Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

162. A little squeeze

162. A little squeeze

The poor Iwa-nin came out of the cloud of smoke with burns and a broken arm. Before he could try to get his bearings back he felt the impact of shuriken against his body. Both Sasuke and Sakura took the opportunity to finish him off. The man could do nothing but grasp his neck as blood flooded out. A moment later he collapsed to the ground, dead. 

Kakashi kept dodging and formulating a plan. He would send some air jutsus and weapons towards his opponent from time to time. As of now Kakashi was betting on a war of attrition. Who would tire first? The man spamming explosions left and right or Kakashi with his chakra hungry sharingan. In the end it didn’t matter.

“Hey! Over here!” Screamed Naruto from the side. Having dealt with his enemy Naruto decided to help his sensei. After winning by using one of Tomoka’s strategies, Naruto remembered something the girl told him once. With that an idea popped in his mind. 

Hearing Naruto’s loud voice, the Iwa-nin allowed himself a glance. A moment later his neck almost snapped from how fast he turned. Where Naruto stood a moment prior a bombshell of a babe stood naked with strands of smoke barely hiding her privates. 

Unfortunately the Iwa-nin wasn’t the only one distracted by Naruto’s outrageous jutsu as Kakashi also became indisposed. Thankfully Sasuke was ready and so without any other option he shot out a fireball from his mouth. Call it coincidence or whatever but it just so happens that Sasuke stood in the perfect blind spot allowing his attack to travel most of the way unseen. 

As the fireball impacted the Iwa-nin a chain reaction took place. It just so happens that when Naruto distracted the man he had been preparing an even bigger explosion. Sasuke’s fireball shouldn’t have dealt any meaningful damage to the man, however due to the circumstances it ignited the man's chakra. 

Soon enough the man exploded taking with him the pillar he had been standing on. A moment later the cave rumbled causing Naruto to trip. As he fell it so happens that Sasuke also tripped and as if destiny decided to repeat itself both saw how their bodies came closer as their lips were in a collision course.    

Naruto’s and Sasuke’s impromptu makeout session wasn’t of any concern to Kakashi at the moment as he felt the ground below him collapse. Using shunshin Kakashi tried to escape with the kids, unfortunately with the ground beneath his feet collapsing all he could do was hug the kids to try and shield them with his body. A moment later the group fell to the chasm bellow. 

When Naruto came to he felt something squishy underneath his hand.

‘When did I get such a soft pillow’ Wondering that Naruto decided to give the pillow a good squeeze. To his surprise he heard a breathy moan and then he felt a sensation he had never felt before. 

Something had squeezed Naruto’s chest but it didn’t feel like his normal chest. He couldn’t quite describe it but it felt nice, so nice in fact his voice escaped him in the form of a breathy feminine moan. 

That wasn’t his voice! With a bit of panic Naruto opened his eyes only to see a pretty girl’s face a few inches away from his own. Soft skin with rosy cheeks, black irises like onix the same color as the soft silky hair framing her delicate face. It took a moment for Naruto to realize that the girl had a Konoha head-protector tied to her forehead. 

Meanwhile Sasuke felt lost seeing the cute girl in front of him. He had also wondered what had squeezed his chest and why it felt so strange but it was all forgotten once he got lost in those bright baby blue eyes.



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