Starting from becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 523: Interfering with the timeline

Chapter 523: Interfering with the timeline

“What’s wrong? Mr. Trunks?” Whis asked.

He was curious about the Time Patrol mentioned by Trunks.

Trunks frowned and explained the whole story.

The whole thing started with the Time Patrol.

It turned out that since Lin Chen had foiled the Dark Demon Realm’s plan of disturbing the order of time, Chronoa had a much easier time with her work.

However, while investigating those people from the Dark Demon Realm who had disturbed the order of time, Chronoa felt the frustration of being understaffed.

Lin Chen was just a mercenary and couldn’t always help her, not to mention frequently being unreachable.

Considering this, Chronoa decided to officially form the Time Patrol specifically to assist her with her work.

And the first choice for the Time Patrol was Future Trunks from World 16.

Unlike Lin Chen, Trunks had once used a time machine and disturbed time as a “repeat offender,” so under Chronoa’s threat, Trunks was quickly coerced into becoming a member of the Time Patrol.

Mai volunteered to join as well.

However, since joining the Time Patrol, Trunks and Mai hadn’t encountered anything major, and the work was relatively easy.

Until recently, when things started to seem a bit off.

Trunks’ expression turned serious as he said, “Dad, recently Chronoa-sama discovered that the Dark Demon Realm, which once interfered with the time, seems to be making new moves! They’ve entered multiple worlds.”

“Although they haven’t done anything yet, Chronoa-sama is worried that this may be the prelude to a major event.”

“So she hopes that I can find more help to deal with this crisis.”

Vegeta furrowed his brow. “So your first thought was His Majesty Links?”

“Exactly.” Trunks nodded. “If possible, I hope Dad can also help. The more people who can help, the better! After all, this is a huge matter that concerns all worlds! A slight mistake could endanger all worlds and universes!”

After understanding Trunks’ intentions, Whis and Beerus’ expressions also turned serious.

“I never thought the people from the Dark Demon Realm could even interfere with the time. Whis, weren’t the demons I encountered in the past all weaklings?”

“Beerus-sama, the pathway from the demon realm to the outside world was sealed by Grand Priest-sama. That seal has weakened over time, but it still has some effect on people with great power. That’s why only weaklings from the demon realm could enter the human world in the past, and true experts couldn’t.”

“So why is it happening now?”

“Perhaps something has happened in the Dark Demon Realm, or maybe the seal is about to break completely?”

Whis speculated and then said, “Regardless, now that we know about this, we can’t just ignore it.”

“Mr. Trunks, I’ll call the others back, and then you can explain in detail.”

“Thank you, Mr. Whis.”

Trunks gratefully nodded, but at that moment, a “beep” sound suddenly interrupted their conversation.

Trunks raised his left hand, and it turned out the “beep” sound was coming from a device on his left hand.

“Sorry, this is the Time Patrol’s device. Chronoa-sama is calling for me.”

Trunks apologized and then activated the device.

Soon, the image of Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa appeared on the device.

“Trunks, something big is happening! Have you found Lin Chen and the others?”

“Huh? Not yet, Chronoa-sama. What’s wrong?” Trunks was surprised.

“I just discovered a major upheaval in a main world’s history! A powerful force has disrupted the timeline of this world. If we don’t quickly restore the history of this main world, at least 20 mini-worlds will be affected!”

“So many?”

After joining the Time Patrol, Trunks had come to understand that this world’s structure consisted of a main world with multiple mini-worlds. Thus, if there were issues in the main world, it would affect the mini-worlds under it.

“It’s a serious situation. Hurry to that world and see for yourself. Forget about finding Lin Chen for now!” Chronoa urged.

“I understand!” Trunks nodded and then ended the communication.

“Everyone, you heard Chronoa-sama. The situation is urgent, and I have to leave now. Mr. Whis, please inform the others when they arrive. I’ll come back after completing this mission.”

Saying that, Trunks pressed a button on the device on his hand, and a Space-Time door appeared before everyone.

Taking Mai’s hand, Trunks prepared to leave.


Suddenly, Vegeta called out to him.

“Trunks, I’m coming with you! As for His Majesty and the others, let’s wait until Mr. Whis finds them before we talk about it.”


Trunks was momentarily stunned but then happily nodded.

Even though he couldn’t meet Lin Chen, having his father’s support was incredibly reliable!

“Thank you, Dad!”

And so, Vegeta decided to go with Trunks to the troubled world. As for Lin Chen and Goku, it would have to wait until Whis brought them back.


World 30, Age 762.

Planet Namek.

A black space-time door opened above the planet.

Trunks and the others passed through the door and landed on the ground.

“Where is this? It looks familiar.” Vegeta asked.

Mai, checking her device, said, “This is Universe 7 of World 30. We are on Planet Namek, in Age 762.”

“Planet Namek?”

Vegeta looked up at the sky. At this moment, Planet Namek’s sky was covered in dark clouds, with lightning and thunder flashing, and a continuous buzzing sound filled the air.

It was clearly the precursor to the planet’s imminent explosion.

“Dad! The energy interfering with the time is right ahead! Let’s hurry and check it out!”

The three of them flew towards the source.

Before long, Vegeta felt two familiar auras.

“This is… Kakarot? And Frieza? Strange, what are they doing on Planet Namek?”

Soon, two figures appeared ahead, Frieza and Goku who had transformed into a Super Saiyan.

But something seemed off about the situation.

Because Super Saiyan Goku was completely suppressed by Frieza in front of him.

Moreover, as the three approached, Frieza had already subdued Goku with one hand, gripping his neck.

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