Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 289: Verdict

Chapter 289: Verdict

In a hidden cave deep in the mountains

A twenty-year-old youth was mauling at an adults neck, sucking the blood out of him while paying no heed to the screams. 


Having his fill of blood, the youth threw away the desiccated body and cackled.

This cultivation method is out of this world. Zhou Mengxian, Im starting to regret not having joined hands ages ago!

The twenty-year-old youth was none other than Yao Changsheng!

Training the combined art of Everlasting Art and Undying Art for a month let Yao Changshengs old and decrepit body rejuvenate. 

Zhou Mengxian sat cross-legged, surrounded by a bloody air. His face didnt change much, but it didnt go the same for his character. What used to be an elegant youth was now replaced with a monster of fiendish nature . 

If I leave Earth, I should now be in the seventh level. Zhou Mengxian, you must be the same, right?

What are we hiding here for anyway? I believe we can blow that bastard Li to pieces!

Yao Changsheng flexed his newfound muscles in his arms.

Not yet. Zhou Mengxian shook his head.

Why not? Are you saying even us two cant handle him?

We wont go after him until we are certain of success.

Zhou Mengxian, your nerves have slackened, I see.

Caution keeps the boat afloat. Mother is still in seclusion and wont come out for another six months. We need to exercise caution. We will kill Li Mo along with mother.

In this age, we need to lessen out trips outside and leave fewer tracks. Since you love blood, I have in my storage bag enough to last us half a year.

Those are just blood bags from the hospital, so bland. Now that I have regained my youth, do you have any idea how long its been since I tasted a woman?

Three hundred years! I used to think I will never enjoy the simple pleasures in life, but now I am reborn, ha-ha-ha! I cant wait even a second!

I urge you to rein your desires or all may very well fall apart.

Youre overthinking things!

Yao Changsheng left the cave.

Zhou Mengxian shook his head, slowly sucking on a blood bag.

Only allowed on

With the Everlasting Undying Art remade, Yao Changsheng lost it while Zhou Mengxian could still maintain a semblance of reasoning.

Zhou Mengxian caressed an Eight Trigrams Mirror for a long time before putting it away in his chest.

Without this mirror, I wouldve ended up like him. God Emperor Jiangs cultivation method is truly flawed

But loosing ones heart is a small price to pay for immortality!

With this Clarity Mirror, my future is bound to be brighter than Yao Changshengs. I wont kill him yet, as he still has some use!

Zhou Mengxian snickered.

Yao Changshengs madness went on for a day, until Li Mo found him.

The Staff of Origin couldnt find Zhou Mengxian for the treasure he had as a shield, but the crazed Yao Changsheng had no such insurance.

Li Mo came right as Yao Changsheng was holding two innocent girls, ready to gorge on them. Noticing Li Mo, he laughed, throwing the girls to the ground and pouncing on him.

Li Mo, sparing me was your last mistake! Now that Ive recovered, you can never kill me, ha-ha-ha! Do you regret it now? Well too bad!


Li Mos fist smacked Yao Changshengs face in, sending him reeling and on his knees. 

He was stunned by the sheer power and speed behind it.

It was so fast he couldnt even react, yet only a just weaker to keep his head on his shoulders.

Take my magic weapons!

Yao Changsheng roared, throwing hundreds of items. He didnt have Zhou Mengxians Clarity Mirror, but having lived for a millennia, he stored plenty of powerful magic weapons. 


Li Mos simple jab threw the hundreds of weapons on the ground, never to activate again no matter what Yao Changsheng tried.

With just that quick and simple punch, he wiped out any trace of spirituality the items ever had, reducing them to nothing more than common weapons.

Ahhh, Ill kill you!

Yao Changsheng went berserk, taking out all his remaining magic weapons. 


Li Mo used the same simple punch to stop the blade storm from even touching him.

Yao Changsheng, I didnt kill you then nor will I change my mind about you now. Lowlifes like you and Zhou Mengxian are unworthy of rearing. I hereby sentence you to lifetime imprisonment!

Prison? Ha-ha-ha, what prison could ever hope to hold me? Li Mo, I am now cultivating the Everlasting Undying Art and will live for all eternity. I am not your match, but theres nothing you can do to me!

Li Mo never showed nor care for his hoot, taking the God Prison out. 

Yao Changsheng felt a strong attraction force. He tried running but was sucked in either way.


Yao Changsheng was now imprisoned on the top floor.

Yao Changsheng raved around his cell. A pity all his dissent was nothing more than a tantrum in the face of these indestructible bars. As God Prison was now, even a God Emperor would find escape impossible.

Let me go! Let me go! Ahhh, Ill kill you!


Li Mo snapped his fingers and chains tucked Yao Changsheng in real tight. Struggle as he might, he still ended up unable to budge a finger. His last resort was begging.

I said I wouldnt kill you, but Im sure you realize by now if living outside or inside is better.

But, as the saying goes, theres no pill for regret!

Li Mo released the girls and followed Yao Changshengs trace with his Celestial Eye.

When he happened upon the cave, he met with a cross-legged Zhou Mengxian having glazed eyes.

Zhou Mengxians soul whisked away!

Li Mo frowned.

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