1-Second Invincible Player in the Game

Chapter 15

1-Second Invincible Player In The Game 15

15. The Mine (2)

“Let’s see you try.”

As I spoke mockingly, Aria blinked.

“Excuse me?”

“I said try it, didn’t I? I’m curious to see what will happen.”

“No, but… I just told you. The Duke won’t leave you alone. You’ll be pushed back in the line of succession. Don’t you understand?”

“I wonder if you can even say that?”

Aria closed her mouth as if challenging me to say more.

“Your family’s secret might leak out.”

Although the current time is invisible to users, I was aware of Aria’s weakness.

Why was she engaging in dangerous trades with a scoundrel like Hershel, secretly buying up iron ore?

Hadn’t there been such a statement in Aria’s dialogue log before?

– Bought a lot with the money earned from hoarding before the announcement, what else.

“You’re not hiding it, are you? The Dungeon Tower.”

The Dungeon Tower, which is said to create a market area as soon as it’s discovered.

Looking at the timeline, it’s set to be announced to the public a year from now.

Dellergo’s narrative began in the bustling Dungeon Tower, like an amusement park that has just opened, so it’s certain.

Currently, they were hiding the existence of the Dungeon Tower found in the barren lands of their domain.

The moment it’s announced, adventurers will flock, and the demand for weapons and armor will skyrocket, causing iron ore prices to surge several times over.

Orbella, with her keen sense of money, wouldn’t just sit idly by.

It was an opportunity to make a solid profit.

Stockpiling iron ore at its fair price before the announcement, and selling it at a high price after the announcement a year later, would surely yield an enormous profit.

“If I were to blabber, wouldn’t it complicate hoarding?”

If it were revealed that a noble lady like Aria from a major faction was secretly buying iron ore, would the leeches who caught the scent really stay quiet?

This was why Aria had chosen an easy-to-handle fool like Hershel and was secretly hoarding a large amount of iron ore.

I looked into Aria’s eyes and burned ‘the last embers of noble blood’ to their maximum.

“Go ahead, say it. It might be fun to die together.”

Aria was in a bind too.

If the secret leaked, her standing within the family would be greatly shaken.

“Or shall I speak on your behalf?”


Aria chewed on her lip.

* * *

Just as he said, the family was hoarding iron ore.

Quietly gathering it under the water, aiming for the time when demand would surge, how much profit would be generated if sold at the right time?

Especially if the demand was generated by the Dungeon Tower, its monetary value would be immeasurable.

‘How did he know? Was there a clue in the words I uttered?’

It might just be a simple guess. He attached a plausible reason for the unnatural purchase of iron ore, and it just happened to fit.

But for that drunken fool to come up with such a conjecture, even if it’s a wild guess.

It was like the shock of discovering the village idiot who was mocked turned out to be a genius, and it was all an act.

That’s exactly how Aria felt.

“Your speculation is too far-fetched. How can you hide something as massive as a dungeon tower? Is that even plausible?”

She countered Hershel’s guess with realistic evidence, but his smirk didn’t fade.

“It’s possible in a wasteland. Surely there’s a deserted mountain range in the southwestern territory of Orvella?”

Aria’s gaze wavered.

Just as Hershel said, a dungeon tower had risen in the worthless mountain range, where no valuable resources were found, and which was often shrouded in thick fog, deterring visitors.

She had to admit that the man before her knew it all.

‘Was it not mere speculation… The location is precise. Where did the information come from…?’

The question was for later. What mattered was that the opposition had taken the high ground.

Even if Hershel’s secret was exposed, he might lose his place in the succession line, but he would retain his noble status.

But Aria herself would lose everything. She had her own complex circumstances.

“Just so you know, I have no intention of gaining an upper hand in negotiations or extorting anything. What I really want is to end this deal.”

With a groan of resignation, Aria let out a sigh as if she had given up.

“It seems you’ve gathered all the money you needed. Fine. This deal is over now.”

Insisting on gold of small volume but high value clearly meant it was intended for stockpiling. It was a logical inference and response, but Hershel seemed lost in thought upon hearing it.

After a while, Hershel spoke up.

“Aria. How long do you plan to stay here?”

“Well, I was thinking of leaving as soon as the deal is done…”

“It would be a shame to leave empty-handed, wouldn’t it? Wait until tomorrow morning. Let’s make another deal.”

Scrape. The sound of a chair being pushed back accompanied Hershel as he stood up.

“Wait a minute. You have to answer about the dungeon tower! Where are you going!?”

Aria called out to Hershel as he left the room, but he only left her with a brief remark.

“Off to treasure hunt.”

* * *

I immediately went to find the person in charge.

The dormitory’s dining hall where the workers stayed. The person in charge was alone at the table, leisurely sipping his drink, perhaps because it was the peak of work hours.

As I approached, the person in charge greeted me with a flushed face.

“Have you arrived, young master? Did the deal go smoothly?”

“Where is it?”

Thrown off by my blunt question, the person in charge looked bewildered, but I didn’t care.

“The place where I’ve hidden the slush fund. You must know.”

“Yes, yes? Oh, my goodness, young master. What are you talking about? I am content with my share!”

It was a simple question, but the person in charge kept bowing his head, flustered. He must have thought I was accusing him of coveting my slush fund.

But he’s not denying it. Maybe I should press the atmosphere a bit more?

I grimaced fiercely, letting the embers of my anger flare unchecked. I felt a bit sorry, but I grabbed the person in charge by the collar.

“Stop beating around the bush and tell me. Do you think it makes sense that you, the person in charge here, wouldn’t know?”

“Oh no, not at all! I knew you were frequenting the abandoned mine at night, but I never harbored such thoughts!”

“Abandoned mine?”

“I’ve warned the miners not to go near it because of the risk of collapse! I swear it’s true!”

So Hershel had indeed hidden the slush fund in the abandoned mine here. It would have been impossible to bring the stashed money to the mansion…

But why would a wealthy young master who has plenty of money gather funds?

He seemed to have taken care of women and alcohol with family money, but what was his purpose?

It was bound to be a malicious intent, but for now, it was something I couldn’t figure out.

I let go of the person in charge’s collar and brushed my face to shake off the stray thoughts.

Documents can be discarded, but the more tangible evidence of slush funds is like a time bomb that could go off at any moment.

Yes… A time bomb that could blow me up.

I can’t calm down.

What am I supposed to do with this?

Just in time, there’s Aria, the bomb disposal expert. I have to find her quickly and use her efficiently for profitable endeavors.

As a truly upright citizen, I really don’t want to use something like slush funds, but I’m in a situation where I have no choice.

“…Did something good happen?”

Suddenly, Selly appeared with a disgusted look and asked me. Ah, was I smiling without realizing it?

“It’s nothing. I think I need to look around the mine, but where are the guards?”

“Those two? They’re already drunk and staggering around.”

They… It hasn’t been long since they left their post, and already? My head started to throb.

“…What about the coachman?”

“He must be tired; he went straight to the lodging. But when I went to deliver some snacks earlier, he wasn’t there.”

This is not good. I don’t know what kind of danger might occur while exploring the abandoned mine, and the two guards are drunk and staggering.

And I can’t just take this little kid into such a gloomy place…

What should I do?

“Is the treasure hunt over?”

Then, from behind, I heard Aria’s voice. She must have been looking for me, as her forehead was sweaty.

“Isn’t this more like a game of tag than a treasure hunt…”

Dellerga muttered in annoyance. Suddenly, Aria grabbed my sleeve tightly.

“I don’t know if it’s a deal or what, but I’m not letting go until you tell me!”


Is that so?

* * *

Inside the tunnel, there was no proper lighting, but since everyone had lamps, there was no problem moving forward.

Amidst the silence broken only by the footsteps of the four of us, Aria grumbled.

“Why did we come in here? There was a ‘No Entry’ sign earlier…”

“You were the one who said you’d follow.”

“I said I would go if you just answered how you knew.”

That’s not possible. Of course, you wouldn’t believe it, but it would be troublesome if you saw everything and left. This is more about Dellerga than Aria.

“Sir, the lady’s stubbornness is no joke. It would be better for both of us if you just answer quickly.”

Dellorger yawned languidly as he spoke. His expression was not one of loyalty, but one for his own convenience.

I knew what kind of person he was, but facing him in reality rather than through text or graphics felt strangely surreal.

[Dellorger Radis]


◆The Patronage of Atape, King of Sloth◆

Ω If you finish quickly, you can rest more, right?

Stats grow at twice the speed.

Always spend at least 10 hours a day in a lethargic state.


◇Crescent Moon Slash◇

◇Cat’s Footsteps◇

◇Killing Intent Detection◇

There are blessings that give mercy without a price, but there are also bizarre blessings from twisted beings like Atape.

Dellorger, whose personality was even affected, was a prime victim of such a blessing.

Not just the blessing, but his unique upbringing meant he started the scenario with a fully formed base character.

He was a character I personally didn’t prefer in the game due to many behavioral restrictions, but at this moment, there was no better ally than him.


It was when we passed a large cave and came to a fork in the road. Among the piled materials, I saw a wooden box. Could it be? But it seemed too conspicuous to be just lying there…

Approaching the box, I opened it to find something wrapped in paper. Peeling back the paper revealed several fist-sized spherical objects.

Aria, squatting behind me, came closer and said,

“Looks like blasting explosives. What are these for?”


Are these used for expanding the tunnels?

They weren’t the embezzled funds I was looking for, but suddenly I had an idea and asked,

“How do we set these off?”

Aria picked up a fuse from inside the box.

“Just connect it here and light it up, and it’ll explode, right?”

“…You didn’t bring me here to suit your strange hobbies, did you, sir?”

…To be treated like a mad bomber, unbelievable.

It wasn’t the first time Selly had been treated this way, so she brushed it off lightly and stood up.

Suddenly, turning to look at Delluger, I noticed he had turned his head to gaze back at the entrance we had come through.

The path we had taken was dark, revealing nothing, but Delluger’s dark eyes were quietly fixated on something.

He muttered softly, “A treasure hunt, they said.”

It seemed something had triggered his sense of danger. Without another word, I hurried my steps, and Delluger followed, whispering into my ear, “Just so you don’t get your hopes up, don’t think of using me. I don’t like troublesome matters.”

His voice was chilling, befitting someone from ‘Ashen’ origins, sending a shiver down my spine.

But it didn’t matter. Delluger’s mere presence was pressure enough.

Besides, if push came to shove, I could always use this slacker as my personal bodyguard sword.

I simply shrugged my shoulders in response.

We chose our path, encountered dead ends, returned to the crossroads, and took different turns several times. Leading the way, Selly said, “Sir, this way is blocked.”


This time, instead of a dead end, we found a tunnel blocked by planks.

It looked like a cave that had been blocked for a good reason.

Approaching the blocked cave, I peeked inside. The narrow cave was empty, but a blanket spread out on the floor looked suspicious to anyone’s eyes.

Hershel, you’ve hidden it in such a shabby place.

Now, what to do?

I couldn’t let the mistress find out about the slush fund, and there was no sign of the leech that must be somewhere around here, especially with Delluger on guard.

Well, I’ll have to take some risks. Fortunately, I have a trump card I can use right now.

I turned to my companions and said, “Let’s return to the lodging.”

“What? After dragging us all the way here-“

“I’ll give you a clean explanation about the source of the information tomorrow morning, so let’s head back now.”

Aria clicked her tongue in displeasure but turned away, knowing that throwing a tantrum would be futile.


I called out to Delluger, who was about to walk with me, and whispered something into his ear.

“What are you, exactly?”

At that, the always languid Delluger’s eyes widened as large as lanterns. He opened his eyes, which were now as dark as the abyss, burying any trace of his usual lethargy.

“I hope this is no jest, young master.”





Late evening. Back at the abandoned mine, work is underway.

Using a rope, I slowly tied the explosives. I attached the detonator, shaped like a giant nail, into the hollowed-out wall and inserted the explosives into the crevice.

‘Slowly. Carefully.’

As I muttered to myself like a hypnotic chant, Donatan asked,

“What have you been doing all this time, Hershel?”

It seems I inadvertently spoke to him without thinking.

After the contract, I can now divide my words into those I wish to convey through practice and the soliloquies I want to rant alone…

But I’m still not used to it, so I occasionally make such blunders.

“Setting up a trap. Why? Will you help?”

“Don’t even think of sullying my honor with such menial tasks fit only for underlings.”

And yet he’s nosy.

Even though he has no way to help.

It wasn’t a particularly labor-intensive task, but in my haste to finish, sweat formed on my forehead.

After completion, I wonder how long I waited.

Thud─ Thud─

The sound of rather large footsteps, presumably of an adult male, could be heard.

When I directed the lamp forward, a familiar middle-aged man was slowly walking towards me.

“So you’re finally alone.”

“What, I chose to be alone on purpose.”

“You don’t seem too surprised.”

The coachman chewed on a piece of jerky he pulled from his pocket. It looked quite natural. As if he was simply snacking during a break from menial work.

“I saw it when you took that thing earlier. Your hands are too clean for someone who handles reins.”

“Oh… It seems my disguise was a bit flawed. I’ll take note for next time.”

He brought his hand under his chin and peeled off the skin of his face. Another face was revealed underneath. I wasn’t surprised, as I had expected it.

“I wonder if there will be a next time?”

I gripped the lamp in my hand with force.

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