In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 127: The Bat Event (9)

Chapter 127: The Bat Event (9)

Behind the wreckage of a car, Natasha rolled and dodged a bat's attack, then fired a shot with a strangely shaped gun at the bat.

Instantly, blue ice crystals climbed up the bat's body, rapidly expanding into a block of ice, freezing the bat in midair and causing it to plummet to the ground.

Natasha shook her hand and said, "I have to admit, this thing is more effective than I imagined. The trajectory of these ice spikes is quite accurate."

On the other side of the road, Hawkeye was coordinating with Quake, as Daisy slapped her hand against the wall of a high-rise building, causing a flock of bats on the rooftop to scatter.

Hawkeye held a uniquely shaped bow and arrow, aimed at the flock of bats taking off, pulled the bowstring taut, and the bright blue arrow whizzed past with ice crystals.

In an instant, the freezing ice crystals exploded, forming a freezing whirlwind, and all the bats were frozen into blocks of ice, which shattered as they fell to the ground, dismembering them.

Hawkeye approached to investigate, and Daisy, aka Quake, also walked over, crouching down and manipulating the ice blocks, saying, "It's amazing, their regenerative abilities are completely ineffective now."

"After all, they're frozen, and there's no room for them to regenerate. Whoever came up with this idea is a genius," Hawkeye said.

Natasha spoke on the communicator, "Director Fury instructed us to deal with the side flank first and then proceed to support the front line. The transformation effect of the big lizard is wearing off soon, so we need to hurry and provide backup."

As she spoke, she smashed a car door and got into it. Hawkeye and Daisy got in the car with her, and the group rushed to the front line.

Near the Brooklyn Bridge, as the sun gradually rose, the vampire's attack began to weaken, and the scales on Connor's body began to gradually disappear, and his body size began to shrink.

He jumped and hid behind a high-rise building, and then slowly turned back into a human form.

Spider-Man swung over to him and threw a backpack to Connor, saying, "Doctor! Clothes!"

"Thank you," Connor said. His lizard features had not completely disappeared. His eyes were still slits, and there were still some faint scales on his cheeks, making him look somewhat strange. But Peter said, "Doctor, you shouldn't do such dangerous things in the future. Who knows if that serum will..."

"As a researcher, you should have confidence in your research products. I believe everything is within a controllable range."

Peter scratched his head and said, "Okay, I'll take you back now. Dr. Schiller seems to have something to discuss with you."

"Did you make that freeze gun?"

"Uh...not entirely. I just made some improvements."

"I found that you have a talent for reducing costs that most people don't have." Dr. Connors praised, "You actually made these amazing weapons achieve mass production. How did you do it?"

Peter gave a bitter smile and said, "Probably because I'm poor."

In the laboratory of Stark Tower, when Connors entered, Schiller and Stark were already waiting for him. Connors said, "The situation on the battlefield has improved somewhat because it is daytime now, but we will definitely have a hard time tonight."

"As far as I can see, the vampire mastermind seems to be gathering strength. He has brought in a large number of bats, perhaps planning to launch a final attack tonight."

"Nick just called and said that the vampires are asking for a truce."

"That's just their ploy," Connors said. "Can't Nick see through it? A truce? What does it mean if they continue to move troops to the Brooklyn area?"

"We all know their intentions, but there are many foolish humans among us," Stark said.

"They're not foolish, just opportunistic," Schiller said. "There are many humans who sacrifice their race for their own gain, who count their chickens before they hatch, and who are superstitious and fearful. It's not surprising that there are some oddballs among them."

"What did Nick say? Do we really have to negotiate with them?" Dr. Connors walked over and sat down, pouring himself a glass of water.

"If things go as they have in the past, this could actually work. The fighting is almost over and both sides don't want to continue to lose. The vampires launched the war unjustly, but humans are at a disadvantage, so the two sides are basically evenly matched, and the rest is about dividing up the spoils at the negotiation table."

Connors pursed his lips and said, "Yeah, everyone is happy, and no one cares about the casualties on the front line."

"But what I mean is that this time it might be different."

"What could possibly change? I think the people sitting in Congress offices don't want to fight," Connors said. "They even started asking the police not to use firepower. What kind of nonsense is that?"

Schiller took out a remote control and turned on a screen in the laboratory, which was showing live news.

On one side of the screen was a journalist, and on the other side was a senator who passionately said, "We will fight this monster to the end! Humanity will never step back! Does he want to sit down and talk with us now? I'll tell them it's too late! They must pay the price for this..."

"Well, are these the radical factions of the war hawks?" asked Conners.

Schiller pressed the remote control and switched to another channel. A more affluent and slightly overweight politician was sitting on a sofa, saying, "We should approach this invasion event from a more rational perspective. Admittedly, although the vampires were the ones who invaded first, I believe they must have their own grievances, and humanity should take it seriously..."

Before he could finish, his phone rang in his pocket, and he said, "Sorry, I need to take a call."

After a while, the slightly overweight politician came back and said, "I just received some heartbreaking news, yes..."

He waved his fist and said, "These terrible monsters have caused thousands of police casualties! This is a horrific atrocity! An unjust war! We must fight them to the end! Listen, you damn monsters, I'm saying it right here, you're doomed..."

"What's wrong with him? Why..."

Then, Schiller changed to another channel, and this time, a prominent figure was being interviewed, as the background was the office of the White House. The interviewee said, "We are deeply sorry for this invasion event, but the blood of the sacrificed personnel cannot be shed in vain. The violent actions of the vampires will be justly punished. The President has sworn to face this disaster with all the people and will never retreat..."

"What's going on here?" Connors asked, confused. "Why are they suddenly so unanimous in their stance and so forceful?"

But Connors wasn't the only one feeling puzzled.

In a dimly lit basement, the radical vampire leader Deacon spoke to his subordinates, saying, "Find out what's going on. Wasn't our lobbying effective enough? How did those damn humans suddenly change their attitude completely?"

He muttered to himself, "My plan was already working. As long as we could get through this day, humans would have no more strength left. Hurry up! Investigate and find out what happened!"

In the SHIELD office, Nick and Pierce shook hands. Pierce said, "I know it's been a while since we've seen each other, but we can catch up later. Do you have confidence in controlling this industry chain? My position in the Security Council depends on your support. If SHIELD can have an industry chain that is not controlled by other powers, it will benefit both of us."

"This industry chain can only be controlled by us because it's related to superhuman beings. I'm confident I can convince Osborn and Stark to maintain it together while resisting pressure from other powers," Nick replied.

"That's good to hear," Pierce concluded. "Even if we don't consider future development, just the vampire and immortality technology industry chain alone can bring us unimaginable profits. This is an essential cornerstone for maintaining world peace and must be obtained at all costs. I believe you can do it, Nick."

"Of course, we have already received the preliminary plan book from Osborn. To be honest, the person who came up with this method is a genius. The mystery of extraordinary creatures and their external features is enough to attract people to invest with big money."

"Now the plan has been determined, and we must hurry to supervise them in production. Don't forget, the war is still going on, and it's the hottest time. If we can produce the first batch of samples before the vampires are completely eliminated, then the follow-up will be much easier."

Pierce patted Nick's shoulder and said, "Don't worry about investing too much in the initial stage. I think we can be more radical, feed those swing voters, and use money to shut their mouths. The main goal is to quickly implement the plan."

"Don't worry, even if SHIELD doesn't take action, those who see the huge profits in this will spontaneously persuade their colleagues."

"Which factions have confirmed their participation?"

"The ones in the south office..."

Nick pointed his finger to the left, and Pierce said, "It's really them, those radical left-wing warmongers. They are indeed natural allies."

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore. I know you still have to go and win more teammates."

"Oh, and I heard that a new batch of frozen weapons has appeared on the front lines. Can you get me one to have a look? I'm curious about it."

"No problem, those frozen guns are a batch of urgent production from Stark Industries, code-named Blizzard. I can get a set over, I haven't even seen them myself."

After Pierce left, Nick called Schiller and said, "Are you sure the Security Council won't suspect anything? After all, the timing of the appearance of that bat monster is too coincidental."

"And it only showed one side and disappeared quickly. Won't it arouse the curiosity of those with ulterior motives?"

"When we were planning before, you also agreed with this plan, right?" Schiller's tone was somewhat leisurely, obviously staying up all night had made him tired.

Nick sighed slightly and said, "After all, if we wait for them to all pour into New York and then prepare to launch a full-scale invasion war, we will be too passive and the casualties will be even greater."

"We can only take the initiative to attack and lure them out. I just feel that this plan is too impatient, and it is inevitable that there will be vulnerabilities."

"Well, that's up to you. You are the director of this grand show of the bat god's descent, and I am just a stagehand."

Nick smiled and said, "Stagehand? That's interesting. I've never heard this term before. You would probably be the kind of stagehand that every director dreams of."

"You are also a good director, Director Nick. Pleasant cooperation."

"Pleasant cooperation."

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