The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 402

Chapter 402 - Brotherinlaw Save Me!

Su Qiu emerged from the bathroom just then.

Xiao Chen was thoroughly enjoying his meal, so he merely nodded in acknowledgment upon seeing Su Qiu.

It wasn't that Xiao Chen was impolite; his mouth was simply too full of food to carry on a conversation.

The trio lounged on the couch, chatting away as they ate.

Su Ming had put on a movie, and they were all quite pleased to watch it together.

Time flew by, and before they knew it, it was already mid-afternoon.

Just then, Xiao Chen's phone rang.

He paused, a look of confusion crossing his face as he pulled out his phone.

“Oh no!” Xiao Chen's face turned ashen as he saw the caller ID. His hand slackened, and his chopsticks clattered to the floor.

“What's the matter?” Su Ming inquired, looking puzzled.

“It's my sister calling. She told me to hurry back before I came here, and I completely forgot,” Xiao Chen said, his face ghostly pale with dread.

In a sudden panic, he tossed his phone aside and clutched Su Ming's hand.

Su Ming jumped, startled by the gesture.

Internally, Su Ming mused, “I'm certainly not into this. You've been calling me ‘brother-in-law' every day, and I've humored you because your sister is both attractive and talented. But honestly, I have no interest in her.”

“Brother-in-law, please help me,” Xiao Chen pleaded with a tearful voice, “or my dad's birthday will turn into the day of my demise!”

It's often said that one must steer clear of temptation to lead a better life.

Xiao Chen had initially intended to notify them and then dash home.

The morning guests were acquaintances they barely knew.

Nevertheless, each of these guests was of no ordinary standing.

The afternoon visitors would be fewer but more significant, including friends and relatives.

As the prospective patriarch and heir to the Xiao family, it was crucial for Xiao Chen to make his presence felt.

It was an opportunity to hone his skills and to broaden his network.

But in the joy of the moment, Xiao Chen had forgotten this vital commitment.

Should he return now, a stern reprimand from his family was all but guaranteed.

With tears brimming in his eyes, Xiao Chen recounted his predicament.

Hearing the tale, Su Ming was torn between laughter and sympathy.

“It's okay, you can just say I wouldn't let you leave,” Su Ming said with a smile.

“Brother-in-law, thank you. You're the beacon on my future path!” Xiao Chen exclaimed with emotion.

Su Ming changed into a different outfit, as his loungewear was far too casual for the occasion.

He was off to attend the patriarch's birthday banquet and needed to look his best.

In the basement, Su Ming picked up a handful of bracelets and stamps. Covered in dust, they weren't of much use to him anymore, but he couldn't bring himself to sell them. Instead, he decided to have President Chen assist him in disposing of these items.

He also selected two bottles of fine red wine and packed everything into a large black plastic bag.

“Aren't you scared to be home alone?” he asked.

“Don't worry, bro, I'm not scared,” Su Qiu replied with a smile.

”Don't worry, Master, I will ensure your sister's safety,” Yuvyuv assured him telepathically.

Su Ming nodded, comforted by the presence of the System.

He grabbed the gifts and chose a car from the garage at random, then he and Xiao Chen headed straight for the countryside estate.

As they neared the estate, Xiao Chen was sweating profusely, a mix of fear and guilt written all over his face.

Seeing this, Su Ming asked with a chuckle, “Are you coming home or walking to the gallows?”

Xiao Chen glanced at Su Ming, his eyes brimming with dread.

“Brother-in-law, heading home feels just like going to the gallows!” Xiao Chen confessed.

Su Ming laughed at his response. Xiao Chen's standing in the family must have been quite low.

Parking the car, Su Ming led the way with the gifts in hand, while Xiao Chen followed, his body tensed and sticking close to Su Ming's shadow.

”Xiao Chen!” A sharp voice called out, causing Xiao Chen to shudder.

The door swung open, revealing a beautiful girl with a furrowed brow, looking at Xiao Chen with irritation. It was Xiao Ke'er, whom Su Ming hadn't seen in days.

”Mr. Su?” Xiao Ke'er's frown turned to surprise and joy upon seeing Su Ming.

She quickly approached Su Ming, greeting him with a warm smile.

She had committed to a one-year stint as a consultant director for the company. Recently, she had been busy working in the capital for a few days. Today was her father's birthday, so she took special leave to return home.

Su Ming greeted her with a smile, “Welcome back!”

Xiao Ke'er returned the smile, “The work in the capital is wrapped up, so I'm back to relax for a few days.”

Just then, an aged voice called out, “Mr. Su.”

Su Ming turned to the source of the voice and saw Old Master Tang.

Old Master Tang gave Su Ming a look of admiration and said warmly, “Mr. Su, it's been too long since our last meeting.”

Su Ming replied with a smile, “Old Master Tang, you're as healthy as ever, I see.”

Old Master Tang got straight to the point, “I'm looking forward to seeing you two get married and start a family.”

Su Ming was puzzled by the sudden turn in conversation.

Why was Old Master Tang bringing this up now?

Xiao Ke'er's cheeks flushed at the mention, and she said shyly, “Grandpa Tang!”

“I'll say no more. Xiao is inside waiting for you. Let's go join him,” Old Master Tang suggested, and he and Su Ming exchanged a polite gesture before proceeding inside.

It was now well past three in the afternoon, and the remaining guests were all close to the Xiao family. Su Ming surveyed the room, recognizing all the prominent figures from Eastsea.

”Good afternoon, Mr. Su.”

“Mr. Su, please.”

“Mr. Su, have a seat.”

Upon seeing Su Ming, everyone rose to their feet, offering him their utmost respect.

Then, a robust laugh filled the room.

Old Master Xiao emerged, chuckling, “Mr. Su, I'm supposed to be the guest of honor today, but your arrival has stolen the spotlight. It seems Xiao Chen was right to invite you a bit later.”

Su Ming, clutching a black plastic bag, quickly approached Old Master Xiao and said, “Old Master Xiao, enough with the jokes. Happy birthday. Here's my gift to you.”

As he finished, all eyes were drawn to the black plastic bag.

Were they judging the modesty of the bag?

Did they find Su Ming's choice embarrassing?

Certainly not!

Among them circulated a legend concerning a black plastic bag.

While others might use black plastic bags for trash or to conceal personal items, Su Ming would use them to hold precious treasures!

All eyes were fixed on that black plastic bag, brimming with longing.

What could be inside the plastic bag?

They were all eager for Old Master Xiao to reveal its contents.

If he didn't open it today, they felt they would toss and turn all night.

Curiosity, after all, is a trait we all share!

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