Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

164. Hinata’s resolve

164. Hinata’s resolve

‘Ku~ra~ma’ Hearing Tomoka’s playfull tone Kurama felt like crying. He didn’t know what made her like this but he feared for his sanity. 


‘So, you know how there is half of you inside Naruto~?’ At that moment only one though could go through Kurama’s mind

[Oh no.]

‘Oh yes~ Chances are that your yang half is now a yin half too~ ufufufu~’ Kurama knew where this was going and he didn’t like it one bit. 

‘Not only that but you yourself have said that you identify as a male~’ 


‘Chances are your yang, now maybe yin, counterpart is now female~’ That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

[Nooooo!] At that moment Kurama gave out a pretty good impression of Luke skywalker.  

[Tomoka, we are good friends right? Best of pals even right? We need to check!] Kurama didn’t care much for being male or female to tell the truth. What worried him was Tomoka’s endless teasing should it be true. 

‘Don’t worry Kurama, if your other half really turned female I am sure you will be a great mother figure for Naruto… Kumama’ 

[That’s it! Come here you little shit!] Once again Kurama engaged in the futile action of chasing Tomoka inside her mindscape.

Meanwhile in the real world Tomoka walked with her girls while chatting about this new and interesting event. Though suddenly the other two became serious, making Tomoka a bit nervous. 

“Tomoka, there is something important we want to talk to you about.” Hearing that Tomoka began feeling a bit of anxiety. Has something bad happened? Who did she need to kill to make it right? Was it time to unleash the nukes? Tomoka’s thoughts became darker and darker by the second until she was pulled out of it by Hinata’s words. 

“W-we have been thinking about it and… we would like to live together with you. Just the three of us with our own home.” Despite knowing that Tomoka loves her Hinata couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous as her heart pounded against her chest. What came next surprised her. 

“YES!”  With tears in her eyes Tomoka couldn’t help but shout her answer before launching herself into her girls’ embrace. She had wanted to ask the same for the longest time but her new emotions were quite bothersome. She felt a fear of rejection despite knowing they would never do that. She felt nervous and every time she wanted to broach the topic her throat would close up.   

“I will get us the best house ever! Don’t you-” Before Tomoka could finish Nozomi raised her hand while interrupting her. 

“Actually, we thought about it and we want to pay for at least half of it. You know, to feel like we contributed as well.” Nozomi felt a bit embarrassed since she knew Tomoka didn’t care for things like money. Even so both Her and Hinata felt like they needed to contribute otherwise they felt like they were taking advantage of Tomoka. 

“I see, well it doesn't matter, any place you two are with me will feel like a home.” Even though she said that she was already planning to pull a few strings to get a good property. They said they wanted to pay half of it; they never said Tomoka couldn’t get them a good deal.  

After that the girls continued walking around leisurely while chatting and having a good time. By the end of the day the three of them sat on top of the Hokage mountain having a picnic while watching the sunset. 

“Say, would the two of you like to come with me to Suna?” Tomoka hadn’t planned to take them with her when going to deal with Gaara and Shukaku but now she wanted them to at least have the option. 

“What for?”  Nozomi felt curious as to why Tomoka would go there. 

With a sigh Tomoka began explaining about the tailed beasts and Gaara’s predicament. She also took the opportunity to talk about her plans for the future amongst other future events. 

“I see… I would have liked it if we could stop Orochimaru’s attack on the village but…” The three of them kept quiet for a moment while Hinata gathered her thoughts until. 

“I actually don’t care. I don’t care for Konoha and much less for my stupid clan.” It surprised both Nozomi and Tomoka hearing the kind Hinata say such a heartless claim.

“You know, I had never taken my time to think about it. However, now that I have, I think I actually hate the village a bit.” Taking a deep breath she continued speaking with fire in her eyes.  

“My clan is the worst. The branch family members are treated like slaves while I myself was treated like trash for not being as brutal as my cousin or sister.

The village didn’t care about that sort of thing either. Not to mention Danzo pulling the strings from behind to annihilate an entire clan.”

The more Hinata talked the more heartache she felt however, it had to be said. She had been blinded by her own kindness to the wrongdoings of others. It was Tomoka and Nozomi that freed her from her naivety. 

“I don’t care for the village any longer. After all, they never cared about me. I don’t care about my clan any longer since they never cared about me.” With tears in her eyes she looked at the two loves of her life in the eyes while saying. 

“The only thing I care about anymore is you two” With that the dam broke. Hinata began crying her heart out letting all her frustration and feelings onto the two people that would forever support her no matter what.    

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