In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 131: The Big Bat Event (13)

Chapter 131: The Big Bat Event (13)

In the laboratory of Stark Tower, Schiller said to Peter, "Peter, could you please help me deliver something later?"

"Sure, doctor, no problem. Where do you need it to be delivered?"

"First, go to the Brooklyn Bridge, then Chinatown, Greenwich Village, Times Square, Statue of Liberty..."

"Wait, why do I need to go to so many places? This sounds like a tourist route. And what am I delivering? Why do I need to go to these specific locations?"

"It's nothing, actually I just want you to go sightseeing. Follow this route, then come back, or if you have any other places you want to visit, you can go there too."

Peter was very puzzled as Schiller pushed him out of the laboratory. He said, "Hey, wait, we're going to fight tonight, why do I have to go sightseeing during the day?"

"Don't ask too many questions, it's related to a plan Nick and I have. We'll tell you when you come back."

Although Peter was full of doubts, he didn't really have anything else to do. The situation at the Brooklyn Bridge had largely calmed down by the afternoon, with both sides resting and recuperating, and the injured had been taken away early in the morning. In the afternoon when the sun was shining the brightest, there were hardly any vampires to deal with.

In the laboratory, Yinsen and Dr. Connors were already finishing up their experiment with ample manpower and didn't need Peter's help.

Peter thought, well, there's nothing wrong with going out for a walk, maybe he could run into vampires hurting humans.

So he left, of course, he would first go to the Brooklyn Bridge to check the situation.

The place was almost reduced to ruins, and Peter saw George helping to carry two injured policemen on stretchers. He swung over with his spider web and helped Chief George out.

George turned to look at him, not surprised as Peter had been involved in the first half of the previous battle, helping a lot and saving many people. So George was quite familiar with his red and blue suit. He took a quick glance at Spider-Man and said, "It's you, Spider-Man. Why did you come now?"

Peter saw the wounded officer with his chest stained deep red with blood, and even after a long time, the pungent smell of blood still made him uncomfortable.

"I can tell you're not that old. Why would you risk your life like this at such a young age? Don't your parents care?" asked George.

"I...," shrugged Spider-Man. "I didn't let my aunt and uncle know. I just told them I was going to a friend's house."

"If I were your aunt or uncle, I would definitely break your legs," George turned around, limping slightly. Peter noticed and asked, "Chief, are you injured?"

"I just twisted my foot, but if I go home like this, my wife and daughter will surely make a fuss," George looked up, seeming to look directly into Spider-Man's eyes through his mask, and said, "You're still young. The world doesn't need you to save it yet. Instead of being here, you'd better go back and spend more time with your aunt and uncle."

"I...," Peter turned his head away, saying, "If my aunt knew I was doing such a dangerous thing, she would be devastated."

"But you want to do it, don't you?" asked George.

"I do, even though I know my daughter must be crying and worried right now, I have to do this," George turned his head and saw the two officers being moved to the ambulance. He said, "They're the same. They have families and friends worried about them, but they still came here."

Peter also turned to look at the two officers. One of them screamed in pain when he was moved onto the ambulance because his wound was touched. Peter said, "That's why I came here. Otherwise, more people's loved ones will be sad."

"We are all fighting for our loved ones. We'd rather bleed and be injured ourselves than let them suffer," said George, looking at him.

After finishing his sentence, he looked into the distance and saw bats hiding in the shadows of the broken walls of the bridge. George said, "These monsters will never understand the strength that humans can unleash when fighting to protect others." After speaking, George left to prepare for the night's defense work. Peter took a deep breath and said to himself, "I absolutely cannot let these monsters rampage and harm my loved ones and friends."

"Your emotions are always like a white ball of cotton, which makes me feel amazed. I can hardly find any impurities in it," Venom said in his mind. At this moment, Venom could clearly feel the change in Peter's emotions.

"You are the opposite of someone we met before. You are like the black and white sides."

"I couldn't find any positive emotions in his emotions, but with you, it's the opposite. You have very few negative emotions, and even when you do, it's mostly excessive sympathy, sadness, and hesitation, which hardly count as negative emotions."

"No positive emotions? That's impossible. How could there be such a person in this world?" Peter questioned.

"Do you want to feel it?"

As soon as Venom finished speaking, Peter suddenly felt his consciousness become hazy, as if a black hole had appeared in his head, with a huge gravitational pull dragging him towards an endless abyss. A huge panic engulfed him, and in just a few seconds, he saw a vast black tide.

When he came to his senses, Peter found himself drenched in sweat and asked Venom, "What was that?"

"A little gift left to me by my previous host, or...maybe it should be called compensation for mental damage."

"Who was your previous host? How could they have such a terrible emotion?"

"Him? He was a bat."

"A bat? You mean, he was a vampire? You've also parasitized a vampire?"

"No, the vampires you're talking about may be able to turn into bats, but they're never real bats."

"Why can't I understand what you're saying? Aren't those large bats they turn into still bats? What other kind of bats are there?"

"You don't want to know the answer to that."

After that, Venom fell silent, ignoring Peter's inquiries.

Alright, Peter thought, both Schiller and this symbiote seem to enjoy playing charades.

Peter's conversation with Director George left him feeling a little down, and he wasn't interested in wandering around anymore. He decided to return to Stark Tower, even though there were no battles to fight at the moment. He thought it would be better to contribute to research efforts.

But just as he was about to leave, his spider sense tingled, and a claw attacked him from behind. Peter quickly dodged, turned around, and saw a red-eyed vampire standing in the shadow of a building.

Peter was surprised, as it was the brightest time of day in the afternoon. He had seen most of the bats hiding in the shadows of the collapsed wreckage of the Brooklyn Bridge while he was on the road.

Nevertheless, Peter quickly used a strand of spider web to stick to the wall and swung over. The vampire seemed to have lost its sanity, not only did it not dodge, but it also charged at Peter even faster.

Of course, the outcome was obvious. Peter knocked him down with one punch and froze him with his freeze gun. He was about to check if the vampire had lost its mind when he looked up and saw dozens of vampires in the shadows of the opposite alley, all with red eyes staring at him intently.

Peter couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine. He wondered, what's wrong with this group of bats? Are they insane? Why are they targeting him?

Before he could figure out anything, dozens of claw spells surrounded him, and Peter rolled to dodge. Just as he stood up, these vampires launched suicide attacks on him, disregarding the sunlight overhead, turning into bats and flying towards him.

Spider-Man cursed inwardly, used his spider web to swing to the rooftop, and prepared to temporarily retreat.

He had a freeze gun and super strength, so he could probably defeat this group of bats. However, the behavior of these vampires was extremely strange. Most vampires were unable to move during the day, but this group of vampires seemed to be controlled like puppets, launching suicide attacks on him one after another.

As a result, to Peter's surprise, it was not just the dozen or so vampires chasing after him, but also many high-level vampires. Among them, many looked clear-headed and knew to pursue him along the shadows of the building, avoiding exposure to sunlight.

As Peter ran, he couldn't help but wonder why this group of vampires was targeting him. Did he have something special that they wanted?

It should be noted that Captain America was also nearby, helping the police build defenses. He was wearing civilian clothes and not his Captain America uniform. The shield he carried seemed to have been painted over, obscuring the distinctive pattern. So, not many people realized he was the famous Captain America.

"Don't you think your outfit is a bit too eye-catching?" Venom said in Peter's mind.

Peter looked down at his Spider-Man suit, which was tailored by Stark with some technology from himself and Dr. Connors. It was predominantly red and blue, and due to the latest textile materials used, it shone a bit in the sunlight.

"Okay," Spider-Man said in his mind. "It does look a bit conspicuous."

He looked down at the ground floor of the building, and most of the residents had evacuated. The police were wearing blue uniforms, and the armed police and troops wore dark clothing. Only he stood out in his red and blue skin-tight suit, jumping around on the battlefield.

"Do you want to change your clothes?" Venom asked.

"Change clothes? If I want to change, I have to go back to Mr. Stark's laboratory and ask him if he can change the color of this combat suit for me..."

"No need."

As soon as Venom finished speaking, Peter saw a thin layer of black viscous covering his combat suit. Soon, the viscous substance seeped into the fibers of the clothing, turning the entire Spider-Man suit black.

"Wait, how did you..." Peter was very surprised and said, "Mr. Stark told me that this new textile material must be made into clothing using special methods. How can you change its structure so easily?"

"There's nothing special about that method. It's just a matter of breaking down the fibers, filling them with biomass, and then arranging them into a brand-new chain-like structure..."

"How do you know all of this?" Peter asked, very puzzled. "Especially when it comes to Mech armor and combat suits, you almost make me think I'm talking to Mr. Stark..."

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