Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items (WN)

Chapter 77.3: Tower Capture and Covered Wagon’s End

Chapter 77.3: Tower Capture and Covered Wagon’s End

The moment the princess knight became enraged, her flaming armor flared up along with her fighting spirit which easily ignited the hood.

Uwaaaa, its burning!


The princess knights scream was cute but that doesnt change the fact that shes annoying.

The wagon is already on fire which is dangerous so I escaped but took the princess knight with me too.

It didnt take long for a wooden and cloth covered wagon to burn all over.

By the time Lyle-sensei rushed to cast water magic, it was already too late.

By the way, the horses reins snapped and the horse managed to run away from the wagon but it did not come back.

Only the charred wreckage of the wagon was all that remained.

Oh no.

What? Do you think my fault?


Why am I even asking? Whos fault is it other than you!

Me? Is it my fault? Well, certainly, I feel like I made a mistake for even entertaining this troublemaker.

Are you going to compensate for the wagon?


I wonder if this is a crime.

This is obviously arson, right?

Youll only pay? After scaring me like that?

No, I didnt mean to

No, I know you didnt intentionally do it but, you look cute when you cry.

Its not anyones fault but the existence of that flaming armor which flares up when youre getting emotional is not good. Maybe its not a magic item but a cursed armor.

The princess knight seems to have a weird sense of ethics.

She doesnt want to be treated as an arsonist. She looked guilty and even the tone of her voice gradually dropped down.

Ah.this wagon is full of memories

Thats why Im going to compensate you.

No, you dont have to. I originally bought it second hand and its already on the edge of its service life.

Ill buy you a new one.

I bought it a year ago with the first money I earned at the village of Lowgow and it has been my partner for all of my journey.

Im glad I didnt give it a name.

No matter how much you love something, the durability of goods wont last forever.

While I was saying this sarcastically to the princess knight, Im really seriously depressed.

Master, the wheel can still be used as spares.

The slave girls removed the burnt out hood, took the luggage inside, and remove the usable wheels.

Sharon, who carries a wheel on her arm said, Thats why I told you not to get too attached to it.

I should have listened to Sharons advice.

I was wrong. Im sorry.

I wanted to use the rest as firewood, is it alright, my lord?

I nodded reluctantly to Louise, who seemingly doesnt care about anything in the world. She smashed the charred body of the wagon with her oricalcum sword.

She brought out a cauldron and set the wreckage on fire and began to cook the dragons guts.

Thats just right for drying the wet cargo.

I sigh as I look at the burning remnants of my memories.

Hey, youre Eleonora, right? Dont be too depressed and eat too.

Thank you very much!

As a female knight, Louise is someone whos famous even in other countries which this princess knight might be idolizing.

Ah, Louise, you gave Eleonora the dragon breath bag.

Ah, the flame endurance of the princess knight goes up.

Even though Im reluctant for her to level up, the existence of the princess knight is bad for the enemies.

Theres no point in building up my flame resistance any further but I also got some dragon guts stew from Louise.

I dont know which part of the body this came from but its delicious with every bite. The spiciness is still intense though. My tongue is numb.

Maybe this is a good thing since Eleonora finally became a little more relaxed.

One of the wagons went up in flames which I think is a high price to pay.

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