Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 316: Seven Extreme Dominations

Chapter 316: Seven Extreme Dominations

In the boundless space, when the world was just forming and life had yet to appear, three sacred items emerged. They were the Origin Heart, Pearl of Creation, and the Staff of Origin.

Origin Heart is a beating heart that to this day never stopped throbbing. Placing the Origin Heart into ones chest, besides snow peoples, it would make anyone in the universe, regardless of level into a peak tenth level power.

Only allowed on

Theres more. Their lifespan will increase by a million years as well!

THe Pearl of Creation is said to create a world out of thin air and make the user its god!

As to whether the Pearl of Creation exists or not, it is still unknown.

The final sacred item is the Staff of Origin, also known as the temporal sacred item. It can open a portal to any time and space. Although it was only an image and cant affect reality, but one can bring back items from that space and time. From a certain point of view, it already had a great impact on the real world.

With a complete Staff of Origin, any rare or impossible ingredient can be obtained from the portals it creates, as long as one has the knowhow.

Some even claimed that to obtain the Origin Heart and the Pearl of Creation the Staff of Origin is indispensable!

Li Mo took out his incomplete Staff of Origin, This here is a third of the Staff of Origin.

The people paled.

Staff of Origin was splintered in antiquity. This was all that Great God Pangu managed to bring to Earth. Of the rest, one third lies back home, on the Primogenitor Planet, and another third scattered through the universe.

Li Mo sighed, Completing it is a grueling and arduous task.

Primogenitor Planets leader, the second elder Panshi, has always been on the lookout for Pangu and the Staff of Origin fragments. If he knew it is on Earth, he will send his people here.

The universes races covet it as well. With God Realm on the verge of completely enveloping Earth, they will soon be upon us.

This is all because of this Staff of Origin. In order to safeguard Earth, it cannot stay here.

To be honest, I already made my decision to openly leave in a few days. I will leave obvious clues in my travels among the stars to tell every race out there that the Staff of Origin is with me and that Im not on Earth!

Someone called Liu Lifang raised a hand, Vice-chief Li, we all know the importance of the Staff of Origin. But theres something that I cant quite understand. Why cant we use it to get stronger?

Escape isnt viable!

Liu Lifang is right! Why leave when you have such a godly item?

Great God Pangu left it behind. Isnt it the earthlings treasure?

Hear, hear

The expert discussed, but all wanted to make use of the Staff of Origin.

Li Mo smiled. The same reaction he saw in his past life.

No wonder the other races say humanitys true trait is greed, not the one bestowed by heaven.

Li Mo threw the Staff of Origin on the ground.

The experts looked startled, with many wishing they could take it but held themselves.

The first who moved was going to be shredded.

Using Staff of Origin to open a time-space rupture comes with many dangers. With your guys power even if you cultivate for a hundred years youd still be unable to control it.

Vice-chief Li, if you can, so can we! Liu Lifang laughed.

Vice-chief Li is so young an yet so strong because of this staff.

If Vice-chief Li had taken it out earlier, things wouldnt have been so complicated.


Ha-ha, who doesnt want to have such a treasure?

I think the same.

Bai Wudi cursed, Youre all a bunch of fools. Without Li Mo, what would become of you now? Why prattle when its clear you all want the Staff of Origin?

Yeah, hadnt Vice-chief Li been good to us?

A mans greed has no bound!

If even Great God Pangu cant protect it, you think you bastards can?

Not just anyone can have it

Regardless, I want to take it for a spin

Me to, ha-ha-ha

Two sides formed in an instant as they quarreled.

Li Mo floated in the air and smiled.

A flick from him and the Staff of Origin shined.




It only lasted a second, but it wiped the last half an hour from everyones minds.

Li Mo put the Staff of Origin away and looked at the quiet crowd.

Vice-chief Li is here! Someone said.

They all watched Li fervently.

Li Mo shook his head.

He felt so helpless right now

He just employed Staff of Origins recall ability. It only worked on those weaker than him, taking their mind a few hours, days, even years back.

They had all lost any notion pertaining the Staff of Origin, and its very existence.

Li Mo didnt repeat his story about the three sacred items and only greeted.

Bai Wudi, Liu Feng, Sun Wei. Step forward.

Liu Feng called them.

They were the only ones whose reaction he approved of. They held no greed.

Li Mo told that little story to see who could resist the temptation, who was worthy to fight alongside him.

Bai Wudi, Liu Feng, and Sun Wei had long since reached the peak fifth level.

Didi, how did you suddenly grasped the fifth skill already?

Yeah, even I am scared. Grandfather worked a hundred years to attain it and was drive mad too!

Back up, what the hell did you just call me? Bai Wudi jerked.

Bai Wudis real name was Didi. Since he always found this name unrepresentable, he picked Wudi instead.

Dont sweat the details. Ill explain to you what happened.

Fine, you are right. I guess I lost my focus there.

The reason is quite simple, really. Your Bai clans six skills were one of the few skills on Earth that were preserved since antiquity.

Your Bai clan members that forced themselves to train the six skills to completion and went mad instead was because they had to be practiced in a spiritual qi rich environment.

That simple? Bai Wudi was stunned.

Just that! Li Mo nodded.

A hundred of my clansmen went man just because our planet is a dump?


God f*cking dammit, piece of

The Bai clans six skills are very strong and all rounded. But the way I see it, they still have a flaw. The third skill, for example, will burn at ones life force to double ones strength. Its no different from killing yourself.

But isnt it good to turn the tides at the right moment? Bai Wudi didnt want to admit it.

Yes, but will you still live afterwards? Youll die if you use it anyway.

How else are you to double your power without paying a price?

Like this.

Li Mo shared the revised Bai clans third skill with Bai Wudi.

You can alter my clans skills?

Y-you know the cultivation method of my clan? Bai Wudi was close to being hysterical.

Bai clans six skilled went by a different name in antiquity, Seven Extreme Dominations. Your clans six skills are intact but you are still missing the last one.

Cleaving Mountains, Star Crusher, Power of Death, Spirit Call, Yang Return and the Spirit Void Body are your clans skills right?

D-did you steal them?

Wait, with your character, thatd be impossible. S***, did I just spill the beans while drunk? Bai Wudi scratched his head.

Whats the seventh one? Bai Wudi came to. If Li Mo learned them from him, how then did he know that Seven Extreme Dominations? 

Tyrant King Fist.

Bai Wudi was stunned.

Bloody hell!

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