Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 94 Barbarian Trophy (1)

Chapter 94 Barbarian Trophy (1)

Barbarian Trophy (1)

My vision goes dark, then slowly returns to light.

‘My room.’

Not Lee Hansu's, but Bjorn Yandel's inn room.

Checking the clock, exactly 12 seconds have passed since I was summoned to that place.

‘1 hour there is 1 second here, huh.’

The time discrepancy itself isn't surprising.

The labyrinth was the same.

No matter how many days you spent there, when you returned to the city, it was always noon the next day.

‘I don't know the principle behind it, but it's a convenient phenomenon.’

Still, I think I need to be careful.

In other words, it means I'm defenseless for up to 12 seconds. Of course, if there's an emergency, I can just log out and come back, so it's not a problem…

But what if it's not an emergency?

In the blink of an eye.

If something were to happen during those 12 seconds?

‘It would be difficult to respond properly.’

Well, even so, I don't intend to stop using the community for this reason. I'm just making my subconscious aware that such a risk exists.

That way, I can make judgments a little faster if something actually happens.


I stretch and let out a long sigh.

I feel a slight sense of fatigue.

Not physical fatigue, but mental fatigue.

‘Well, it's like I've been awake for 12 hours.’

I close my eyes, thinking that if there's someone who sleeps in especially late on this day, I should suspect them of being a player.

I'm not going to sleep right away, but I need some time to organize my thoughts.

‘It was a good thing I entered earlier than planned.’


It's a place that's built and operated with more completeness than I expected. It's more than enough to serve as the source of information I was looking for.

Thanks to them, I was able to obtain information about the dimensional collapse.

‘A rumor, huh…’

It's a good thing, that much is certain.

But at the same time, an inexplicable sense of emptiness and anxiety grows.

When I first heard about it, I thought this was it.

If it's not this, then what the hell is going to happen?

‘…I need to be even more careful.’

With that thought, I fall asleep.

And time passes, and the next morning arrives.

The day to fulfill my promise with Baron Martoan has dawned.


“Have a safe trip! And be sure to tell me everything when you get back!”

I leave the street, seeing Misha off.

And after several carriage transfers at the platform…

I arrive at the Martoan Baron's residence.

“Come this way. We don’t have time.”

As soon as I enter the vast mansion, I’m dragged to a luxurious room and forced to change clothes.

Is it because my appearance is too barbaric for attending the Count’s banquet today?

‘Damn it.’

So this is what I have to go through because I’m a barbarian.

Normally, they would dress me up nicely for the opposite reason.

“Oh my, look at those muscles…”

I take off my breastplate and shirt with the help of the maids.

And I put on shoulder guards on my bare upper body.

One shoulder guard has spikes, and the other is designed in the shape of a beast skull.

And with those on…

“Um, could you please lower your body a little?”


The maids, standing on a footstool, grunt and groan as they wrap something around my waist.

It’s a champion belt that’s over a hand span wide according to my standards.

Damn it, why do I have to wear this?

One breastplate is enough to protect my entire torso.

“Please raise your arms.”

Afterwards, various pieces of fashion equipment are added to my body, regardless of my will.

They’re equipment that focuses more on intimidation than defense.

The weight balance is also all over the place, making every movement uncomfortable, and the hair that the maids let down keeps flowing down and obstructing my vision.


‘I understand what they want.’

When I finally look in the mirror…

A barbarian warrior who would drink dragon blood and eat ogre meat as a snack is standing there.

I suddenly have a thought.

So what if the defense and practicality are lacking?

Damn it, everyone will be pissing their pants and running away when I approach them in this getup.

The intimidation factor alone is that great.

It’s called Show Window (True) Barbarian Mode.

But is this still not enough in that guy’s eyes?


A skinny man with a goatee looks at me with a displeased expression.

So this guy’s name is…

I haven’t heard it yet.

“What’s your name?”

The butler frowns at my question and answers curtly, as if he doesn’t want to talk to me.

“Call me Assistant Manager—”

“Alright, Butler.”

“…Tsk, as expected of an unrefined barbarian.”

I don’t like the butler in many ways.

Are those who grew up without much worse?

He treats me like I’m beneath him the whole time. The baron himself wasn’t like that.

Does he think he’s something special?

‘He’s just a commoner too.’

I grumble inwardly but insert insoles into my boots as instructed by the butler.

The plate boots weigh a whopping 7 kilograms due to excessive design, and with the insoles added, it’s a living hell, but…

“Now you’re somewhat bearable. You were too short before.”

What the, you shorty.

‘Phew, let’s just endure for one day.’

No wonder they offered me 1 million stones as a daily wage.

It wasn’t just talk, it was a real service fee.

Anyway, I receive instructions from the rude butler on the route, where I should stand when the baron is talking to others, and other details.

And then it’s time to depart.

“Time’s up. Let’s go.”

We leave the palace-like room and head towards the main gate.

A luxurious carriage is already waiting.

I guess the baron, whom I haven’t even seen today, is inside.

“What are you standing there for? Your place is over there.”

I stand at the very front of the procession.

So I’ll walk in front, and they’ll follow behind?

“It’s an important role, so be sure to look straight ahead to maintain the dignity of the barony, and your posture…”

The butler nags at me until we depart, as if he doesn’t trust me.

“Let’s go!!”

The knight on horseback right behind me raises a flag and shouts, and I lead the procession at a moderate pace.

Thud, thud.

We exit the main gate, and a wide, paved street comes into view. It’s the street of the 1st district, the Imperial City of Karnon, which I wouldn’t have been able to enter in my original status.

Even the shops are grand, and everyone’s attire is elegant.

And the imperial palace, which wasn’t even visible where I live, is showing its presence from afar.

‘Tsk, I need to clear this place quickly too to use the Celestial Auction House…’

The butler told me to just look ahead, but I take this opportunity to look around as I walk.

Is that why?


The procession comes to a halt as I take a wrong turn.

The butler runs towards me, his face pale, and shouts something.

But I just pick my ear nonchalantly.

Who told you to entrust this to a barbarian?


The distance from the baron’s residence to the count’s estate where the banquet is being held today is about 6 kilometers.

I’ve even walked more than that distance on three legs before…

‘Damn it.’

…but I underestimated the fact that I’m wearing a full set of equipment that’s the epitome of irrationality.

Sweat is pouring down.

If it weren’t for the insoles I shoved in at the last minute, it wouldn’t be this hard.

“Baron Martoan arrives!”

As I’m cursing the butler inwardly while walking, we finally reach our destination.

Curious gazes are directed at me as soon as the count’s main gate opens.

Although they wouldn’t even bat an eye at most spectacles…

…it seems like this is their first time seeing a barbarian leading a carriage procession.

“To have a barbarian lead the way, he must have been inspired by that anecdote!”

“His presence is overwhelming. It feels like a giant is entering.”

“Wow, Father, can’t we enter like that next time?”

The nobles gathered in the outdoor banquet hall filled with delicacies make comments and liven up the atmosphere.

Was their reaction to his liking?

The baron, who got off the carriage, can’t stop smiling.

“This is the first time I’ve received so much attention just by entering. I’ll reward you generously when we get back.”

The baron is so pleased that he even promises a bonus.

“I’ll go greet the Count, so you all enjoy the banquet.”

The baron then enters the mansion with a few of his vassals. The knights naturally disperse and mingle with the crowd.

Only then do I realize…


…that I’ve been left alone in this vast banquet hall.

“Oh my, look at the horns on his helmet. How scary.”

“They look like they were modeled after the ancient demon Parseira!”

Suits, tuxedos, low-cut dresses.

Shiny jewelry and the white armor of knights.

And me, the only one in the attire of a savage.

It’s like I’m a monkey in a zoo.

“Uh, he’s walking. Where is he going?”

Curious whispers erupt from everywhere with every step I take.

I feel like my PTSD is about to relapse.

That’s when a man approaches me.

“You’ve worked hard.”

It’s the knight who was acting as the flag bearer right behind me.

“You’re a monster too. To walk this far without resting in that getup.”

The knight, who must have seen my struggles up close, chuckles and pats my shoulder.

“How about we go over there and rest until the baron returns.”

What is this? Is this man an angel?


I follow the knight to an empty seat.

Although there are all sorts of delicacies around me, I don’t have an appetite. It seems like the knight feels the same way, as he just sits there and sips his drink.

Suddenly curious, I ask,

“Is it okay for you not to mingle with them?”

“I wouldn’t be welcomed even if I did. I’m a former explorer, just like you.”

No wonder he seemed different from the rest.

“I’m Bjorn, son of Yandel. What’s your name?”

“Kals Erimoore.”

We briefly exchange names and start talking.

I felt it from the beginning, but Kals is a pretty decent guy.

He’s easy to talk to since he’s a former explorer, and perhaps because of that, he doesn’t have the arrogance typical of knights.

That butler bastard should learn from him—

“What are you doing? Who told you to sit down?”

The butler, who entered the mansion with the baron, spots me and rushes over.

He doesn’t seem to like the fact that I’m resting.

“Hey, Assistant Manager, let it go. I told this friend to rest for a while.”

“…Is that so?”

Kals, unable to bear it any longer, mutters, and the butler flinches and lowers his voice.

“Get up when you’re done resting. What will people think if they see a barbarian sitting and resting?”

“……He’s resting?”

“No, people will think you’re weak. So get up. Whether that’s your true nature or not, you’re supposed to be a warrior of iron and blood today.”

I get up from my seat after not being able to rest for long due to the butler’s nagging.

‘…Alright, let’s just endure for one day.’

Didn’t I promise to act as the Martoan family’s trophy and show off?

Let’s perfectly act out the role he wants.

Of course, it’s far from resignation.

A warrior of iron and blood.

A barbarian in this world where fists come before law.

A barbarian.

Yeah, if that’s who I am…


As soon as I finish my mental preparation, a battle cry erupts from my throat.

“Wh, what are you doing all of a sudden?!”

The butler, who had been spouting insults about how much it cost to custom-make the equipment I’m wearing and how pathetic I looked when I got lost earlier, frowns.

Seeing that, I wonder why I even held back until now.

Am I not a barbarian?

“I just felt like it!”

In that sense, I grab a piece of meat that was nearby, like a barbarian.

Is it like a tomahawk steak?

There’s a bone attached to the meat like a handle.

“Yes, this is what I wanted—”

The butler nods in agreement as I tear into the meat with my bare hands, like a savage.



…his expression hardens as he sees me even chewing on the bone.

I speak politely to him, maintaining my dignity as a barbarian warrior.

“Butler, I want to smash your head.”


It’s the kind of statement he’s never heard in his life. I kindly add an explanation as I look at the butler, whose ears seem to doubt what he just heard.

“I just feel like doing it!”

Crunch, crunch.

Even as I’m speaking, the bones of some unknown beast are being crushed in my mouth.


“Yo, your joke is a bit too much.”


I tilt my head as if I don’t understand, and the butler’s face turns pale.

It seems like he finally realized.

That I’m a barbarian, after all.

“Did my words sound like a joke?”

Barbarians are simple-minded.

And they’re true to their emotions.

Of course, the butler might not have any knowledge about the physiology of barbarians.


‘If he investigated me, he would know about the incident at the guild.’

Of course, there are excuses.

I had no other choice back then.

It’s a world where most things can be settled with fines, except for looting, tax evasion, and a few laws related to nobles.

I thought that as long as I could prove that I wasn’t a looter, I could somehow handle the rest.

However, that’s something only I know.

To others, I must have looked like a crazy bastard.

“…I, I have some work to do, so I’ll be go, going. You, you just rest here.”

The butler, as if he really did investigate me, hurriedly leaves with an awkward expression.

Kals, who was watching the situation, bursts into laughter.

“Hahaha! That’s the first time I’ve seen that guy make such a face!”

For some reason, my actions seem to have made a good impression on this guy.

“But is this okay?”

“It’s fine, I’m sturdy.”

It’s a residual effect of my increased Bone Density stat, rather than an innate ability.

My appetite seems to have returned, so I start eating the food in earnest.

“Look at him!”

“Oh my, how barbaric!”

The noble ladies look at me as if I’m some kind of newly discovered creature, but I’m not bothered anymore.

So what if I look like a barbarian?

If you can let go of your shame, there’s no more comfortable position than this.


“Why are you shouting again?”

“It’s delicious!”

After a brief moment of hesitation due to the elegant atmosphere of the banquet…

I start enjoying the feast in earnest.

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