Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

161. Secret technic

161. Secret technic

As Kakashi closed the distance the Iwa-nin’s face distorted into a grin. Before Kakashi could realize why the ninja placed his right fist on his left palm while pointing both towards Kakashi. The next instant a loud explosion followed quickly engulfing the copy ninja. Out of the cloud of smoke Kakashi’s wounded body could be seen flying before dispersing into lighting that shot towards the Iwa-nin. 

Caught off guard the Ninja tried to dodge by jumping only to feel a pair of hands grasping his feet. With a snap judgment the ninja pointed his hands towards the floor. What followed was a loud explosion that sent the Iwa-nin flying up high. 

Kakashi for his part couldn’t help but sigh while hiding behind another pillar. He had wanted to end it quickly with a simple diversion combo but dealing with the explosion corpse of Iwa was, is, and would always be a pain in the ass. 

Not only that but he needed to keep an eye on the rest of his team so he could save them should they need his help. For all intents and purposes they shouldn’t be confronting another ninja this early in their career. At least the fact it's three against one is keeping them safe somewhat.  

While Kakashi tried to formulate a new plan he had to dodge out of the way as a boulder impacted the pillar he had been hiding behind exploding on impact. Seeing the result Kakashi frowned. As of now three pillars have already been blown apart. He feared for the cave’s stability but there was little he could do while fighting the explosion maniac. 

“What’s the problem copy-cat? Can’t copy my explosions?” The man cackled as he prepared another explosive boulder. 

For Kakashi the situation was troublesome. Getting close to the man was asking to be blown apart. As for long raged jutsus Kakashi didn’t have any water source nearby so the expenditure of chakra would be immense. Earth isn’t the best for attacking and using fire isn’t the brightest of ideas inside a cave. That left him with lighting and wind release. Unfortunately long ranged lightning release jutsus are also very chakra demanding.

With no other option Kakashi began waving hand signs as he spat a good amount of wind bullets towards the enemy as a test. Unfortunately what he feared came to happen. The man simply blew his jutsu away with an explosion. With no other option Kakashi dodged once again as another pillar crumbled. 

Meanwhile Naruto was becoming impatient and annoyed. All he could do was create clones to tank the enemy’s jutsus while chasing the man without being able to catch up. Sasuke also felt bitter as he couldn’t or rather wasn’t willing to use his fire release too much so he too was forced to chase the Ninja while being incessantly pelted by earth release jutsus.    

Sakura for her part stayed back throwing kunai and shuriken to try and hamper the enemy’s movements. More than once her timely distraction had saved Sasuke and Naruto from a nasty hit. However, she was running out of ninja tools. Overall things were looking grim for the genins. That is until Naruto’s patience finally ran out. 

“Get back here you coward or I will be forced to use my secret technique! Believe it!” Seeing as the man continued to run around Naruto finally lost it. He began creating more and more clones. However instead of just chasing the man the clones began dispersing, hiding behind stalagmites and pillars. 

Both Sasuke and Sakura became confused from Naruto’s actions until the Ninja passed too close to one of the pillars. Suddenly a Naruto clone jumped from behind the pillar trying to punch the enemy. Like before whenever a clone came to close the Iwa-nin dodge and kicked the clone. A puff of smoke later and the Iwa-nin’s eyes almost popped out from the surprise. 

“The Tomoka’s special! Exploding clones!” Naruto shouted as a lit explosive paper was left behind by his dispersed clone. A moment later another explosion could be heard as the pillar and Ninja were blown away.

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