Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 292: Thunderstruck Headquarters

Chapter 292: Thunderstruck Headquarters

Few, Lin Qingrou included, knew of Li Mos true potential for destruction. Everyone else took this new elder as having got his new position through luck. 

Until now, when he hammered the invincible Lan Yue with blows that always hit true. It dawned on them that this plain kid wasnt as simple as they thought.

Anyone else? Li Mo asked.


In the Experts Alliance might was right. His show of power quelled any and all dissent.

They were literally tongue tied as Li Mo spoke this time with his fists, not a string of strange and very lucky coincidences.

With Vice-chief Lan failing, who else was there?

They all looked at each other, but no one made a peep.

I lose. Lan Yue admitted.

He knew he underestimated Li Mo, but even if he hadnt, he wouldnt be his match still.

And Lan Yue was a man who owned up to his losses.

I formally pronounce Li Mo as Experts Alliances Chief. I, for one, will step down from my position as Vice-chief!

The crowd went wild.

Lan Yue left the meeting room.

Lin Yourong said, People, if there are no more objections, Li Mo will officially be our new Chief!

Everyone was silent.

Please give us a few words, new Chief. Lin Qingrou rose to applaud. 

Everyone, I have two matters to declare. Theres no one better suited for this position of mine than Vice-chief Lan.


Everyone was shocked.

Li Mo continued, Secondly, we do not need Thunderstruck Enterprises login devices.

The first is an appointment, and the second is both my first and my last order as your Chief.

Li Mo left the stage.

Lan Yue stood at the door in shock.

This reversal went beyond his comprehension.

Li Mo left the meeting room.

Congratulations, Chief Lan! It started with a shout, then the entire room cheered.

Lan Yue asked for silence.

He had too many questions.

You are more charismatic than me and are upright.

When Lan Yue went after Li Mo, the latter didnt hide his motives.

Li Mo wanted to be chief so he could control the entire alliance. He didnt thirst for authority. His decision came about the moment he saw how repulsed was everyone of his new position.

I, Lan Yue, have always been fair and open. You can rest easy knowing that.

I trust you, however

Li Mo chuckled just as a fancy golden car stopped before the entrance to the building, young master Lans car.

Chief Lan Yue, I have to be clear with you on something.

Go ahead.

Stay true to yourself and never forget who you are.

I will! Lan Yue nodded.

Take these spiritual roots. They are much better than the ones Thunderstruck Enterprise supplies.

Li Mo had long since had them ready.

The Thunderstruck Enterprise-made Starscape login devices had too many side effects, with the worst being control. Using them one day would bring about some detrimental effects, which was why Li Mo used the genuine article.

Li Mo then vanished.

Not even the old Chief and Zhou Mengxian together can face such a power.

Lan Yue sighed.

They say there will always be someone stronger than you. Now I know.

Dad, whatcha doing?

Young master Lan came out of the golden sports car hugging a blondie.

Nothing, you

Lan Yue stopped the moment he laid his eyes on the blondie.

Dad, Im so bored. Ive had enough of those average girls. Cant you help me get an expert to have fun with for a change?

Well talk later.

Lan Yue left.

Faced with his sons requests, he always dodged them. It was his standard response to all requests he didnt want to agree to.

How totally boring. Young master Lan complained.

Bro Mo, Ill give my very best!

Du Fei spoke with confidence.

Thunderstruck Enterprise China division, just lost their boss, Huang Tianxiong. It now had to choose a new candidate from a batch of recommendations, and it just so happened that Du Fei, with three years experience in the company was among them.

I heard that there are three candidates. Besides me theres Xin Xiaowei from the Xin clan, and some stranger called Shan Shou.(T/N: lit. mountain beast.)

Shan Shou? Li Mo frowned. This was the first time in both his lives he ever heard such a name. 

Yeah, Shan Shou. What a funny name. The headquarters said the person is Chinese, but Ive been in the company for so long yet never actually heard of such name.

With no reputation or power, the person shouldnt be able to be a valid candidate. What used to be only between me and Xin Xiaowei, now this Shan Shou showed up out of the blue.

I dont even know his gender.

Only allowed on

This person has to be somebody to be a candidate. Be more careful.

Dont worry. You taught me everything I know. Even against rabbits, a falcon has to give his all. Showing carelessness to ones enemy is being cruel to oneself. I know that all too well.

Du Fei matured after fighting so many years in the ancient battleground. He was completely different from his cowardly self.

The candidate will be picked three days later through the most simple way. Fighting.

I am confident I can win against Xin Xiaowei. But because I know nothing of Shan Shou, I am not so sure in this persons case. But I will give my best nonetheless!

Li Mo planned to control all three organizations. It was the only way to root out all the chaos the sudden alien invasion would cause. 

Ill come with you this time. If the need arises, I will intervene.

Great! With you there, itll be a cinch!

Three days later, Du Fei reported to Thunderstruck Enterprise China division, with Li Mo following in the shadows.

Thunderstruck Enterprise had four headquarters. The strongest of which was the Europe headquarters, seconded by the Asia headquarters. And China division was subordinated to this.

The Asia headquarters had a man going by Akita Jiro as its leader. He was a typical Japanese, in charge of all Asian operations. 

The China division was also important, so among the seniors executives attending this important meeting, it also included an elite from Europe headquarters. He was an oddity with white hair and quite young. 

Codename Thunder.

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