In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 129: The Big Bat Event (11)

Chapter 129: The Big Bat Event (11)

In the laboratory of Stark Tower, Peter spread his hands and said, "So, that's how it is. What are your thoughts on the two factions of vampires and the so-called Bat God's arrival?"

Stark, repairing his Mech armor, said, "As expected, those moderate factions are only mild on the surface. But there are actually quite a few people who believe their nonsense. They keep coming out and calling for an end to the war, claiming that they can coexist peacefully with humans based on truth."

Schiller frowned and said, "Are you sure that Dicken is very firm in saying that the power of the Bat God will descend?"

"Yes, and he even mentioned a specific time, which is tonight when the moon is at its brightest."

"So, no need for any rituals, it will just descend directly?"

"That seems to be the case. He emphasized that our countermeasures will be useless."

As Schiller fell into deep thought, Steve polished the damaged parts of his shield and said, "This is a bit strange, isn't it? I have fought many evil creatures before, and their so-called godly descents were just ways to strengthen themselves using strange methods. But now he's claiming that a god's guardian will personally descend. Who could it be?"

Schiller seemed to have some speculations and said, "We'll find out tonight."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nick's phone rang. Schiller spoke into the phone, "... Is that so? Alright, send someone to pick me up... Have they sorted out the materials? Never mind, just transfer the materials directly..."

"What are you up to again?" Stark asked, poking his head out from behind the Mech armor.

J.A.R.V.I.S beeped twice and said, "Mr. Schiller, your materials have been transferred to Printer #1..."

Schiller walked over to the printer, picked up the stack of papers, flipped through them, looked for a while, and then said, "Not bad, the experts that Nick found are quite capable. These materials are neatly organized."

Steve became curious and leaned over, with Peter craning his neck to look over as well. To be honest, they were quite anxious about Schiller's plans because you never know whether his plans will be impressive or not.

Steve glanced at some of the words on the Materials and said, "What's this about bat lineage analysis? What is bat lineage? "

"I have a question for you." Schiller knocked on the table, and everyone's attention was drawn to him.

"Assuming, and I mean assuming, that there is a factor in the blood of these vampires that can prolong human life, do you think that all vampire blood will have this factor?"

"Um, isn't that so?" Peter scratched his head.

"Then do you think that the concentration of this factor in their blood will vary? Would advanced vampires who can use magic have more of this factor than other vampires?"

"I'm a bit unsure how to answer this question because I don't actually believe there is a factor in their blood that can make people immortal," Steve said, opening his mouth.

Stark, on the other hand, pursed his lips and said, "Actually, this makes sense. Advanced vampires have more magic, are stronger, and can transform into bigger bats. Logically, their blood should be more effective."

"That actually makes sense," Peter said, crossing his arms. "Otherwise, what distinguishes them from the vampires who can't use magic?"

"Then, can we infer that the more of this factor there is in their blood, the more pure their bloodline?" Schiller asked.

The sound of Stark tapping on the Mech armor stopped, and he wasn't dumb. He immediately understood Schiller's meaning and felt a bit absurd as he said, "You're not suggesting that humans should define which type of vampire is pure-blooded, are you?"

"Why not?" Schiller spread his hands and said, "Now that humans have found that mysterious factor in their blood, we have conducted a series of scientific and rigorous analyses on it, and we have ultimately come to the conclusion that the number of this factor varies among different vampires."

"Indeed, we used scientific methods, and they are magical creatures. But they have been using magic for so many years, and they still haven't figured out where their bloodline comes from."

"We're just providing them with a possibility. It's just a coincidental discovery."

"Human beings are only standing from an objective perspective, conducting a series of analyses and arguments on them. Of course, human technological development is so fast for a reason. Our analysis is very rigorous. Look..."

Schiller put the paper in his hand on the table and pointed it out to the approaching people, "Look here, this is the conclusion given by theological research experts from the Vatican. They call the immortal factor 'Cain's blood.' They believe that today's vampires are descendants of Cain, and the higher the concentration of this factor, the closer the blood relationship with Cain, and the more noble the bloodline."

"And this report is from Osborne. He believes that the immortal factor provides vampires with tremendous power. The more of this factor, the stronger the vampire. Therefore, the difference in factor numbers is the difference between advanced vampires and ordinary vampires."

"I almost believed what you made up," Stark said. "If I remember correctly, this immortal factor is something we made up, isn't it?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Don't you remember? This is a significant event in the development history of the Stark and Osborne families!"

Then, Stark listened with a bewildered expression as Schiller told him a completely new version of the founding history of the Stark and Osborne families.

In this background story of Schiller, old Stark and old Osborne once embarked on a grand adventure to fight against vampires when they were young.

It all started with Howard and a romantic night with a female vampire...

After listening to it, Stark was dumbfounded and said, "So you're saying Howard had sex with a female vampire, then out of curiosity stole her blood, and through research discovered this factor..."

"And then, due to his limited biological knowledge, he found old Osborne to collaborate, and together they confirmed the existence of this factor, even fully analyzing its structure."

"Afterward, the research findings leaked and were discovered by the vampire clan, who pursued and killed them, resulting in the loss of most of the materials, and Norman and I are only trying to recover this portion of the materials?"

Stark seemed speechless. (XD)

Steve, on the other hand, nodded frequently and said, "This story makes perfect sense, even more so than Howard's experience with the hovercar company. And the most reasonable part is the segment about your father having sex with a female vampire. Schiller, I have to say, I almost thought you knew Howard personally."

"Don't talk nonsense, this is the firsthand account of Tony Stark Jr., the son of old Stark, and has nothing to do with me."

"I..." Stark hadn't even had a chance to retort when Steve said, "Indeed, I think the story should go like this: Tony Stark Jr., who once ran the arms business, had a change of heart when faced with the ruthless slaughter of humans by vampires, and eventually found clues in a part of his father's legacy. So he took the initiative to seek cooperation with Norman, and together they excavated the research results of their forefathers..."

"That's right, the Stark family has always taken the rise and fall of humanity as their responsibility. No matter which Stark it is, they always care about the country and the people. What a touching story!"

Schiller said in an exaggerated tone, "A relay across generations between father and son, the inheritance of the same wisdom, and the embodiment of the same great character!"

The Starks were dumbfounded. After a long pause, Stark rubbed his nose and said, "Okay, but I hope you delete the part that keeps me up at night. Even if I can't sleep, I don't think about Howard."

Steve walked over and patted Stark on the shoulder, saying, "It's okay. If you're not happy with that part, we can arrange a female vampire for you instead."

"No need!" Stark shouted. Then he asked suspiciously, "J.A.R.V.I.S, is Pepper not on the call?"

"No, sir, but she could join at any time."

"Then we don't need that," Stark immediately replied.

"So why are we making up this story?" Peter asked, still struggling to understand the twists and turns.

Schiller pointed to the contents on the materials and said, "There have always been different factions within the vampire community. Now, if humans produce a convincing research result to prove that one faction may be nobler than the others, what do you think they would do?"

"But they may not even acknowledge human research findings. Even if it's not made up, they could still deny it," Peter argued.

"What if I told them that whichever faction among them is the first to acknowledge this research result, we will declare that according to our investigation, all members of this faction are direct descendants of Cain and have a significant amount of the eternal factor in their blood, making them the royal family of the vampires?" Schiller proposed.

Steve thought about it and said, "This is indeed a good way to divide them. Vampires from different factions also fight against each other. In order to suppress other factions, they will naturally look for evidence that proves themselves to be more reasonable. And bloodline theory is actually a very powerful piece of evidence."

"In order to gain more benefits for their own faction and prove themselves more orthodox, there will certainly be many vampires who spontaneously support this bat-bloodline theory."

Steve's gaze fell on the materials on the table and he said, "Vampires have been fighting each other for so many years, but they can't come up with any evidence to prove their bloodline is nobler. But humans have provided them with this opportunity."

"Essentially, they don't care if their bloodline is truly noble, as long as it's more noble than others."

"Exploitation always exists." Schiller also looked at the materials and said, "But if they have no legitimate reason to exploit other vampires, then we'll give them one."

"They want to infect us physically, turn more humans into vampires, increase their own numbers, gradually infiltrate human society, and manipulate the entire human race..."

Schiller's voice was always calm, without any waves, but it made the other people present feel a little creepy.

"Then we'll infect them spiritually, give them the dregs of human development over the past thousands of years, the divine right of kings, the legitimacy of dynasties, and the supremacy of pure blood... Internal strife is the eternal theme of human development to this day, and in terms of internal consumption, vampires are nothing compared to humans."

"Establish a pyramid of exploitation, block all upward channels, determine everything by birth, and never have a day of revolution."

"If they still don't plan to develop like this, then we can help them."

"Pure-blooded vampires are nobler than other vampires, and they will exploit other vampires, but other vampires also have to live, and they must find another object of exploitation that is even lower than themselves..."

"They will exploit whom?" Peter asked.

"Only vampires transformed from humans," Schiller's tone grew colder.

"This kind of exploitation will be even more brutal than within their own group."

"And when all humans can see the plight of vampires transformed from humans being exploited within the vampire community, they will no longer have the illusion that they can survive even after being transformed. It is better to end it all than to live as a tortured vampire."

Peter shuddered, and Schiller continued, "When there is no fresh blood supply, or when fresh blood becomes scarce, their society will become completely closed off."

"At that time, without a large lower class to continue exploitation, the original middle class will fall into the lower class."

"And because the number of the middle class is too small, but the upper class is unwilling to reduce their quality of life by reducing exploitation and sharing it among the middle class, the exploitation on each middle-class individual will become more severe until they cannot survive..."

"Then one day..." Steve's words trailed off, and Schiller said with some cryptic meaning, "The exploited will need some ideological weapons for guidance."

Stark fell silent for a moment before saying, "My weapons may be able to destroy the crown of the tree, while you are burning their roots."

"Just like I have said before, sometimes words are more powerful than fists."

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