Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 102 - The Return of the Trade Caravan

Chapter 102: The Return of the Trade Caravan

The Reyvadin Caravan, which had departed for three weeks, had finally returned on the first day of the month.

The strong horse was breathing heavily as it pulled the rope. It drove the wide and thick wheels with nails over the sand, leaving deep marks. It was obvious that the carriage was full of goods, and they had prepared all the goods for the trade.

Guarding the city gate was a team of Swadian footmen. After carefully inspecting the carriage and making sure that there were no abnormalities, they waved their hands and let it pass.

Although they knew each other, they were still extremely cautious of these Vaegirs people.

This was the habitual thinking of the continent of Caradia, so the leader of the trade caravan was not surprised. They received the same treatments when they passed by the various castles and towns of the Kingdom of Swadia. After all, the Kingdom of Swadia was an enemy country.

They led the trade caravan to the council hall.

The leader of the trade caravan turned around his head to look at the new buildings around him, with a surprised expression on his face.

It could really be said that things had completely changed.

Before he left, he still remembered that the Oasis Lookout was a small and simple village. However, three weeks had passed in a blink of an eye. When he returned to this place, he found that it had actually become a fortress that had just taken shape.

The stone city walls and city gates were firm and sturdy. They were guarded by the light footmen on duty.

The internal buildings were clean and tidy. The planning was reasonable.

“That is...”

The leader of the trade caravan glanced at the empty space beside the eastern city gate.

Firentis was assigning the mission.

The heavily and fully armed Swadian soldiers lined up neatly and waited for orders.

There were 46 Swadian heavy cavalry soldiers and 50 Swadian footmen. Although there were less than 100 of them, the guards and sentries of the trade caravan were shocked by this scene. They appeared to be frightened by the soldiers and couldn’t help but shrink their heads.

These were the true elites that been through hundreds of battles, a powerful force that could break through the enemy’s formation.

At the same time, they also discovered the 40 desert bandits on the training ground.

The desert bandits who were watching over the captives were also staring at the trade caravan. Many of them even raised their scimitars and revealed sinister smiles.

Profession habits were not so easy to change.

This made the trade caravan even more nervous.

As for these ruthless bandits who were infamous in the Sarrand Desert, the twelve guards of the trade caravan subconsciously grabbed their spears tightly. Their actual combat strength was not much better than the recruits, but facing so many desert bandits.., even if they resisted desperately, they would not be able to live for long.

The desert bandits here were at the same level as those bandits in the snowy plains of Vaegirs.

The trade caravan had traveled across the north and the south. Although they never met these bandits because of luck, they always heard of the unfortunate incidents of others in the tavern.

It was considered lucky if only their belongings were stolen by the desert bandits. If their water was snatched as well, it would be truly miserable.

“Everyone, get your spirits up.”

The leader of the trade caravan in front of snorted coldly.

He, who had once served as a knight in the Kingdom of Vaegirs, had the guts and courage. However, when he saw his cowardly caravan members, he could not help but scold them in a low voice, “This is Lord Kant’s estate. They are Lord Kant’s cavalry! ”

“Ah... Ah, yes. ”

Hearing these words, the guards and sentries of the trade caravan came back to their senses.

However, being stared by the malicious gazes of those desert bandits, their hearts were still pounding. It was still made them afraid despite their glories and courage in their fighting days.

The leader of the trade caravan could only sigh to himself. He felt lucky that he had not been robbed by bandits in the past.

However, the sigh in his heart did not come out.

He led his warhorse forward quickly and looked at the figure standing in front of the council hall. He hurriedly bowed and said in a very respectful tone, “Respected Lord Kant, it is an honor to see you again. ”

“I am also happy to see you.” Kant replied with a smile.

He had a good impression of the leader of the trade caravan who could stand up and choose to fight during the crisis of the estate. Therefore, he asked in a more amiable tone, “What did you bring this time?”

“It’s a lot of food.”

The leader of the trade caravan immediately replied, “There are also various tools, oil in the urn, and tons of linen. These are all the materials you need now. I didn’t bring the other luxury wines.”

“This is indeed what I need the most.” Kant nodded and smiled.

“That’s great.” The leader of the trade caravan happily lowered his head, appearing even more respectful.

Kant smiled and said, “Come in. Let them do these small little things.” At the same time, Kant turned to the guard beside him and said, “Go and find Manid. I think they will have a common topic to talk about.”

“Understood.”, the Swadian footman, who was served as a guard, received the order and leave in fast paces.

“Manid? The genius merchant from Nord’s territory”, the leader of the trade caravan was slightly stunned.

Kant smiled and asked, “You’ve heard of him?”

The leader of the trade caravan revealed a bitter smile. “Yes, Manid is the model of our trade caravan. During the war between the Kingdom of Vaegirs and the Khergit Khanate, he provided supplies to both sides. He made the terrifying amount of profit and the news spread throughout the entire continent.”

“Oh. “, Kant raised his eyebrows slightly.

The strategy of selling supplies to both sides of the war seemed a little familiar.

Shaking his head, Kant didn’t think too much and said to the leader of the trade caravan, “If you’re done with the trade caravan, then come in. I still want to discuss the purchase of food with you.”

“Yes, Lord.” The leader of the trade caravan watched Kant walk into the council hall.

At the same time, he hurriedly waved his hand, telling the trade caravan behind him to move quickly.

As an excellent leader of the trade caravan, he understood that he shouldn’t let the lord wait for too long. Otherwise, it would be a serious breach of etiquette, and the relationship that he had painstakingly built with Kant would become loose.

Fortunately, the grocery store wasn’t far away.

The leader of the trade caravan brought his men over and carried all the goods down. They placed them neatly on the empty counters and shelves. It seemed that he came prepared well.

Soon, the trade caravan resumed its business.

Kant returned to the council hall.


He was sitting on the chair and tapped his fingers on the table.

Food was the problem that he needed to solve as soon as possible, it couldn’t take long.

Although the Oasis Lookout had a lot of stored food.

But it was going to be an issue anyway.

The current Oasis Lookout had a rapid increase in the number of people, and the consumption of food was also rising day by day.

In particular, the consumption of food by the troops was even more terrifying.

All soldiers were gluttonous because they need more strength to carry tons of heavy works. Even the warhorse they rode on also needed to feed bread and grains constantly to replenish the nutrients that lack in the chee grass.

The most crucial thing was definitely the expedition army of the Kingdom of Gray Mane.

If these high-level Jackalan really crossed the Nahrin Desert and reached here, the Oasis Lookout would definitely be surrounded by enemies.

After entering a stalemate, Kant and the others would be able to defend with full confidence.

With sufficient food and water, as long as Kant did not act foolishly and the troops did not slack off, no matter how the Jackalan attacked, with his loyal elite troops, they would be able to defend this fortress.

It was just like what happened on a small island in the eastern Mediterranean in the 16th century.

Less than 200 hospital knights guarded a small castle on an island and forcefully withstood the frenzied attack of 20,000 Ottoman Empire troops. Although this had a lot to do with the geographical advantage, when the Ottoman Empire troops finally chose to besiege the hospital knights, the hospital knights didn’t afraid at all, and they had sufficient food and water. They still defended for several years and became a sharp nail for the European forces in the Eastern Mediterranean.

This was a battle in history that Kant had once understood, and it was a living example.

The supply line of the Kingdom of Gray Mane would be stretched very long if they want to cross the desert. This supply line might even on the verge of collapse. They could only replenish their resources by plundering the territory of the human kingdom.

Therefore, Kant chose to defend to the death, just like blocking the thought of plundering by the expedition army of the Kingdom of Gray Mane.

Strengthen the defense and hide the goods, wait at ease for the exhausted enemies. This tactic was used a lot by the old Chinese ancestors

Back then, the Han Dynasty’s Ban Chao had relied on this tactic to lead the various countries in the western region. Then, he sent the light cavalry to harass and intercept the supply lines of the expedition army of the Kushan Empire, easily won a victory.

This was a historically accurate and correct tactic.

As for these high-level Jackalan.

Kant didn’t think that their supply line would be strong enough to supply their expeditionary army to cross the entire Nahrin Desert. If that was really the case, then the so-called Kingdom of Gray Mane, they won’t be threatened by the lizardmen and the elves and came over here to develop.

While he was thinking, the wooden door of the council hall was opened, and Manid walked in.

At the same time, the leader of the trade caravan of Reyvadin also came in.

“Lord Kant.”

The two bowed respectfully to Kant.

“Yes.”, Kant didn’t mind their politeness, he nodded and reached out his hand. “Sit down.”

“Thank you for your kindness.”

After the two thanked him, they sat on both sides of the bench.

The peasant, who was also a servant, came over with breakfast and gave them a portion of the bench. It was made up of toast, dried meat, dried sausage, boiled gazelle meat, and cabbage soup.

It was still the same as before, except for the fresh gazelle meat and a plate of fine white salt.

It was only breakfast time.

The trade caravan leader had not eaten yet due to rushing. When he saw his portion, he quickly stood up and bowed respectfully, “Thank you for your generosity, Lord Kant. ”

“It’s fine, I just prepared some extra.” Kant smiled and shook his head.

The three of them quickly ate breakfast and chatted about the interesting things they knew.

However, most of the time, it was Manid and the leader of the trade caravan were talking. Kant was eating while listening. He related the content of the game that he played before with their chat, he could not help but smile when he heard some funny passages.

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