Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

126. Having No Saber IS Better Than Having A Saber

126. Having No Saber IS Better Than Having A Saber

"He is the Immortal Slayer Saber?"

Liu Hao's face turned pale. He widened his eyes, seemingly unable to believe the scene before him.

However, the fact was right there. Lin Fei had already sat down in the chair and even the Martial Alliance disciple announced that the Immortal Slayer Saber was Lin Fei!

At this moment, Liu Hao felt as if all the strength had left his body. His body was even trembling. He had practiced hard for months just waiting for the day when he could meet Lin Fei and avenge his past disgrace.

But what about now?

Lin Fei was the Immortal Slayer Saber! That was a top expert who could slay high-level Qi cultivators from He Mountain Dao with his saber! He was a martial arts master, the Grand Elder of the Nine Profound Sect.

How could he avenge his past disgrace?

"How can a firefly compete with the bright moon?"

Liu Hao's face showed a bitter expression. Then, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

At this moment, when Lin Fei took his seat, the Martial Alliance announced it, instantly setting off a commotion throughout the Martial Alliance Exchange Conference.

Almost all martial artists' gazes were focused on Lin Fei. Among them, there were some eager gazes, filled with a touch of reverence. It was at this time that Lin Fei began to faintly understand how famous he was now in the martial arts world.

"Immortal Slayer Saber" Lin Fei, in just a few months, had slain several Qi cultivators from He Mountain Dao. His fame then spread rapidly. Throughout the entire Great Chang, he had already surpassed the reputation of countless veteran masters. His popularity was at its peak."

"I didn't expect the famous 'Immortal Slayer Saber' to be so young."

"Just now, when 'Immortal Slayer Saber' was among the Nine Profound Sect group, I thought he was an ordinary disciple. I didn't expect him to be a martial arts master!"

"This 'Immortal Slayer Saber' Lin Fei is really low-key. He looks just like the other disciples of the Nine Profound Sect. Who would have thought that he is the famous 'Immortal Slayer Saber'?"

"But why doesn't the 'Immortal Slayer Saber' Lin Fei carry a saber?"

For a while, many people were discussing. Of course, many people also noticed that Lin Fei didn't have a saber on him.

One has to know that Lin Fei was the "Immortal Slayer Saber." He had slain several Qi cultivators with his saber. Lin Fei's saber was incredibly sharp that could not only cut down high-level Qi cultivators but also innate martial artists.

However, there was no trace of a saber on Lin Fei. Could it be that Lin Fei practiced a type of martial arts that involved concealing a saber?

In the martial arts world, there were some peculiar martial arts. For example, the Hidden Saber Technique. It involves hiding a saber in the most concealed places on one's body, making it difficult for others to detect. But once in combat, the saber is drawn silently, making it hard for the opponent to defend against.

However, the hidden saber technique was ultimately a "peculiar martial art." The emphasis was on "peculiar." If it was seen through by others, it would lose its power.

As for Qi cultivators, especially high-level Qi cultivators, they had magical artifacts to protect themselves, so they wouldn't care about martial artists' peculiar skills.

There was only one way. That was to use overwhelming power, crush everything in its path, and defeat them head-on.

Although curious about where Lin Fei's saber was hidden, no one asked him. At this time, the focus was on the Martial Alliance Exchange Conference.

"The Martial Alliance Exchange Conference begins now!" A Martial Alliance disciple announced loudly.

In previous Martial Alliance Exchange Conferences, disciples from various sects would go on stage to exchange and compete with each other. There was a familiar process. Of course, there were rewards for the disciples' competitions. The rewards were provided by the various sects together. As for what the rewards were, Lin Fei didn't ask.

On both sides of Lin Fei were two martial arts masters. On his left was a middle-aged man dressed in white. Judging from his attire, he should be the Grand Elder of the Hidden Sword Sect. He looked to be in his early forties, quite young.

After all, many martial artists only broke through to the innate realm and became martial arts masters in their fifties or even sixties. At forty years old, he naturally appeared young.

However, he couldn't compare to Lin Fei, who was not even twenty years old. His youthfulness was somewhat excessive.

On Lin Fei's right was an old man with white hair. He appeared old and frail, with a face full of wrinkles. But his spirit was still strong. As for which sect he belonged to, Lin Fei was not sure. After all, Lin Fei only knew a few sects.

Lin Fei was new to the martial arts world. He hadn't spent much time in the martial arts world and hadn't made many acquaintances.

Among the thirteen martial arts masters, Lin Fei didn't recognize any of them. Therefore, Lin Fei didn't engage in conversation. Instead, he looked at the stage below.

The Martial Alliance Exchange Conference had begun. Disciples from various sects went on stage.

They demonstrated their skills and began to exchange and compete.

This was Lin Fei's first time watching disciples' competitions as a Grand Elder and a martial arts master. After all, Lin Fei used to be on the stage, not in the role of a judge. This made him feel a little novel.

However, after watching for a while, Lin Fei found it somewhat dull.

These acquired realm disciples displayed various martial arts, studying martial arts techniques and moves. It seemed lively. But in reality, they were quite vulnerable.

The essence of martial arts lies in oneself, inner power, body, martial arts beliefs, and so on. These were the most important aspects.

Lin Fei didn't practice that many martial arts in the past. Because he had long understood the essence of martial arts, practicing too many fighting martial arts and studying techniques was meaningless.

At this moment, a white-clothed and heroic-looking female disciple from the Hidden Sword Sect took the stage. With a single sword stroke, she basically ended the battle.

As soon as the sword was drawn, a flash of white light followed. Her opponent was defeated. Her sword technique was similar to Lin Fei's saber method. Just one word, fast!

Moreover, Lin Fei also noticed that this female disciple was not only fast, but her inner power was also very profound. Otherwise, speed alone would not be enough to defeat her opponent with a single sword strike.

This female disciple had already grasped some of the fundamentals of martial arts, and her future was promising.

"Brother Lin, what do you think of my Hidden Sword Sect disciple's swordsmanship?"

Suddenly, Lin Fei heard a voice in his ear.

Lin Fei turned his head. He found that the person speaking was the innate martial artist from the Hidden Sword Sect beside him, the forty-something martial arts master.

"What's your name, sir?" Lin Fei asked. He really didn't know this master.

"Hidden Sword Sect, Lu Zongyi."

"So, it's Brother Lu. Your disciple's swordsmanship is as fast as lightning and very accurate, truly extraordinary. And with exquisite inner power, her future is boundless."

Lin Fei didn't hesitate to praise. This female disciple of the Hidden Sword Sect was indeed very remarkable. She could be considered the disciple with the greatest potential Lin Fei had discovered in this Martial Alliance Exchange Conference. Her future attainment of the innate realm was hopeful.

"I heard that Brother Lin practiced Saber-drawing Technique in the acquired realm. In my Hidden Sword Sect, we also have a Sword-drawing Technique, similar to Saber-drawing Technique. I wonder which is superior, the sword-drawing technique or Saber-drawing Technique?"

Lin Fei shook his head and said, "There may not be much difference. What really determines a martial artist's strength is not the martial arts moves or even which martial art they practice. It's the martial arts foundation and martial arts beliefs! This is the essence of martial arts!"

Lu Zongyi's eyes lit up, and he continued, "That's right. The essence of martial arts is not about martial arts techniques or moves, but about martial arts beliefs and the foundation laid down earlier. My Hidden Sword Sect disciples practice swordsmanship for ten years like a single day.

Every day, they practice and spar with swords, always accompanied by their swords. Every moment, the sword is never far from them, and they cherish their swords as they cherish their lives, only in this way can they achieve something in swordsmanship!"

But I haven't seen a saber on Brother Lin. I know a thing or two about whether Brother Lin has a saber or not. Since Brother Lin is the Immortal Slayer Saber, how can he slay immortals without a saber? Could it be that Brother Lin has already given up using the saber?"

Lu Zongyi expressed doubt in his heart. How could the Immortal Slayer Saber slay immortals without a saber?

As a swordsman, Lu Zongyi could naturally sense whether Lin Fei had a saber. So he knew that Lin Fei hadn't practiced any hidden saber techniques. Lin Fei simply didn't carry a saber!

At this point, Lu Zongyi was puzzled. For a swordsman, it is common knowledge to always have their sword with them. The same should apply to saber wielders. How could he not carry a saber? Especially when he was the famous Immortal Slayer Saber?

Lin Fei had a smile on his face, his expression calm. In fact, Lin Fei also wanted to carry a saber. However, no treasured saber could withstand his Saber Qi.

So naturally, Lin Fei couldn't carry a saber. Instead, he used Saber Qi to condense and replaced the saber with his hand.

However, these were Lin Fei's secrets. They couldn't be easily revealed.

Not to mention explaining it to Lu Zongyi, so Lin Fei closed his eyes, and spoke calmly and slowly, "In my hand, there is no saber, but in my heart, there is a saber! My saber is in my heart! Having no saber is better than having a saber!"

Upon hearing this, Lu Zongyi's body shook as if a thunderbolt exploded in his mind and kept rumbling in his mind. The look in his eyes as he stared at Lin Fei was filled with extreme astonishment!

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