Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

140. Rescuing Karin

140. Rescuing Karin

It had been a day like any other for Karin. She woke up, made some breakfast, ate, took a small shower, got clothed and finally she got escorted out of her home by the usual pair of Kusa-nin. Her life had gone to shit ever since her mother had died. No one cared for her, not really, what they cared for was her blood.

Like her mother Karin’s blood had the ability to heal those who drank it. Like her mother Karin had resigned to be a blood bag for these leeches until her body wouldn’t be able to hold on and die. Chances are she would be raped so they could get a new blood bag before her expiration date. 

Walking slowly towards the hospital Karin tried to keep a slow and calculated pace. Slow enough to prolong her peaceful time before the pain fast enough her guards wouldn’t get annoyed with her. It had taken her years to learn the appropriate pace but with how repetitive her routine is she had nothing more than time.

Somedays, she was lucky and no one would be wounded badly enough it would require them biting her. Other days she would be drained dry and suffer from anemia. Today, like every other day, she hoped it would be the former. However she never expected to see what happened next. 

Walking slowly towards the hospital doors Karin sighed and prepared herself mentally for a day full of pain as usual. Closing her eyes for but a moment to center herself she didn’t expect that once she opened them she would see corpses. 

Her two guards lay on the floor with their heads missing as streams of blood flowed out of their necks. She should probably be scared, screaming and maybe running away with all her might. Instead she looked at the two corpses with such focus others would think she had suffered from shock. Instead she was simply admiring the visual. 

How many times had she imagined this very image in her alone time. She wished to see the two bastards dead every single day. Now here they lay dead by her feet. Perhaps, the only complaint she had was that their deaths hadn’t been by her hands. However, as of now she couldn’t complain. 

“Karin Uzumaki?” A sudden feminine yet authoritative voice called her name bringing her out of her thoughts. Looking at the owner of said voice she saw a tall woman with piercing purple eyes and cyan long hair shaved at the left side. Her gear looked strange, nothing like what she had seen before on the kusa-nin. 

“Are you Uzumaki Karin?” The woman talked again, repeating her question, throwing Karin out of her thoughts once again. Should she admit it? Or should she try to flee? In the end Karin just nodded while trying to understand what was going on.

“Alright then, you are our rescue and escort target. Stay close and don’t try to flee, I would rather not have to knock you out.” Hearing the woman Karin didn’t doubt for a second she would do so if necessary. 

Without saying another word the woman began walking while screams could be heard all around the place. Looking around Karin saw people dressed in similar attire to the woman going around killing kusa-nin with frightening ease. All of them were like ghosts moving too fast for her to follow, only seeing the aftermath of their actions, death.

“W-Who are you?” Karin couldn’t shut herself up before the question escaped from her lips against her better judgment.   

The women stayed silent as if thinking of something. Probably if she should answer Karins question or not. After a while she answered with a faint smile on her face. 

“I am a clone of Tomoka Fushi, but just call me Moka for now. As a matter of fact, all of us are.” Hearing Moka’s words Karin’s mind stopped working for a moment. Surely the woman was playing a prank on her, right? After all, every single one of these “Clones” looked different from each other.    

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