The Exalt Cultivation Fantasy

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 101: The Raeven Family

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 101: The Raeven Family

The next two days passed in silence. Oscar and the others kept to themselves, isolating themselves in their rooms to lick their wounds and rest. The atmosphere was solemn as Celestina was still in her coma.

Thanks to Abraham's powers, the airship sailed faster than before. After the initial conversation, Oscar never saw Abraham in the open. Abraham spent nearly all of the time in Celestina's room to stabilize her condition.

Every moment counted to get Celestina better. She was not in danger of death, but as the princess, she needed to be woken and healed as soon as possible.

Within the confines of her treatment room, Abraham was pouring in a steady amount of his own Ein. His eyes were closed as he observed and watched over her.

"Her core is barely responding to my Ein. Just how far did she push herself? She should know that the 'Awaken' should not be used recklessly." Abraham mumbled as he surged more Ein to stir up her core.

Normally with this amount of Ein, everyone on the ship would be reeling from its effects, but Abraham had set up a barrier to stop the fluctuations from escaping this room.

"There it is."

Celestina's index finger moved ever so slightly that it would be indiscernible to any ordinary person, but Abraham was fully focused on every tiny fiber of her being. Following this small movement, her core pulsed and started to hum.

It changed from its dark and stagnant state to a small dim light that flickered within. Inside the core, the outline of a large crystalline dragon could be seen. Its eyes trembled slightly.

"Good. I can only do this much to rouse her. The rest will have to be done at the Raeven Duchy." Abraham let out a sigh of relief and stroked his beard. He had been trying for two days, and his efforts finally bore fruit.

"Oh?" Abraham exited, locking the room, and went up on the deck where the crew was lively. "It appears we have arrived."

His voice was controlled and boomed into the rooms of Oscar and the others. They quickly joined him on the deck.

Oscar stepped onto the deck. His face looked exhausted and dreary from struggling with his anger and sadness at his own weakness. However, the sight from the top of the airship brightened his face.

It was strange and unbelievable scenery.

It was a vast wintery highland with the white snow contrasting against the black dirt of the ground and mountains. The cold winds blew furiously, freezing the tips of Oscar's obsidian hair.

But the true wonder was the mountains. They were all in the shape of swords. From the thinnest blades to the thickest broadswords. From the longest sabers to the shortest blades. From the curved cutlasses to the straight claymores. So many mountains, all of them akin to blades at the ready.

"Welcome to the Raeven Duchy." Phillip said to everyone.

"It's amazing…." Oscar uttered in wonder.

Abraham went off to the side to instruct the crew where to land.

"Why are they all in the shapes of swords?" Oscar asked.

"They were carved into these shapes by the various members of the Raevens for generations." Phillip answered to everyone's stunned faces. "Every person that reaches the Knight Exalt realm starts carving their sword out of the mountain."

"Why?" Oscar asked again. What purpose lay in doing this?

"Every single mountain contains the will of the person that carved it. They pour all their efforts and Ein into shaping the mountain with great care. The mountains themselves exude the pressure and intent of the person." Phillip explained. "When a Raeven awakens their anima, it's always a sword. With the sword in hand, they train and learn on a mountain that resembles their blade. If there is none, they will be the carvers of a new legacy."

"Being on the mountain helps to delve deeper into the ways of swordsmanship and the use of Ein. The 'Raeven Sword Techniques' is all-encompassing but requires the person to understand their sword."

"Something that you clearly lack." Abraham suddenly barged into Phillip's introduction.

"Grandfather!" Phillip tensed up with his back straight like a child caught making trouble.

"All of your training shall commence on True Sword Peak. Even if you do not wield a sword, it is still fruitful to train there. The pressure of the mountains will help you master your Ein." Abraham eyed the children with great pressure.

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"True Sword Peak?!" Phillip was shocked.

"What is True Sword Peak?"

"True Sword Peak is the origin of Raeven." Abraham stopped Phillip from answering. "Normally, I would not allow outsiders to enter, but as companions of the princess, you will train here."

The airship continued to ride through the harsh snowy winds. Everyone else was reeling from the cold that sank into their bones.

Oscar recalled the feeling of being in the Abyss Prison, on the cold stone floors, while being beaten to death.

Suddenly, the storms settled, and the skies cleared, showing the two suns beating down on the tundra. In the center of this calm space was the largest mountain that pierced the skies like a heavenly sword. On the foot of the mountain was a city of stone surrounded by large stone walls with sword sculptures protruding from every corner.

"Welcome to the home of the Raeven Family." Abraham stated. "That is True Sword Peak in the center."

Oscar felt their descent as the city became larger. When they landed, several people began to crowd over. They were dressed plainly, like Phillip and Abraham, without any protection against the cold.

These people were the vassals and citizens of the Raeven Duchy. They were long accustomed to the long cold in this northern region. They all bowed in reverence to Abraham as he exited the airship, shouting, "Respect to our lord."

Oscar looked down at the floating pad, which was lifting Celestina up by his side.

Celestina was still unconscious. Her disguise had long since run out of its course, revealing her true silver hair.

Abraham led them to the largest stone castle by the mountainside. The Raeven Family estate. The guards by its entrance bowed and opened the doors to let their master in.

"Welcome back, my lord and young master." A proper well-dressed man in a suit welcomed them. He looked old with wrinkles and a small bed of white hair. His glasses glinted as he brought up his white-gloved hands to adjust them.

He was the steward of the Raeven Family, going by the name of Tom. He had served the Raevens for many generations.

"Tom. How were things in my absence." Abraham asked. His heavy broadsword made his steps sound heavy on the stone floor.

"All is well. The madam was wondering when you would be back." Tom answered with an elderly smile. "The children are also training as usual."

"Good. Prepare a list of all the items on this list. I need it to heal the princess." Abraham handed Tom a folded sheet.

"The princess?!" Tom's face broke out of his usual calm. "Right away!"

"Phillip, help our guests settle in. The training will begin tomorrow." Abraham disappeared somewhere with Celestina.

Oscar wanted to say something and go with him, but he was never given a chance.

"She'll be fine." Emily comforted him. "Leave it to a Marshal Exalt to help her. She's also strong; she'll be back up in no time."

Oscar nodded and followed Phillip's lead.

The great halls of the Raeven Estate were not so pristine or marbled as the Pavilion. It had a rustic look, with lines of torches burning brightly to lit the halls. Great tapestries of people wielding swords hung from the walls.

"These are figures of our ancestors and their great deeds. It is all recorded in the woven cloth." Phillip put his hand, weaving through the fabric.

"Great deeds, yes. Is there a great deed in the future of someone who forgets to greet his family?" A soft feminine voice resounded through the halls.

A woman stepped forward in front of Oscar and the others. She had a pair of grey eyes and dull red hair.

Oscar was reminded of the Grand Commander, Margaret Ward, looking into those sharp, dignified grey eyes. The difference was her older appearance compared to the Grand Commander.

"Grandmother!" Phillip walked up with a smile and bowed slightly.

"Come here, my sweet boy." Phillip's grandmother hugged Phillip dearly. "Why don't you introduce your friends to me."

Phillip turned and introduced each one of them. His grandmother smiled and nodded to each person, staring at them deeply. Oscar felt uncomfortable, as though he was being squeezed.

Feye's eyebrows perked up slightly at Oscar's reaction.

"Everyone, this is my grandmother, Feye Raeven. She is the younger sister of the Grand Commander."

Oscar muttered, "So that's why I had a strange feeling."

"Don't worry. I am not as strict as my sister." Feye chuckled, but her eyes contained a hint of intimidation. She was a powerful Greater Knight Exalt. "Just don't cause any trouble in my home."

"We will make sure not to!" Oscar and the others bowed.

"Where's everyone else?" Phillip asked.

"Your father and mother are off on a journey to the south. Your uncles and aunts have been called to aid in military training near the capital. Your younger cousins are training their hardest on the sword mountains." Feye explained.

"Military training?" Phillip asked.

"Is it for the other people who were rejected by the Pavilion?" Oscar asked.

"Yes. The Raevens have always been in the service of the crown and led armies. That military school is not cutting corners to train the others." Feye answered. "The branch members are tending to their own places."

"So that's why it's so empty here." Phillip looked a bit sad. He hoped to find a festive welcome for him and his friends as they usually do.

"There's no helping it. Go rest now." Feye walked away, flanked by her maids.

Oscar got settled in his room with a soft bed and a roaring brazier of fire in the middle. The soft flickering of the flames slowly lulled him to sleep. Thoughts about Celestina's condition lingered in his mind.

'Hopefully, she'll get better soon.'


In the basement of the castle, Feye walked into a room with stone doors. Inside were Abraham and Tom.

"Dear. Is the princess alright?"

"We have made a bath of elixirs for her to soak in for as long as possible. The flames are also from the wood of the Souldew Trees. They will rouse her soul." Abraham answered as he lowered Celestina into the bath.

"I looked at each of the children, and they all seemed fine. None of them harbor any ill intentions." Feye's grey eyes brightened with power. She was capable of seeing into a person's heart and soul.

"One boy seemed to have a feeling of what I was doing. The Middle Apprentice Exalt boy. I wonder who he is?"

"That boy? He is an ordinary Grade Four Exolsia child. But he has an indomitable spirit. He did not back down but stared right at me." Abraham scoffed.

"No wonder. A strong will would react to my probing." Feye murmured.

"I need you to do something for me." Abraham poured in more vials of elixirs.


"Contact your sister and ask her about Elder Saul. I need to know who he is."


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