountains in the valley had been reduced to the tiny fragments, since it was like millions of extremely sharp, long swords slashed at the mountains around him countless number of times at the speed of light.

"Oh my!" Alex said weakly.

That fused radiance and sharpness powers which unexpectedly erupted from his body made him become very weak. He felt totally exhausted. And apart from that, thousands of slashes could be seen all over his skin, while his dress had been reduced to nothing presenting his bloodied, flawless nakedness to the world. But thankfully, no one was there to see him in his nude form. Even if anyone saw it, they would be repulsed by the blood oozing out from the thousands of slashes that the sharp rays of light made into his body upon their unexpected emission of them.

Alex quickly produced an Energy Recovery pill and swallowed it. While his body started healing from the countless cuts made on his tough skin.

After sometime, the cuts vanished as they had healed, while he regained his entire energy.

He then thought 'Since each colored light rays that formed the excessively bright, multi-hued radiance possessed the power of god-incising sharpness, I guess that they must result from the unification and fusion of Light Originforce energy, Color Originforce energy and Sharpness Originforce energy, which are the Immortal Expert-stage version of Radiantforce energy, Colorforce energy and Sharpforce energy that cultivators below the Immortal Expert stage can cultivate.'

After thinking this, he nodded his head, since those were the only energies that could have merged to produce the infinitely-colored, extremely-sharp rays of light that bursted out of his body a moments ago.

The colorforce energy that Alex thought about was one of the realm-energies that would endow one with the power to manipulate all forms of colors. That is, one would be able to create millions to uncountable new colors that no one ever knew existed. However, it goes hand in hand with radiantforce energy, since it was what would produce the light rays that will gleam or shine with the innumerous types of colors that it was imbued with. But, since it is gives ones to manipulate colors, one can change the color of fundamentally everything in the world. One can change the color of the furs of his beast pets, change the color of one's blood to appear non-human, change the color of one's eyes to look strange or dreadful, change the color of the sky to some other color and bring about different types of feeling in the countless numbers of people under that sky, change the color of one's attack to give it a more fearsome appearance, such as changing a blue-colored energy-attack into a jet-black energy attack, etc. There were basically so many things that one could achieve with the color manipulation power of colorforce energy.


Alex deeply inhaled when he felt that he had been greatly energized again, since he had swallowed a peerless-grade, Heaven-tier Energy Recovery pill.

Then very quickly, before someone might appear, he quickly covered up his nakedness, even with the blood on it. He would however wash himself later at some pool or lake to feel fresh, since the blood would become sticky and disgusting on bus body. However, the smell of his blood couldn't do anything to him since he was used to the smell of blood. Even if he stands before a boundless ocean of roiling hot blood, he wouldn't shake from the overwhelming ferric smell that would be produced by the blood ocean.

Then after looking around and seeing that no one had appeared in front of him or in the distance, as no one would be alerted due to the really far distance of the valley from the human and cultivator settlements areas in the city, he chose to continue with the God-eyes appearance compulsion exercise that he was doing.

The thing is, he had an objective that he wanted to make three God-eyes appear before leaving this place that he had ruined beyond recognition. And fortunately for him, he was able to cause one to appear. Now, he wanted to move on into conjuring the other two, which he hopes that he would be able to do too, since he had no idea what the God-eyes were and what might cause them to appear.

"Earth control..." He began to utter repeatedly within himself while focusing upon his eyes to summon another God-eyes. And now, he understood that he had to add the word 'control' to some of the words that he had prepared on his way coming here, since he was focusing on the classical elements now. Then later, if he wasn't, he wouldn't use that control word.

After intense concentration, his eyes abruptly turned yellow. While anciently, occultic signs and symbols began to appear on the surface of the eyes one after the other.

Immediately the profound symbols were completed, a form of power to move the boundless earth and the entire world that he was in, suddenly erupted from that eyes in fathomless amounts, causing him intensely agonizing pain as if a powerful explosion of some sort took place within those bright yellow eyes now possessing mystifying inscriptions.

Then in that same instant, and since he couldn't really guide the unfathomable power of Earth Control that had suddenly discharged from the God-eyes to do what he wanted, the earth around him which the ruined massive valley also stood upon, began to shake terribly, giving the horrifying feeling that some raging, primitive monstrous beasts wanted to tear out from millions of feet deep within the earth.

However, the trembling of earth didn't stop here.

As the eyes were God-eyes, even though they were sealed up to only release the tiniest fractions of their powers, they were still bound to unleash some sort of power that would awe and terrify immortals themselves.

So, the trembling of the earth quickly extended from the valley to the city, then to the surrounding cities before thousands of cracks began to abruptly surface all over the their lands, which then began to grow wide in size with every split of a passing second.

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