Professor Vampire.

Chapter 240 - 240 Beauxbatons School of Magic Arrives

Chapter 240: Chapter 240 Beauxbatons School of Magic Arrives

In the next few days, the whole Hogwarts seemed to be preparing for the arrival of the semi-finals.

The castle was being cleaned thoroughly.

Because this ancient castle has a history of thousands of years, many places that are not usually noticed are actually full of dust and stains.

In addition, the person responsible for cleaning these years is just a squib, who does not have the convenience of cleaning magic, so the hygiene standards of the castle have actually dropped again without knowing it.

Usually, professors and students are very accustomed to these dirty looks, and they call it the original flavor of the castle that has been precipitated by thousands of years of history, which makes the castle look more heavy and ancient...

But when the castle needs to welcome guests, Professor McGonagall, the vice-president, suddenly realized that Hogwarts cannot use such a gray appearance to entertain guests from other magic schools.

This would make them seem not to pay enough attention to such a grand event, and it would also make Hogwarts lose face.

So, all faculty and staff went out collectively to use magic to help the castle key keeper Argus Filch clean the castle inside and out.

Among them, Dracula's title deed was very useful. This all-round "surveillance" successfully discovered many unnoticed dirt in the corners. Dracula even personally activated the magic of the castle itself to spread the cleaning spell to all directions.

Filch had no task, so he set his sights on the portraits hanging on the wall.

In fact, some portraits were also covered with dust and even covered with stains, but these paintings were drawn with magic, and it was not suitable to be cleaned directly with the cleaning spell to prevent the original magic from being destroyed or interfered with.

The diligent janitor Filch finally found a job and used a rag to clean several dirty portraits, and even the faces of the characters in the paintings became whiter and tenderer.

Those who were scrubbed were very dissatisfied with this. They sat in the picture frame with their bodies huddled, grumbling sullenly, and every time they touched the newly exposed pink tender flesh on their faces, they grimaced in pain.

The armors that were often placed on both sides of the corridor also became shiny and no longer creaked when moving.

"How many times have I told you to clean your soles before entering the castle!"

Filch's roar was often heard at the gate of the castle.

His ferocious and irritable appearance scared many first and second grade wizards from walking by the Black Lake, because they were afraid that their soles would be stained with mud by the lake.

Not only in terms of hygiene, the professors also seemed particularly nervous in other aspects.

"Longbottom, please be kind and don't show your secret in front of the people at Durmstrang, so that they can see that you don't even have a simple conversion spell!" Professor McGonagall shouted at the end of the class.

In that class, Professor McGonagall reviewed the conversion spell, which is a spell that converts the properties of two objects and is one of the branches of Transfiguration.

However, Neville got the spell target wrong in his nervousness, and accidentally grafted his ear onto a cactus, and his ear turned into a green plant with thorns, which looked very weird.

Professor Flitwick was so anxious that he jumped on the desk, because Harry and other fourth-grade wizards couldn't even learn the very basic Spell of the Spell, and often smashed the cushions used for spells on the faces of the students next to them, which interfered with the spells of the people around them, triggering a series of chain reactions...

In comparison, Dracula seemed much more relaxed.

"Speaking of which, Durmstrang will teach students to use dark magic. Are you afraid?"

On the podium of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Dracula looked at the students in the audience with a teasing look.

"Not afraid!" The students in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class answered loudly with confidence.

No matter how they perform in other subjects, no matter whether they study hard or complete their homework seriously... But at least one thing is certain, that is, all students at Hogwarts have experienced Dracula's devil training!

After such training, even if the students' written scores in Defense Against the Dark Arts are not good enough, at least their practical skills are definitely not inferior to those of their peers.

It is precisely because of this that the young wizards do not think that those Durmstrang students who have learned some superficial knowledge of dark magic can pose much threat to them.

After all, no one knows dark magic better than their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!

"Very good, it seems that you have lived up to my special training for you." Dracula hooked his lips, and the emotions in his eyes gradually became interested.

"But in order to prevent any unexpected situation, I think I need to give you some further training in the next two days - I will use dark magic on you continuously, and you need to respond to various types of dark magic in time!"

The young wizards' originally confident expressions froze, and their faces were instantly occupied by helplessness.

In the previous devil training, it was enough to be hit by Professor Dracula's spell. Now it's changed to dark magic, wouldn't it make them suffer to death?


Finally, the time came to October 30th, the day before Halloween.

That morning, when the little wizards went downstairs for breakfast, they found that the hall had been decorated overnight-

Huge silk banners were hung on the clean, white walls, each representing a Hogwarts college: red with a golden lion for Gryffindor, blue with a bronze eagle for Ravenclaw, yellow with a black badger for Hufflepuff, and green with a silver python for Slytherin.

Behind the teacher's desk, there was the largest banner with the Hogwarts coat of arms: lions, eagles, badgers, and snakes connected together, surrounding a huge letter "H".

On this day, it seemed as if the air was filled with a mood of expectation and joy.

In class, no one was in the mood to concentrate on the class...Perhaps except Hermione, most of the little wizards were thinking that people from Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and Invermorny would come tonight.

In Harry's opinion, even the Potions class was not as unbearable as usual, because it would end half an hour earlier.

When the bell rang early, under Snape's gloomy face, Harry, Ron and Hermione ran out of the classroom and hurried to the Gryffindor Tower.

According to the instructions on the notice, they put down their schoolbags and textbooks, put on their school uniforms and cloaks, and then rushed down the stairs in two steps and came to the entrance courtyard in front of the hall.

The deans of each college stood at the front and ordered their students to line up in an orderly manner.

"Wes, put your hat on straight," Professor McGonagall said sternly to Ron and Harry, "Potter, tidy up your hair and don't let it get messy."

Harry quickly pressed his hair down with his hands, but it had no effect at all.

"Everyone, follow me," Professor McGonagall did not bother to continue supervising the image management of the young wizards, and took the lead to walk to the oak gate on the side of the entrance courtyard, "First-year students are in front... Don't crowd..."

They filed through the oak gate, walked down the steps that everyone had walked when reporting for the first year, and lined up in front of the castle.

It was a cold, fresh evening, the night was slowly falling, and a white, translucent moon was hanging over the Forbidden Forest.

"It's almost six o'clock," Ron looked at his watch, looked at the driveway leading to the front door, and said, "How do you think they will come? Take the Hogwarts Express like us?"

"I haven't heard that the Hogwarts Express can go to other countries." Hermione said, "and the boat on the lake here obviously can't accommodate people from three schools. If they come from Hogsmeade Station, we should go to the north gate to greet them."

"How do they come? Riding a flying broom?" Harry looked up at the starry sky and guessed.

"I don't think so..." Hermione continued to retort, "Coming from such a long distance, they might all catch a cold and go home before they even get to Hogwarts."

"Maybe it's the portkey? We used this kind of thing to watch the Quidditch World Cup." Ron continued to guess, "Or they can Apparate - maybe in their country, people under the age of seventeen are also allowed to Apparate?"

"You can't Apparate within the scope of Hogwarts. How many times do I have to tell you?" Hermione said impatiently.

Several people guessed and guessed, and they couldn't imagine how teachers and students from other magic schools would come here as guests.

The next moment the moon appeared over the distant mountains, Dumbledore's voice rang out.

"Ah! If I'm not mistaken, the representatives of Beauxbatons are here!"

"Where are they?" Many students asked anxiously, looking in different directions.

"Look, in the sky!" A student with good eyesight shouted loudly, his finger pointing to the sky above the Forbidden Forest.

A huge monster was rapidly passing through the deep blue sky, covered with starlight, flying towards Hogwarts Castle, gradually getting bigger and bigger.

...When the black monster passed over the treetops of the Forbidden Forest and was illuminated by the lights from the castle windows, a huge powder blue carriage appeared in front of the little wizards.

The carriage was as big as a house, and twelve winged horses pulled it into the air. These Pegasus were all silver-maned horses, and each horse was about the size of an elephant.

The carriage was getting closer and closer, and in the horrified eyes of the little wizards in the front row, it landed at an extremely fast speed, almost hitting the heads of the students in the first three rows - with a loud noise that shook the earth, the horse hooves fell heavily on the ground, each as big as a plate.

In the blink of an eye, the carriage also landed on the ground, and the huge wheels kept shaking. The golden Pegasus retracted their wings at the same time and proudly raised their huge heads.

Hagrid, who was standing in the team of Hogwarts faculty, was staring at the sight. He had never seen a Pegasus of such excellent quality, and this size was even enough for a big guy like him to ride for a walk.

Hagrid secretly made up his mind that he must get along well with the person in charge of Beauxbatons when the time comes to exchange one, and it would be even better if he could exchange a pair.

The door of the carriage was opened, and the young wizards of Hogwarts could take this opportunity to see that there was a coat of arms printed on the door of Beauxbatons' carriage. The coat of arms was a pattern composed of two golden cross-shaped wands, and there were three stars above each wand.

A boy in a light blue robe jumped off the carriage first, bent down in the puzzled eyes of the crowd, and fumbled on the floor of the carriage for a while.

The next moment, a golden spiral staircase extended from the bottom of the door like flowing water, extending all the way to the ground, giving the people in the carriage the opportunity to walk down gracefully from the door at the height of a floor.

As expected by everyone at Hogwarts, the person who came out of the carriage door was indeed elegant enough, and a shiny black high-heeled shoe poked out of the carriage...

However, this shoe was as big as a small sled for children!

Following the high-heeled shoes, a woman appeared. Her size was simply the largest that the young wizards and even professors present had ever seen in their lives. Perhaps only Hagrid in the entire wizarding world could compare with her in physique.

Of course, compared to Hagrid's unkempt appearance and bulging belly, as well as messy hair and beard, when this big woman who got off the carriage of Beauxbatons approached, under the light of Hogwarts, everyone found that she had a very handsome olive face.

Her hair was combed back and tied into a shiny bun at the base of her neck. She was wrapped in a black brocade dress from head to toe, and many luxurious opals shone on her neck and thick fingers.

Obviously, despite her size, she is still a very particular lady.

Harry subconsciously looked at Hagrid, wanting to compare the two, but found that Hagrid was staring at the big lady with a silly smile on his face, looking like a pervert.

Harry covered his face in embarrassment.

In fact, it is reasonable for Hagrid to be attracted to this lady, after all, he has never seen anyone with a body shape that matches Hagrid.


Harry looked at Hagrid's dirty moleskin coat, and then looked at the lady of Beauxbatons who was dressed in jewels, and couldn't help but feel worried for Hagrid in his heart.

Dumbledore took the lead in applauding, interrupting Harry's thoughts.

He followed Dumbledore to applaud to express his welcome, and the classmates around him also clapped their hands, and many people stood on tiptoe to see this strange woman more clearly.

Her expression relaxed, she smiled elegantly, held out a glittering hand, and walked toward Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was a tall, thin man, but he barely bent down to kiss the lady's hand.

"Dear Madam Maxime," Dumbledore said, "welcome to Hogwarts, you and the students of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

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