Secret Marriage: Wife Spoiling Husband

Chapter 119 Scared Li Xiaolu

Chapter 119 Scared Li Xiaolu

After doing all the formalities, Li Xiaolu went back and sat next to Fei Jia. Closing her eyesshe kept praying for Zhehan and the driver's safety.

With every minute that went by, Li Xiaolu heart was beating like crazy. Waiting outside the operation theatre for the docters to come out, she felt as if the time has stopped.

As the time passed Li Xiaolu realised that she loved Zhehan immensely to the point where she could not even live without him. She needed him to be there from her in every aspect of her life.

The mere thought of being without him scared her. She was scared to loose him. In her past life, she loved Chen Yufan too but it was never this deep.

With Zhehan it was as if her everything was complete. He made her feel feelings that she never felt before. Waiting outside made her realise one thing that when you love someone, just let that person know about it.

No matter what your circumstances are let that person know about your feelings for him because you never know if you would get that chance or not.

In her case, she was lucky enough that Zhehan was not heavily injured. Now she only want him to open his eyes and listen to her confession.

She only wanted her man to know what she feels for him and how much she loves him. A little later Tang Jun, Hu Yutian, Yang Mi and Zhang Ziyi arrived.

Assistant Xue filled them with all the information about Zhehan's condition as they walked up to Li Xiaolu, "Sister-in-law are you alright?"

"I'm fine.... " Li Xiaolu said weekly not removing her eyes from the operation theatre.

Zhang Ziyi was the smallest of them all so she hugged Li Xiaolu and cried, "Sister-in-law.. nothing is going to happen to brother right? "

"Ziyi don't cry. Nothing will happen to him... " Li Xiaolu assured her. She wiped Ziyi's tears and rubbed her back to comfort her. She knew she had to be strong not only for herself but also for others.

Two hours passed.

"Sister-in-law are you hungry? Have you eaten something? " Hu Yutian asked.

"Brother Yutian I am not hungry.. " Li Xiaolu said shaking her head. She didn't felt like eating anything, she only wanted to see her man and be with him.

"No she didn't eat anything. Bring something for her." Fei Jia said.

"Brother Yutian I am really not hungry. I don't want - " Li Xiaolu said but Yang Mi cut her off, "Xiaolu you have to eat something. How do think Zhehan will feel when he wakes up and finds you all pale and weak? Wouldn't he be guilty? "

"I am not hungry, Sister Yang Mi. I don't feel like eating anything... "

Everybody sighed. " Okay you don't want to eat. Then fine.... don't eat! When Boss Zhehan wakes up we will tell him that his wife starved herself worrying for his health. Then let him feel guilty and sad. Right Xiaolu?"

Looking at Tang Jun she ordered, "Jun tell the nurse that we have another patient sitting right here starving herself."

"No... I'll eat. I'll eat... " Li Xiaolu immediately said making everybody smile. Yang Mi was correct. Once Zhehan's finds out about this then we would definitely blame himself.

"Good" Hu Yutian smiled as he and Assistant Xue Yihong left to bring some food for everybody. Later he and Assistant Xue distributed the food packets to Li Xiaolu, Sun Yong and Fei Jia.

Li Xiaolu only ate a little and then she quietly sat as her eyes were only watching the door while from her left hand she rubbed Ziyi back to comfort her.

Another hour later.

The door to the operation theatre open as the doctor came out. Li Xiaolu immediately stood up from her seat and walked towards him, "Docter how is he? "

"The patient is fine now. He had a concussion on his head and his left shoulder is fractured. He is unconscious right now and will be awake after 2-3 hours. "

"Thank you so much doctor. " Li Xiaolu thanked the Docter. " Docter can I see him? "

"After he is taken into another room you all can see him. Please excuse me... " The docter politely said and left.

Thank God! Li Xiaolu sighed in relief. Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi hugged her while Assistant Xue and Tang Jun went to check on the condition of the driver.

After a while, Zhehan was shifted into VIP room. It was already late so Fei Jia and Sun Yong left. Li Xiaolu thanked them for being there for her.

A nurse was present in the room when Li Xiaolu, Yang Mi and Zhang Ziyi entered. The nurse instructed Li Xiaolu of what to do and what not and left. Li Xiaolu quickly took note of every instruction.

Sitting besides Zhehan, Li Xiaolu held his hand in her. Kissing his forehead she sniffed, "Thank God! You are alright Zhehan. I love you so much. Please wake up soon.... "

Now that everything was fine and Zhehan's condition was good, the atmosphere turned back to normal. Li Xiaolu was sitting next to Zhehan while Hu Yutian, Yang Mi, Zhang Ziyi and Tang Jun were sitting on the couch talking about various things.

Suddenly the door opened and two figure entered the room. The man had a ruler vibe around him while the women with him complemented him.

"Mom, Dad? " Zhang Ziyi gasped in surprise as she jumped out of her seat and rushed to hug them. "When did you arrive? "

"Princess how is your brother now? And who is this young lady sitting next to your brother?" Zhang Yishan and Bai Lingyu, Zhehan's parents asked simultaneously.

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