Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

160. Fight in the cave

160. Fight in the cave

As Kakashi continued eavesdropping he felt the hairs at the back of his neck standing up. Out of pure instinct and experience Kakashi jumped away as the pillar he had been standing on exploded. Looking around Kakashi’s eyes locked on his attacker. 

Brown vest with a bright red undershirt. If that wasn’t enough for Kakashi to identify his attacker then the crossed out Iwa head protector tied to the man’s forehead would do it. All of this took him a single second. The next he puffed into smoke as two kunai’s embedded themselves onto the rock he had used to substitute himself with. 

Not wasting a second, Kakashi uncovered his left eye. From this little surprise attack Kakashi could tell he would need it or he risked injury or worse. Meanwhile Naruto and Sasuke rushed forward seeing their sensei being attacked. Sakura stayed with their target not out of a clear strategy but due to the fear that coursed through her. 

“Kakashi Hatake, the copy-cat ninja.” Iwa-nin said while preparing his next attack. 

“Though you recognise me I don’t recognise you sorry” Kakashi said in a bantering tone. Even this could be considered a strategy for their fight. Words despite what others may believe have their place in a violent conflict. 

The next moment the Iwa-nin was forced to block and dodge some kunai and shuriken Sasuke and Naruto had sent his way. Though taking into consideration their skill and strength it was nothing more than a bit annoying to the experienced shinobi. 

“Kakashi sensei we came to help!” Scream Naruto as he ran towards the ninja. However, to Kakashi’s horror the ninja quickly waved hand signs preparing to send another explosive jutsu towards the two genin.  

A moment later a boulder filled with the man’s chakra was sent towards the kids. Though Kakashi wanted to do something, anything really, to help he was on the other side of the enemy. He could do nothing but watch as the projectile flew towards the kids. 

Sasuke in a moment of panic and sheer survival instinct waved hand signs before spitting out a fireball. Meanwhile Naruto created a good ten clones in front of himself and Sasuke in hopes of cushioning the blow. 

The next moment both projectiles collide resulting in a loud explosion as shrapnell flies everywhere destroying most of Naruto’s clones. Thankfully both genin came out unscathed if a bit scared of how close they cut it. 

“Naruto, Sasuke retreat, this isn't an opponent you too can take.” Kakashi ordered while dashing towards the enemy ninja with kunai in hand.  

Though Naruto hated to admit it, having such a massive explosion so close to himself made him realize that Kakashi’s words were the truth. Unfortunately they weren’t given the chance to retreat as a second ninja appeared to confront them.

Like the first, this one also wore a brown vest with a red undershirt. A crossed out Iwa headprotector tied to their hip. Unlike the first one though, this one is much younger, just a bit older than Naruto and Sasuke. 

“I will be your opponent” said the new enemy as he waved hand signs before spitting a bunch of rocks from his mouth. The rocks were too fast and too many for the two genin to dodge so they did what they knew best. Sasuke deflected the ones he could with his shuriken jutsu while Naruto spammed more clones to take the hit for him.  

Seeing the man waving hand signs again Sakura’s fear frozen mind finally rebooted. She could tell Naruto and Sasuke would be in trouble should this continue. Though she isn’t as skilled as Sasuke in Shurikenjutsu, unlike Naruto she could still hit her target. 

Shuriken flew towards the new enemy as Sakura joined the fight. Yosuke for his part had long since found a small alcove inside one of the massive pillars to hide in. As for the Sendo clan members, the cowards had fled as soon as the first explosion took place.   

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