Professor Vampire.

Chapter 241 - 241 Dumbledore’s old acquaintance at Ilvermorny

Chapter 241: Chapter 241 Dumbledore's old acquaintance at Ilvermorny

Shortly after Beauxbatons' headmaster, Madame Maxime, who was the same height as Hagrid, arrived with her students, the Durmstrang team also arrived at the Hogwarts area in an equally surprising way.

At first, a loud and strange sound floated from the darkness to the people present: a suppressed rumbling and sucking sound, like a huge vacuum cleaner moving along the riverbed...

Although, the originally calm surface of the black lake suddenly produced violent fluctuations, and the water in the middle of the lake seemed to have a huge monster moving, and huge water splashed on the water surface, and the waves hit the wet lakeshore-

Then, right in the middle of the lake, a large whirlpool appeared, as if a huge plug was suddenly pulled out from the bottom of the lake...

A black long pole-like thing slowly rose from the whirlpool, followed by sails and rigging...

Slowly, a magnificent ship rose out of the water, shining in the moonlight.

The ship looked strange, like a skeleton, as if it was the remains of a sunken ship that had just been salvaged. The portholes flickered with dim, misty lights, looking like the eyes of a ghost.

Finally, with a splash of water, the ship emerged completely, bumping on the turbulent water, sailing to the shore, and a wide wooden board was placed on the lakeshore.

When the people on the ship went ashore, the students of Hogwarts noticed that their height and physique were very tall and strong. Of course, not as exaggerated as Madame Maxime, but about the same as Crabbe and Goyle...

It was still very exciting to see a group of strong men get off the ship together and walk towards the crowd of Hogwarts. Many young wizards were a little scared.

At this time, Ron suddenly shouted loudly, breaking the depressing atmosphere.

"Harry, isn't that... isn't that Krum?" He slapped Harry's arm quickly.

"Krum? Which Krum?" Harry was stunned.

Without waiting for Ron to explain, he recognized the figure instantly when he caught a glimpse of the striking hooked nose and two thick black eyebrows coming down from the hall.

"It's Viktor Krum!"

Ron exclaimed in surprise.

"I can't believe he came to Hogwarts! I still have his figurines in my dormitory!"

"For Merlin's sake, Ron, he's just a Quidditch player." Hermione glanced at Ron with disdain.

"Just a Quidditch player..." Ron stared at her blankly, as if he couldn't believe his ears, "Hermione - he's one of the best seekers in the world! I didn't expect he was still a student!"

The headmaster of Durmstrang, Ingor Karkaroff, raised his lips and walked over to shake hands with Dumbledore as if he had a sense of superiority.

"Dumbledore!" he shouted enthusiastically as he walked up the ramp, "My dear old friend, how are you?"

"Excellent, thank you, Professor Karkaroff." Dumbledore smiled seriously.

"Dear old friend, ah, finally I'm back at Hogwarts..." He looked up at the castle and said with a smile.

His teeth were very yellow when he smiled, and although his face was smiling, there was no smile in his eyes, and he was suppressing a trace of annoyance.

"It's great to be here, it's great... Viktor, come here and warm up... You don't mind, Dumbledore? Viktor has a little cold..."

Only when a big celebrity like Viktor Krum showed off in front of Dumbledore, Karkaroff's smile became more sincere.

Seeing this scene, Dracula, who had been standing next to him bored, frowned.

This person actually pretended to be cool in front of him?

I can't stand it.

Isn't it just a star student? As if no one has.

"Potter, come here."

Dracula said indifferently.

"...Ah? Me?" Harry was suddenly called by his name and asked in surprise.

While asking, he was also reflecting on whether he was a little excited after seeing Krum and did not grasp the basic etiquette... But Ron and the bunch of girls next to him were obviously more excited?

"Besides you, is there another Potter here?" Dracula said impatiently, "Come here quickly!"

Harry hesitantly squeezed through the crowd in front of him and walked to Professor Dracula.

He could see that even Dumbledore was looking at the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor with a puzzled look, who didn't know what he suddenly thought of.

Just when Harry walked to the front of the team so that everyone from Durmstrang could see clearly, Dracula's expression moved, and a perfect breeze blew, just blowing away Harry's bangs.

The lightning-shaped scar that was famous in the magic world was exposed, and at the same time, a ray of moonlight from nowhere just illuminated Harry's forehead.

Everyone's eyes were subconsciously attracted to it-

"Oh my God! That scar, that is..."

"What the newspaper said is true, the boy who survived is indeed in Hogwarts!"

"He is... He is Harry Potter!"


The students who came to visit Durmstrang really started talking.

Harry's fame is not limited to the British magic world.

At that time, Voldemort and his Death Eaters actually made a lot of trouble around the world, and launched terrorist activities in many different countries.

In addition, the British Ministry of Magic was at a disadvantage in the war against the Death Eaters for a long time at that time, and it was unable to take into account other regions. The magic world of other countries did not have a great wizard like Dumbledore who could make Voldemort feel afraid, so the man who must not be named made people all over the world fall into fear.

The emergence of Harry Potter, the boy who survived a catastrophe, made people all over the world breathe a sigh of relief.

Although more than a decade ago, on the surface, only the British wizarding community was celebrating the departure of the mysterious man, the wizarding communities of other countries such as America also condemned the British wizards for letting owls fly around and releasing weather spells to celebrate, believing that they violated the International Confederation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy.

But in fact, those countries that condemned it were already very happy.

They hoped that Voldemort, a terrorist who no one could control, would be defeated quickly, otherwise what would happen if Grindelwald appeared again and swept across half of the world?

It is precisely because of this that Harry's fame has long gone beyond Britain and spread all over the world.

Looking at the shocked reactions of the students of Durmstrang and the gloomy expression of Karkaroff after he was interrupted when he showed off his star student, Dracula curled his lips with great satisfaction.

"Excuse me, Professor Karkaroff," Dracula said with a cheerful smile, "Actually, Harry has a slight cold too. I think he can talk to Mr. Krum about his condition."

"No, I don't..."

Harry's subconscious retort hadn't finished yet when he saw Dracula's glaring eyes, so he lowered his head silently.

It's better to have a cold than to make Professor Dracula lose face...

Karkaroff nodded stiffly and looked at Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore, who is this..." he asked in a low voice.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you, Karkaroff." Dumbledore looked at Dracula with a smile, and secretly gave him a thumbs up behind his back, then looked at Karkaroff and said, "This is the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, Professor Dracula!"

Karkaroff had a gloomy face and wanted to say a few more sneers, but when he heard Dracula's name, his face changed. I don't know what he thought of, and he didn't dare to say anything to refute.

"Let's go, Viktor."

He flicked his sleeves and called Krum and other Durmstrang students to walk up the steps leading to the auditorium.

Krum followed without saying a word. His performance from beginning to end was very taciturn, which was different from his high-spirited performance on the broom.

But this did not affect the enthusiasm of the students at Hogwarts at all.

As a celebrity, Harry Potter spent every day with them, and his usual performance was not so outstanding. There was not much left of the halo effect.

But Viktor Krum was different. Many young wizards saw a live Quidditch star up close for the first time!

The students of Durmstrang felt the same when they saw Harry.

Karkaroff led the students of Durmstrang up the steps. When Harry squeezed back into the team with the crowd, he saw Lee Jordan in the Gryffindor team jumping up and down on tiptoe, trying to see Krum's back more clearly.

Several sixth-grade girls muttered to themselves while frantically searching their pockets for something -

"Oh, I can't believe I don't have a quill on me -"

"Do you think he will sign my hat with lipstick?"

"That's ridiculous!" Hermione raised her head proudly, disdaining the girls who were arguing over a lipstick.

"You're at a big loss, Harry!" Ron grabbed Harry and said loudly, "You were so close to Krum just now, why didn't you take the opportunity to ask him for an autographed photo?"

"Uh..." Harry scratched his head.

He couldn't say that Professor Dracula called him to the front to save face for Hogwarts and to suppress Krum, right?

If he suddenly asked for an autograph, the professor's plan would fail...

Harry shuddered, and couldn't imagine what kind of cruel treatment he would suffer from Professor Dracula if this continued.

"It's okay, Ron, Krum will stay in Hogwarts for a long time next." Harry patted Ron's shoulder seriously, "You have plenty of opportunities to ask him for an autographed photo."

The last to arrive were the wizards of Invermorny.

Harry accidentally saw that Rolf Scamander's face on the Hufflepuff team was a little strange, and he kept shrinking behind the tall Cedric next to him.

"What's wrong with Rolf?" Harry looked over there with some confusion.

The next moment, the ground suddenly shook violently. When he turned his head subconsciously to look at the lake where the vibration came from, he was startled.

In addition to the carriage as big as the Beauxbatons house parked on the shore and the luxurious boats moored on the lake, a tall tower suddenly appeared in front of him, standing abruptly on the mudflats of the lakeshore.

The surrounding wet sand seemed very soft, and it didn't look like it could support such a building at all.

However, this tower stood there in an unphysical way, with no sign of falling down.

"How... did it come out?" Harry swallowed his saliva and asked Ron stutteringly.

"No... I don't know, it just suddenly came out from the ground." Ron also stuttered.

As if a competition had already begun, the appearances of these three magic schools were more exciting than each other.

The door of the tower opened, and an elderly white-haired witch with dark skin walked out. As soon as she saw Dumbledore, she waved her arms enthusiastically and waved to him.

"Long time no see, Professor Hicks." Dumbledore also waved with a smile and hugged the professor named Hicks.

It can be seen that Dumbledore and the headmaster of Invermorny are more familiar with each other than the previous two headmasters.

"Oh, it's been a long time since we last met. We've become estranged." Professor Hicks blinked teasingly, "Albus, I remember you should have always called me Larry?"

"Ah, it's my problem, Larry." Dumbledore also laughed, "After all, it's a formal occasion representing the meeting of two schools. I thought you would be a little more serious."

"Really?" Professor Hicks smiled and suddenly lowered her voice, "If you were really so serious, you wouldn't have tried every means to trick my outstanding student away!"

While speaking, she looked at the Hufflepuff team, "It's still easy to identify, the same color as the scarf Newt often wears. Um... brat, don't hide, I see you!"

Rolf, who had been hiding behind Cedric, reluctantly poked his head out and sighed deeply.

"Good evening, Grandma Hicks." He greeted Professor Hicks with a bitter face.

"You still know that I'm your godmother?" Professor Hicks laughed and scolded unhappily, "Rolf, when you ran to Hogwarts to study without telling your grandmother, why didn't I realize that you thought of us?"

Rolf stood there weakly and didn't dare to speak. The little wizards around him looked at him in surprise. They didn't expect that this little badger who transferred to the school would have such a relationship with the principal of the Yinfamori School of Magic on the other side of the ocean.

Faced with this situation, Dumbledore could only speak helplessly to be a peacemaker.

"Ahem..." He coughed dryly, "Lally, Rolf was just influenced by Newt and wanted to come to Hogwarts to experience the life of a Hufflepuff... Facts have proved that Hogwarts is more attractive to him."

"Humph, since Albus you said so, I'll give that kid a face and save the punishment for him later." Professor Hicks said, "But I want to see what is so attractive about Hogwarts during this time!"

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