Ch: 141 [Erik’s view]

Ch: 141 [Erik’s view]

As the team gathered to assess the aftermath of the mission, frustration filled Ophelia as she realized X-23 was missing. Blink shared the news that cell number X-23 was empty, and the other survivors revealed that X-23 and two other test subjects had been transferred a few hours ago. Ophelia's anger boiled over, feeling guilty for not being able to save her when she had infiltrated the facility as Dr. Andrews. And now, she had failed again.

"That can't be," Ophelia exclaimed, slamming her fist against the wall in frustration, leaving a noticeable dent. "I was keeping a close eye on everyone. There's no way someone entered or left the building in the past 12 hours without me knowing."

Professor X spoke up, his voice steady. "It seems likely that the culprit possesses the ability to manipulate portals, allowing them to bypass our surveillance and remove X-23 from her cell."

Blink nodded in agreement, her teal energy crackling around her. "It's a logical deduction. We need to find out who has this portal ability and track them down before it's too late."

Jessica, standing nearby, crossed her arms and frowned. "But how do we even begin to track someone like that? We don't have any leads."

Professor X held his phone tightly as he dialed Emma Frost's number. After a few rings, she answered, her voice calm and collected. "Charles, everything alright over there?"

"Emma, we have a situation," Professor X said, his tone grave. "We need you to use Cerebro to locate X-23. She is a special case like Logan. Her X-Genes should be easy to trace. She is somewhere within Sydney. And, there are two other mutants around her. Find them. There's also a probability of someone with portal or teleport ability around her." [He read Ophelia's mind.]

Emma's voice held a sense of urgency as she responded, "Consider it done, Charles. I'll tap into Cerebro immediately and search for X-23's location. Give me a moment."

As the team anxiously waited for Emma to work her telepathic magic, Jessica broke the silence. "What about him?" she looked toward unconscious Luke.

Professor X furrowed his brow in concern as he assessed Luke's condition. "The metal grafting around his skull seems to be blocking my telepathic abilities. It's a sophisticated method of preventing any external influence or communication with him."

"Given the circumstances, it would be best to bring Luke back to the X-Mansion," Professor X suggested. "We have facilities and resources there that can aid in his recovery and help us find a way to break through the AMO's brainwashing."

Blink nodded in agreement. "I can create a portal to transport us directly to the X-Mansion. We shouldn't waste any more time."

"That would be the best course of action," Professor X turned toward Jean, "Jean, you know what to do."

"Yeah, leave him to me. Hank and I should be able to figure out something," Jean replied. She flicked her finger. Her ability pulled up Luke in the air.

Blink opened a portal.

Jean stepped inside the portal with Luke.

"You going or staying?" Blink asked Jessica.

"Thank you for saving everyone," Jessica thanked everyone and stepped into the portal.

Ophelia, still visibly frustrated, clenched her fists. "Where the hell is Cynthia and Mystique?"

"I haven't seen them since we entered the facility," Blink admitted, her voice filled with concern.

Erik and Storm entered the room.

"Erik?" Professor X narrowed his eyes.

"Don't worry, I haven't killed anyone. Just made sure they won't cause any problems in the near future. You can see that, right?" Erik replied with his usual tone, "See, no helmet." He pointed at his head.

Professor X peeked into Erik's mind only to see what he had done with the AMO executives.

Professor X observed Erik's memories and saw that he had incapacitated the AMO executives, rendering them unconscious but unharmed. Satisfied with the outcome, he nodded approvingly.

"Good work, Erik. We need to ensure that they can't regroup and continue their operations," Professor X said, his tone firm. "We'll hand them over to the S.H.I.E.L.D. once we have resolved the situation with the remaining three."

Erik smirked and flicked his finger. He used his magnetism ability to manipulate the surrounding metals to sever the captured executives' limbs, all at once, "Now, it's good work."

"Why, Erik?" Professor X never saw that coming.

"Why? You ask?" Erik looked into Professor's eyes angrily.

"I have witnessed the atrocities committed by these individuals, the pain they have caused to our kinds and regular humans. They deserve death for their actions, for the lives they have ruined," Erik responded, his voice filled with anger and determination. "Look at them... Some of them might not survive tomorrow. They took away their humanity from them, for what?" He pointed at the survivors.

Professor X sighed heavily, his expression filled with both sadness and disappointment. "Erik, I understand your anger and the pain caused by their actions, but we must not stoop to their level. We fight to protect mutants and humans alike, not to become the oppressors ourselves. We must adhere to our principles of justice and rehabilitation."

Erik clenched his fists tightly, his eyes burning with intensity. "Principles of justice? Rehabilitation? How many times have we seen those fail? How many times have we been betrayed and hurt because we gave second chances to those who didn't deserve them?"

"Violence and revenge will only perpetuate the cycle of hatred," Professor X responded firmly, his voice unwavering. "We must rise above it and show that there is a better way. We can bring these individuals to justice through lawful means and ensure that they face the consequences of their actions."

"And what about them? Ask them what they want, after all, they are the ones who suffered," Erik countered.

Professor X took a moment to gather his thoughts, understanding the weight of Erik's words and the pain he felt. He looked around at the survivors, each of them carrying their own scars and traumas. And Erik is right. Some of them won't live to see another day. Ophelia and the others listened intently, waiting for his response.

"You're right," Professor X said, his voice filled with empathy. "Their voices and their pain matter. We cannot ignore the suffering they've endured. But as leaders, we must find a balance between justice and compassion. We must listen to their wishes and strive for a system that provides healing, rehabilitation, and a chance for a better future."

"It didn't work then, it won't work now. Their blood will be in your hands, Charles," Erik replied as he turned to leave.

"No... Not if we save them first," Professor X replied with a calm tone. Alex's face appeared before his eyes. He remembered how Alex healed the wounds, allowing him to walk.

Erik stopped and looked back, "How?"

"Wait! You want Alex's help?" Ophelia asked.

"Yes, your grandson is their only hope," Professor X replied.

"You mean the one who healed you and kept destroying the training field?" Erik asked.

Professor X nodded with a smile.

"Ah! That might be a problem," Ophelia sighed rubbing her head, "You think he healed you out of his heart?"

Professor X's smile faded slightly as he considered Ophelia's question. "I believe Alex stating something about paying the debt," he responded, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But will he just leave these innocents to just die?"

"You couldn't read his mind!" Erik inquired with a curious tone.

"That's correct," Professor X admitted. "Alex's mind was impenetrable to my telepathic abilities. I was able to enter only when he allowed me and I wasn't able to peek into other memories except for the one he wished to see."

"Forget about that," Storm finally spoke, "Why do you think he will decline? I mean, we trained and talked and Alex is a good man."

"Yeah? You think he is a good man? Well, here's some advice, offer him something of equal value before asking his help, or maybe send someone he has a good connection with... with whom he likes to spend time or has opened up a bit of his heart," Ophelia replied.


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