Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 96 Barbarian Trophy (3)

Chapter 96 Barbarian Trophy (3)

Barbarian Trophy (3)

"Haha! How refreshing, just like a barbarian!"

The baron laughs heartily at my decision.

It's a laugh that only someone who knows nothing about barbarians could make. Barbarians aren't beings who know no fear.

Just like Ainar said the other day...

[We were born as warriors. If we can't fight, we die.]

They simply move forward, carrying their fear with them.

Because that's what they have to do.

My choice this time is the same.

That something big might happen since things have been so peaceful…

‘It would be a lie to say I’m not anxious…’

But so what?

If I choose to avoid something out of fear of an uncertain future, the only end is ruin.

With that kind of mindset, how could I enter the labyrinth in the future and make rational judgments?

In the first place, I wouldn’t even be alive if I had been like that.

“I went to tell the Count. He was very pleased.”

The baron returns shortly after I sit down and organize my thoughts.

It seems like he’s very satisfied with my choice.

“Ah, but is that necklace that important?”

He asks as if he’s certain that the prize played a big role in my decision.

I don’t deny it either.

“Numbered Items sell for a high price, don’t they?”

“Hmm… if you say so.”

His expression seems to suggest that he thinks I have other reasons, but the baron doesn’t pry further.

He just asks,

“By the way, how strong are you?”


“Judging by your ambition, it seems like you’re seriously considering winning. Are you that confident?”

I chuckle.

How strong am I?

It’s a question that’s hard to answer confidently because there are too many monsters in this world.


“I wasn’t even hoping to win. However, if you lose too easily, it would be embarrassing for me—”

…if we’re talking about ‘apprentice knights’…

In other words, assuming they’re at the level of 3rd-floor explorers…

“Ah, don’t worry about that.”

I interrupt the baron and answer.

I haven’t been worried about that part from the beginning.

“10 seconds is enough.”


I look at the baron, who tilts his head in confusion, and assert,

“I can smash most of their heads before then.”

It’s my honest opinion, without any exaggeration or embellishment.

But did my sincerity reach him?

“Hi, eek!”

The butler, who happened to make eye contact with me, flinches.



Just like in medieval times, they’re practically the epitome of power in this world.

Of course, assuming they’ve removed the ‘apprentice’ title.

‘What kind of knight can’t even use Aura?’

The fear of knights lies in their Aura.

90% armor penetration and 90% magic penetration.

Aura’s OP ability to cut through anything and the combination of systematically developed practical swordsmanship…

…are already monstrous on their own…

‘And if they level up with elixirs and absorb high-grade essences with their vast wealth?’

‘This is why the ruling class never changes from humans.’

In a world where other races are prevalent and magic exists…

Knights are the spear and shield that protect the ruling class.

Even considering that the maximum level you can reach with elixirs is 5, a proper knight can easily slice through several high-ranking explorers.

That’s how specialized knights are in combat against other people.


‘Apprentices are at most level 3 or lower. And their essences would be at most 7th-grade.’

This is also assuming the maximum.

There are very few nobles who would invest this much in someone who can’t even use Aura yet.

‘Actually, the tournament itself isn’t a problem…’

‘…it’s what comes after that’s concerning.’

The Count’s excessive interest, for example.

If some barbarian suddenly wins here, there’s a good chance that the ruling class will look at me with hostility.

But since I’ve made my decision, dwelling on regrets is a luxury.

‘Let’s just focus on this for now.’

I decide to worry about the future after I win and spend my time quietly in a corner thanks to the baron’s consideration when…

“You were being quite arrogant earlier.”

Three guys in knight armor approach me.

I remember all of them.

Although it was just a passing encounter, I won’t forget their faces since I saw them today.

“10 seconds is enough? Did you forget who you are, being so immersed in your clown act like a stupid barbarian?”

First, this guy.

He was the one who sneered at me while I was entertaining the nobles in the outdoor banquet hall, calling me Little Clown and whatnot.

His rat-like front teeth are memorable, and as I’m looking at him, the next guy takes over as if passing the baton.

“Barbarian, you should pray to your ancestor god that you don’t encounter me. I’ll behead you in an instant. Of course, it won’t even take 10 seconds.”

I don’t know his name since he didn’t introduce himself…

He’s the one who was showing off how much of an idiot he is by saying things like I’m sucking up and that a warrior’s pride is a thing of the past.

Judging by his tone, he seems to have the braggart attribute as well…

“If I meet you—”

Just as the baton is about to be passed to the next one, I quickly get up and interrupt him.

Although I should try to avoid making enemies…

At this point, I can’t help but ask,

“Do you guys have some kind of serious problem with your heads?”

I phrased it politely, considering the circumstances.

If I had asked, ‘Are you guys idiots?’, it might be considered insulting a noble.

“Wh, what?”

“Do you think I’ll be scared if you gang up on me like cowards? Even a three-year-old warrior from my tribe wouldn’t do something like this!”

“…Cowards? How dare you insult us—”

“If not, what is it! Is it that you suddenly have courage that you didn’t have before because the baron isn’t here! What an honorable feat!”

“Th, that’s…!”

The three knights blink like goldfish as I point out that they didn’t even dare to approach me when the baron was around.

However, I’m a barbarian without prejudice, so I don’t think they have speech impediments.

They’re just flustered.

They probably didn’t expect me to expose their shameful behavior in such a loud voice.

“That’s why I asked! I heard knights are beings with pride! But to do such a childish thing by taking advantage of a ‘numerical advantage’ against a ‘fellow participant’? There must be something wrong with your heads!”

I shout, accurately pointing out their actions.

“St, stop! Shut your mouth!”

The three knights’ expressions become desperate.

Well, it’s only natural.

Shameful behavior or whatever, at this rate, they’ll become the guys who were called brain-damaged by a barbarian.

However, did they judge that continuing the conversation would only make things worse?

“…Just you wait!”

The three leave, suppressing their anger.

As locals, they even leave behind a cringe-worthy line.

I’m grateful for their kindness, so I respond in kind.

“Anyway, don’t worry too much! Next time we meet, I’ll make sure to fix the problems with your heads!”

I wonder if my sincerity reached them?

I can’t tell just by looking at their rapidly retreating backs.


Anyway, regardless of the brief incident…

The banquet, filled with various spectacles, has reached its climax.

In other words, the moment of the tournament that the Count prepared has arrived.

“I heard that barbarian we saw earlier is participating. Aren’t you excited?”

“Hmm, I don’t know. He’s just an explorer, right? Although he gained fame recently, I heard he has less than a year of experience?”

The location is the lawn in the outdoor banquet hall.

The surroundings are already packed with people, and some nobles have even brought chairs and settled on the 2nd-floor terrace of the mansion for a better view.

As I’m sitting quietly in the prepared tent, the baron approaches me and talks to me as if he’s some kind of coach.

“Aren’t you nervous?”


“Whew, you truly have a heart of steel. I’m this excited.”

I’m not sure about the compliment at the beginning, but the part about him being excited seems true.

Considering that he promised a bonus that I didn’t even ask for.

“If you win, I’ll give you another million stones. So do your best. My reputation is also on the line.”

“I’ll try my best!”

Is it because of the sudden financial incentive?

I suddenly feel motivated.

“Sir Saboan of the Serphia Barony and Sir Arpeon of the Hensleben Viscountcy, please take your positions!”

After a while, the first match begins.

The two knights who ascend the stage and recite the oath of duel swing their swords gracefully, eliciting cheers from the audience.

‘Seeing this, it really is a barbaric world.’

I sneak out of the tent and watch the duel, feeling a strange sense of familiarity.

It’s like watching the Roman Colosseum.

Actually, there’s not much difference.

There’s a rule that you should try not to kill your opponent…

But in other words, it means that killing is okay.

‘Well, it would be stranger if there were no casualties when they’re fighting with real swords.’

In fact, despite being the first match, the two knights are engaged in a bloody duel amidst the heated atmosphere.

And the moment of victory and defeat is as dramatic as the fight itself was intense.

“The winner is Sir Arpeon of the Hensleben Viscountcy!”

The outcome of the match is decided as one knight’s hand holding the sword is severed entirely.

Of course, the injured knight’s arm is quickly reattached by a priest, but the blood that splattered like a fountain remains vividly on the stage like a decoration.



…listening to the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd, I realize once again…

…that this is a different world.

And that I’ve already become a part of it.

“Huhu, seeing blood seems to excite you too, huh?”

Well, I don’t know about that…

But I do know that it’s my turn next.

“Sir Silbenia of the Hessen Barony and… Bjorn Yandel of the Martoan Barony, please take your positions!”

As instructed by the announcer, I make my way through the crowd and onto the stage. At the same time, a knight is also coming up from the opposite side.

It’s quite a coincidence.

I couldn’t tell from the tournament bracket because I didn’t know his name, but…

“Huhu, surprised?”

I nod slightly as if acknowledging it.

To be matched against one of the three knight assholes in the first round?

It’s surprising, isn’t it?

‘And it’s the most annoying one of them, too.’

The corners of my mouth involuntarily curl upwards.

Although I didn’t get to hear his pledge because I interrupted him when he was about to pass the baton…

…how could I forget that guy?

[In the first place, he got that name because of his small…]

He was the one who spread that ridiculous rumor.

Although it’s a bit much for me to say this…

…but he dared to do that, even though he’s just a human.


Before the duel begins…

The bastard recites the oath of duel.

It’s a cliché oath, swearing on his honor as a knight to fight seriously and not use any dishonest or unfair tactics.

Then it’s my turn.


A barbaric shout, omitting any flowery rhetoric.

The crowd’s excitement intensifies.


Sir Sil… whatever his name is, mutters something under his breath, annoyed that I’m receiving more attention even in this situation.

“How vulgar and unrefined.”

What the hell, did he expect a barbarian to be elegant?

Following the announcer’s instructions, we approach each other and cross our weapons.

He holds out a long sword, and I hold out a large double-edged battle axe instead of the mace I left at the baron’s residence.

‘…I’m not used to bladed weapons…’

It’s unfortunate, but the way to use it shouldn’t be much different.

I just need to swing it like I usually do.

The result will probably be similar too.

The only difference will be whether he’s cut or completely blown apart.


As soon as the duel begins, Sir Whatever-his-name-is pushes off the ground and charges towards me.

It seems like he wants to return the favor for my 10-second promise…

‘This is interesting.’

I first step back and take an observational stance.

I’m also a bit curious since it’s my first time seeing a knight’s swordsmanship…


Although he’s just an apprentice, his swordsmanship is quite sharp, as befits a knight.


It’s not some kind of martial arts technique…

His sword strikes with three afterimages.

For a moment, I hesitate, wondering which one is real, but it’s just a fleeting moment.

If I don’t know which one is real…

…then I just need to deflect them all.

‘I’ve become quite the barbarian.’

I turn the blade of the axe sideways and swing it as widely as possible.

That’s all it takes.


Sir Whatever-his-name-is loses his balance as the trajectory of his sword is deflected by the force.

However, he doesn’t let go of his sword despite the impact.

And even though he must be flustered, he twists his body and swings his sword towards my neck as if it’s a combo.

‘He’s definitely not an opponent to underestimate.’

It’s a sword strike that draws a smooth curve from bottom to top, like a rising dragon.

Regardless of his personality, I acknowledge his skill.

I wonder how many generations this swordsmanship has been passed down?

‘His weapon skills are several levels above mine.’

If we were on equal footing, I would definitely lose to this guy.

But it’s not something to worry about too much.


Because this guy and I are not on equal footing.

「Character has used [Wild Release].」

「Character’s threat level is temporarily tripled, and physical stats increase proportionally.」

There’s still a long time left before 10 seconds pass.

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