A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 251: The Final Duel. Domineering!

Chapter 251: The Final Duel. Domineering!





Four bang sounds rang out as the huge rays of swordforce energy struck the four puppets, launching them into the distance of about twelve feet away.

Remaining in the air, Alex quickly switched his sword to a huge hammer. And once he did so, the summoned large treasure-hammer in his hand began to glare, as a bright, harsh light began to emit from a voidstone plugged into the socket of the hammer.

This glaring light was from a massive array in the voidstone that was plugged into the socket of the hammer. It had begun to operate.

A few seconds later, huge amount of metalforce energy abruptly discharged from the voidstone plugged into the hammer. Then being infused with Alex's profound comprehension of a hammer battle-technique called 'Descent of the Heavenly Warhammer Sundering Hammer strike', A powerful variant battle-method from the 'World Breaking Golden Overlord fist' methodology which he used to cultivate strengthforce energy, the metalforce energy abruptly condensed and shaped into massive hammer that seemed to hide the sky and conceal the earth in it vast shadow.

Once it formed, the hammer shot to the earth, to the place where the puppets were knocked to by the four gigantic rays of swordforce energy.


The earth shook and deeply ruptured. Then in the next instant, a towering seismic wave of extreme devastating power, surfaced and rushed into the distance in all directions. This wave moved with the power to shred or reduce all in it path to millions of bits.

The four puppets that were directly struck by the huge and extremely dense, metal-energy hammer, were instantly crushed into smithereens. While the earth beneath them, shattered in a ripple-like pattern into the distance, resulting in a wide and deep crater.

Before the powerful destructive wave could appear and sweep out with tremendous devastating power, Drille who could fathom the amount of damage that the descending colossal hammer would produce, quickly made the other seven puppets that were knocked away by Alex's heavy sword strikes to come flank him at all sides.

His intention was that they should encircle him and use their bodies to protect him from the destruction that would be caused by the enormous energy hammer when it tyrannically impacted the earth.

Although he was protected from the devastating power of the destructive wave, however, he and the seven puppets that surrounded him were shoved into the far distance by the wave that swept out with a lot of force.

It was good that their intense battles didn't occur where people lived, or a lot of mortals would have been destroyed by now.

Now that they were a bit far away from where the mortals resided in, the powerful shockwaves that were generated by the collisions of their energy-attacks, couldn't really do much damage to the structures of the homes of the ordinary humans. Except the ones with weak structures which directly collapsed to the ground, injuring only a few of the mortals.

Drille had been knocked to this location by his shield which furiously bashed into him when it shot out at a tremendous speed towards the large stream of huge swords which Alex sent at him to instantly kill him.

Drille stood from where he was knocked to with his puppets. Then he gazed at Alex who remained afloat in the sky.

After gazing intently at him, he took a deep breath.

'This guy. He's just so well equipped. Where the hell did he get his weapons from? They are so powerful! And how the hell does he know so many types of battle-methods? Who the fuck is he by the way?' He asked within himself.

"Bastard, why are you launching attacks from the air? If you are a true warrior, come down here and fight me on ground" Drille' s voice boomed to the sky.

Alex laughed.

"I am done fighting you on ground. If truly you are confident of your battle power, and that you are an epic genius of the Ancient Heavenly Cauldron academy who is worthy of not being displeased by gods themselves, come up here to fight me you stupid and foolish, fake genius" He said with a booming voice.


Drille laughed.

"Alright" He said to Alex.

Then he kept the seven puppets back into his spatial ring. And Immediately he did so, he took into the air at a great speed towards Alex.

Shooting towards Alex at an insane speed, he produced a metallic ball from his hand which he concealed very well from Alex.

The round ball of metal which he had just brought out from his spatial ring, had a voidstone plugged into a socket that it possessed.

Once the metallic ball appeared in his hand, the voidstone plugged into it began to operate as it generated a fiery glow.

Not long, when he felt that he was a bit close to Alex, he firmed up his arm muscles. Then with all the strength that he could possibly muster, he hurled the concealed metal ball in his hand at Alex and then quickly dashed back to the earth at the greatest speed that he could reach.

Alex who could perceive the movement of everything in slow motion, saw the ball of metal shoot towards him at a decelerated speed. After noticing what kind of object that was, his heart shook. Then he tried to quickly fly away from the object that was now in his proximity at the fastest speed that he could attain.

Unleashing tremendous amounts of tribulation flame-enhanced pyroforce energy from his feet, and tribulation wind-enhanced windforce energy from his hands in a rapid and continuous fashion like that of a jet, he shot away at a great speed that would awe gods themselves.

However, two seconds later...


A deafening explosion occurred and a wave of devastating fiery energy was released, which then swept outwards in all directions with a force that would possibly reduce everything in path to the tiniest fragments, and a terrible heat that would instantly turn all things to cinders.

Alex wasn't in the blast range any longer due to the high speed that he shot away with. However, the released devastating blast wave which also carried a lot of heat that could melt many tons of steel in an instant, and the highly destructive air which would instantly shatter mountains into fragments, still got to Alex despite the extreme, evading flight speed that he achieved. Now acting on him, they shoved him into the far distance with a lot of force and with a lot of heat.

Crashing into the earth at about sixty feet away, burns could be seen all over his body. Also, hundreds of charred cracks could be seen, which then began to fall off from his body to the ground. He simply had been seriously affected by the terrific, heat-bearing blast wave produced by the great fiery explosion.

Groaning loud in pain, he quickly produced healing pills which he swallowed. This then turned into healforce energy that spread to every inch of his body and invoked rapid healing.

Not long, he was fine again.

By the time he would stand to his feet, Drille appeared in front of him with an evil smile.

'Tyrant Beheading Ghostly Sword Slash'

Then with an insane speed, he appeared extremely fast in front of Alex like a ghost and then greatly struck out with his sword towards Alex's neck.


The heavy treasure-sword Drille powerfully struck out with towards Alex's neck, missed it by many seconds, as Alex who could perceive everything in slow motion because of his speed-perception energy, dodged the powerfully swung sword which now appeared extremely slow in his eyes.

Now lying on the ground with his back, and with great shock in his eyes that Drille wanted to actually behead him, an anger surfaced in his heart.

'Time to end this!'

Then he pushed himself back to his feet using only his back. Then also with an insane speed, he arrived before Drille who he caught like a rat in his powerful hand.

Once he grabbed Drille by the neck, he lifted him up and slammed him heavily to the ground.



Drille who didn't have a tough body as Alex, couldn't endure the intense pain that he was inflicted with when he was viciously slammed to the ground.

Then with a sudden leap to a great height in the air, Alex plummeted to the earth back at high speed and landed with his feet directly on Drille's chest with tremendous force.



Drille screamed out in pain when Alex landed on him. However, he couldn't scream out loud as his chest instantly deeply caved in, and the air that were in his lungs, were forcefully expelled from them because of the insanely heavy stomp upon him by Alex who was furious.

Stepping down from his chest, Alex powerfully swung a leg towards Drille's chest.


Like a ball played with foot, he was kicked off into the far distance. Then he crashed into the earth there and sustained more internal and external injuries.

Alex dashed towards where he landed and kicked Drille hard again like a ball to a farther distance.


He was hurled into the far distance by the powerful, hard kick sent towards him.


With a great speed, Alex arrived where he was. He then carried him off the ground and into the air.

Now gazing at Drille wickedly, he said "The genius you are"

He then clenched his hand into a fist and sent it at Drille's caved-in chest.


Large amount of blood shot out like a spray from Drille's mouth towards Alex who wasn't bothered by it in any way.

He even loved the blood as it sprayed on him, staining him all over.

Then he sent out a heavier and faster punch!


His fist simply penetrated through Drille's chest to the back.

Then he removed his arm which had totally pierced through Drille's chest, creating a fist-sized hole in it.

"You made a great mistake secretly coming to me and without a back-up. If not that I am being hindered from utilizing my true powers, do you think your battle power can match up to mine? Your foolish arrogance, lack of proper battle preparation, and the lack of the careful study and identification of your enemy's strengths, has resulted in your miserable death that would happen soon. Who knows, we could have been good friends, but gazing your filthy eyes upon my woman, and then having terrible and profaning thoughts about her, is something that has brought total damnation upon you" Alex coldly said.

Then he continued with a mischievous and naughty smile in his face "If you have anything to say to your sister whom I am going to conquer, make hundreds of men roughly fuck like the whore that she truly is, and then turn her into ashes, say it now before I execute you!"

But not even giving Drille the chance to say anything, a large blade immediately appeared in Alex's hand which he then powerfully swung at Drille's neck.


Drille's head was instantly cut off from his neck which then fell to the ground beside Alex.

Alex released his grasp from Drille's headless and cold body which then fell lifelessly to the ground.

Then after removing his spatial ring and storing it into his dad's spatial necklace, he set his cold, stiff body on fire which then rapidly burned to ashes by the extremely consuming destructive fire, which as it continually burned ferociously, created a deep, body-sized hole in the ground in the area that it burnt at.

Alex then picked up Drille's head which had an anguished expression in it and went on his way.

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