Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 130: Countdown (6), Descent on the Lightdusk Region

Chapter 130: Countdown (6), Descent on the Lightdusk Region

'So that's the idea, eh? Sounds great, Gachapi. But before that, let's finish the brewing trouble in the central Lightdusk region.'

'I don't want to fight Narazar while some nasty assholes brew trouble on this continent,' Aleron's eyes flashed and he teleported away, directly arriving in the Crystal Spires of Auroraville.



Everyone felt his presence and lined up before him after breaking their training session. They knew that time was tight and their Master might need their assistance at any time.

Aleron felt multiple presences of power monsters up ahead deeper in this crystallized region. "I want three people out with me to finish some work, so Judging from your progress..." Well, everyone wanted to come, but ultimately, Aleron decided on Yueha, Enorin, and Mei as these three were the strongest.

"The rest of you, continue training. We are going to get busy later, so power up as much as you can."


Aleron arrived in the room where Rias had woken up and was eating food at the table brought by Roxen from the chef.

"Rias, I need your presence with me. There's some work to do that Goddess Church and the Lightdusk Academy."

"Roxen told me about the Holy Warriors. Is it related to them?"

"Yeah. Finish eating and then I'll teleport you outside."


Aleron left and arrived on the ship with Enorin, Yueha, and Mei.

"Master, I didn't tell others anything about what happened here recently," Yueha said.

"What happened?" Enorin frowned.

Aleron's eyes glinted with soul force as he directly sent memories of what happened to Enorin and Mei.

Instantly, both of them exploded with anger.

How dare they attempt to tarnish their Master like that?!

"We have to fix the problems there, so let's get you powered up before that. I've already decided which Symbios Gear is suitable for each of you, so here you go."

Aleron took out three rings as they flew toward Yueha, Enorin, and Mei.

Primalist Lumisyl Symbios Gear.

Ecliptic Pyroshade Symbios Gear.

Frostbane Eliusis Symbios Gear.

"This...so strange," Mei blinked as she grabbed the Ecliptic Pyroshade ring, its fiery red structure with black patterns and a burning eye with black pupils blinked at her.

[Ecliptic Pyroshade] - Symbios Gear

Level: 1

Attributes: Shadow, Fire, Pyroshade.

Gear Forms:

-1. Shadow Blaze Set: Ranger armor and Gunblade.

-2. Pyroshade Ecliptic Cannon.

Symbios Perks:

->50% +100,000 Physical stats.

->50% +100,000 Magic stats.

->50% +100,000 Soul stats.

Symbios Trait:

-> Eclipse Fury: You will occasionally lose your sense of vision and touch while getting overwhelmed by darkness, rendering you disabled. But if you overcome and resist the effects, you may comprehend the Eclipse Fury concept eventually.

"So powerful?" Mei's eyes sparkled.

Enorin and Yueha checked the rings and were also shocked.

"Wear it and feed a bit of your blood to them to bind," Aleron smiled.

The three of them quickly wore the rings and fed a bit of their blood to the rings as their auras surged and symbiosis began.

"So this also gives us an Anomaly attribute on top of the chance to comprehend a Concept," Enorin muttered as her eyes shone with prism light as she bound with the Symbios Gear."

[Primalist Lumisyl]-Symbios Gear

Level: 1

__Attributes: -Light, Crystal, Lumisyl.

Gear Forms:

—1. Primal Radiant Set: Light Armor and Heavy Broadsword.

-2. Luminal Blossom Harpoon.

Symbios Perks:

->50% +100,000 Physical stats.

->50% +100,000 Magic stats.

->50% +100,000 Soul stats.

Symbios Trait:

-> Prism Scope: Your vision will split and break, showing multiple views that will confuse you, but if you resist and overcome the effect, you may comprehend the Prism Scope concept.

"With this much of a boost, we are not losing against anyone below Ascension rank, Master," Yueha smiled, her eyes clearly thrilled.

[Frostbane Eliusis]-Symbios Gear

Level: 1

_Attributes: Ice, Death, Frostbane.

Gear Forms:

-1. Glacial Majesty Set: Robe and Longsword.

2. Eliusis Crystal Crossbow.

Symbios Perks:

->50% +100,000 Physical stats.

->50% +100,000 Magic stats.

->50% +100,000 Soul stats.

Symbios Trait:

-> Eliusis Render: Your emotions may become indifferent and volatile, detaching yourself from others in instances, but if you resist and overcome this, you may comprehend Eliusis

Render eventually.

"Alright, it's time to make the move," Aleron said before his eyes reflected the scenery of Central Lightdusk region and the flying ship vanished in the next second, appearing right

above the Goddess Church.

Aleron knew those three Holy Warriors were still here, so he waved his hand and enacted a barrier covering 500 kilometers of the area by consuming 500 million Magilore.

This barrier of 500 million Magilore was ten times more powerful than with his Magic potency now at 100,000 compared to the previous 10,000.

"Show off your auras and attract the big shots," Aleron said as he looked below at the church.

He didn't float up too high because he wanted people to see.

Indeed, the entire Goddess church was alarmed with powerful auras of Yueha, Enorin, and Mei descending over them.

It wasn't long before an army of 50 Exceed-rank powerhouses clad in metallic armor flew up,

but their body language clearly showed fear.

"Get out, holy warriors!"

Aleron shouted as he flew out of the ship and faced the Exceed-rank holy knights. Yueha and

others followed as they floated beside him.

"I have no business with you lot," Aleron placidly said to the group of knights, "It's better

you all go down...but not all of you."

"Kill those that have marks of red and black," Aleron's eyes flashed.

In the next second, Yueha, Mei, and Enorin each made a single move, killing 17 holy knights in

the next second.

Aleron grabbed their souls and sent them inside while the terrified holy knights quickly

escaped below.


Amelia, Rofus, and Kaza gathered in the courtyard before looking up. Their gaze instantly

met with Aleron and the trio.


__Lifeform: Primeval-rank/High-stage

Bloodline: Crystal Titan Behemoth-Primeval-rank

|-Physical Status:

- [Strength: 499k+50% +30% ]

[Agility: 498k +50% +30% ]

- [Health: 499k+50% +30% ]

- [Stamina: 499k+50% + 30% ]

|-Arcane Status:

- [Magic Potency: 500k + 50% +30% ]

- [Mana Pool: 500k +50% + 30% ]

-Soul Status:

- [Soul Potency: 500k +50% + 30% ]

- [Soul Energy/force: 500k+ 50% +30% ]

'She is powerful, almost at the peak of Primeval-rank,' Aleron thought. 'The question is, what

trump cards do they have?'

"It seems we have a clear answer as to who killed those two now," Amelia narrowed her eyes

before her figure was donned into a powerful Primeval-rank armor.

The other two also adorned their respective Primeval-rank armors.

In the next moment, they flew up and stopped ten meters across Aleron. "Your plan failed, what are you going to do now?" Aleron coldly asked while his eyes judged

them as black skull marks appeared above their heads. "Pieces of trash."

The public gathering below was shocked.

"Did he just call holy warriors as pieces of trash?"

"That guy....isn't he the famous Punisher that's been the talk since yesterday?"

"What's going on? Why is he here?"

"I gotta have to record this. Fortunately, I have an unused Mirage crystal."

Goddess Church was situated in one of the most populated and powerful cities, although it was not a trading center, it was the center of resources due to the surroundings having two Labyrinths-Underworld Infernal Labyrinth and Grand Rado Labyrinth.

The latter remained closed most of the time as it was more dangerous, but it was going to

open after eight days. As such, many powerhouses along with all summoned heroes were gathering in this region.

"Do you know what are you doing, heretic?" Ame asked, her expression indifferent she pointed her sword at the three. "The sin-"

"Cut the crap about that," Aleron interrupted sharply while Yueha, Mei, and Enorin floated

forward while baring their weapons toward the Holy Warriors. They isolated their real power to prevent them from checking their true stats to make the enemy less cautious.

'We might have to use more than one trump card. Tell that pope to be ready to activate the formation,' Amelia informed a person below.

"Are you sure you want to fight here and put other people in danger?" Rofus frowned as he

looked below.

Aleron vanished from his spot and appeared below in the square before conjuring a sofa chair akin to a throne and sitting on it.

He covered the entire city in a barrier before saying, "Nothing will happen no one, except if I

want something to happen."

Aleron also finished scanning the three holy knights completely and created a sort of live power-measuring skill before sharing the data with the Yueha and others.

'They are not that weak, so don't be careless. A momentary mistake can cost us big and I don't want to lose any of you,' Aleron relayed before he also enacted a gamble.

'I believe you three can defeat the holy warriors without my assistance and....without

suffering a single injury or losing a clash of skills even once.'

Yueha, Enorin, and Mei were startled. They already knew that their Master could gamble and

it was important that he win the gamble. As such, after the initial surprise, the trio was

thrilled to make their Master win this gamble.

'We shall do just that, master,' Enorin smiled.

'We will win for you,' Mei's eyes sharpened.

Yueha pointed her Glacian Eliusis Sword at Amelia and coldly smiled, "Make your move."

Aleron had sent them the stats of the Holy warriors, and after seeing them, Yueha, Enorin,

and Mei were determined to win the gamble their Master had enacted.


__Physical status:

-Strength: 898,200

-Agility: 896,400 -Health: 898,200 -Stamina: 898,200

Arcane status:

-Magic Potency: 900,000 -Mana Pool: 900,000

--> Main Arcane Syllabus: Enhance level 10, Earth level 9, Darkness level 9, Level 8 Space.

Soul status:

-Soul Potency: 900,000

-Soul Energy/Force: 900,000

The other two were weaker than Amelia in physical stats, but their Magic potency and soul potency were at 900k as well.

In comparison, Yueha, Enorin, and Mei were far higher in terms of stats. However, there was one thing the trio fell short against Amelia. This bitch had two Arcane

syllabi at level 9, and one at level 10, which was non-element, but powerful nonetheless. She also had Space syllabi, which would prove troublesome, but fortunately, it was at level 8. 'Yue, Eno, Mei. You will be affected by Symbios Trait, but make sure you resist it. I know you

can do it, I believe in you,' Aleron encouraged the trio as he knew his words were the best tonic for it.

As the fight was on the cusp of starting, Elysia Gothwing grabbed popcorn with anticipation and eagerness in her eyes.

'This bastard never fails to surprise me. What the hell were those rings? How can he get such

absurd items? The rings felt alive and had a strange source in them that I'd never seen before." "Give me a good show, kiddos."

Yuzu sat beside her and grabbed some of the popcorn from Elysia, "What do you think will

happen, goddess? Young master Aleron can't make a move, right?"

Elysia glanced at Yuzu, but ignored her impudent attitude and answered, "Those three have a

good trump card stationed in my church, so I'm not sure."

"It depends on their new power and their capability to improvise during combat."

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