Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

124. Slaying immortals, Who Needs A Saber?

124. Slaying immortals, Who Needs A Saber?

The fierce wind howled. It was still snowing on the Ancestral Master Peak.


Lin Fei opened his eyes.

"It's been three days. It's time to lead the disciples to the Martial Alliance and participate in the Martial Alliance Exchange Conference."

Lin Fei murmured softly. Ever since three days ago, when Lin Fei's master Zhao Kongming accidentally comprehended the sword intent, he returned to his cave and closed himself off.

Zhao Kongming's unexpected comprehension of sword intent. Nine Profound Sect had one more Grand Elder with sword intent. For the Nine Profound Sect, this was naturally a good thing.


Lin Fei brought up the system panel. He had been on the Ancestral Master Peak for almost twenty days. Every day, he honed his saber intent. He hadn't carefully examined the changes in his martial arts.

Host: Lin Fei

Martial Arts Realm: Innate Martial Artist

Master: Mid-stage

True Intention Scroll: Mid-stage (2% Progress)

Saber Intent: Mastery (61% Progress)

Fist Intent: Mastery (51% Progress)

Heavenly Saber Art: Mastery (40% Progress)

Immeasurable Fist: Proficient (40% Progress)

Close Yet Distant: Proficient (40% Progress)

Lin Fei's True Intention Scroll had reached the mid-stage. That is to say, Lin Fei is now in the mid-stage of the Innate realm.

The Saber Qi in his body had increased fivefold. It was very difficult for an innate martial artist to improve. However, even if it was just advancing a small realm, the gap was enormous and the strength would be greatly improved.

However, after reaching the mid-stage of the Innate realm, Lin Fei found that even if there was abundant Spiritual Qi on the Ancestral Master Peak, the cultivation progress of the True Intention Scroll was still slow. It could only advance about 1% per day.

Moreover, Lin Fei had a feeling. Once he reached the late stage, without external help, the cultivation progress of the True Intention Scroll might not be able to advance.

This was not because the True Intention Scroll wasn't working hard. In fact, the saber intent was pushing the True Intention Scroll every day, striving to cultivate. It's just that the cultivation speed of the True Intention Scroll was so slow.

After all, the True Intention Scroll had an extra step of integrating Martial Dao True Intent compared to ordinary martial arts, the speed would naturally slow down.

As for saber intent and fist intent, saber intent had improved a lot, while fist intent had only improved a little bit. This showed that saber intent could still be improved through honing. It's just that it was still very slow. Then there were Heavenly Saber Art, Immeasurable Fist, and Close Yet Distant. Their cultivation speed was about 2% per day.

It should not be a problem for these three martial arts to reach transcendence. As for achieving perfection, it is necessary to find the "character" of the three martial arts. Or, the three martial arts might also need a bit of luck.

"Innate mid-stage, with thick Saber Qi. It's time to go out and explore the world..."

Lin Fei stood up. Then, he took a step forward.


Lin Fei covered a distance of thirty meters in one step. Step by step, he walked towards the main hall.


Nine Profound Sect main hall.

More than a dozen inner disciples had arrived at the main hall and were on standby. They had already received the news that today Grand Elder "Immortal Slayer Saber" Lin Fei would lead the team to participate in the Martial Alliance Exchange Conference.

The Martial Alliance Exchange Conference was held once every ten years. It was a grand event in the martial arts world! However, compared to the Martial Alliance Exchange Conference, these disciples were actually more interested in "Immortal Slayer Saber" Lin Fei.

News about Lin Fei gradually spread within the Nine Profound Sect. After all, the Nine Profound Sect did not intentionally block the news. Moreover, throughout Great Chang, the feats of "Immortal Slayer Saber" Lin Fei became more and more widespread. These outstanding inner disciples of the Nine Profound Sect naturally received the news as well.

"I heard that this time it's 'Immortal Slayer Saber' Grand Elder Lin Fei leading the team personally. Grand Elder Lin Fei has recently become a legendary figure in the martial arts world of Great Chang. His battle achievements are simply too fierce.

What's more important is that his saber can cut down those haughty Qi Condensation cultivators. Even when Grand Elder Lin was in the Acquired realm, he was able to slay a sixth-level Qi Condensation disciple from the He Mountain Dao. It's truly incredible. I wonder what kind of style 'Immortal Slayer Saber' Grand Elder Lin has?"

These inner disciples were all looking forward to it in their hearts. Martial artists worship the strong. Besides, the fame of "Immortal Slayer Saber" has spread far and wide. He can be regarded as the most prominent martial artist in the entire Great Chang right now. How could they not look forward to it?

The sect master looked at these disciples below. Although his expression was solemn, he was very pleased. Nowadays, the Nine Profound Sect, because of Lin Fei's "Immortal Slayer Saber" widespread reputation, everyone was practicing martial arts more diligently. Especially the confidence in martial arts. This was something the Nine Profound Sect never had before. The belief in martial arts is intangible and untouchable.

For martial artists, it is very important. Even the sect master believed that, given time, the strength and cultivation of the entire Nine Profound Sect's disciples would greatly improve.

This was all thanks to Lin Fei, the "Immortal-Slayer Saber," and the changes he brought to the Nine Profound Sect. Even though Lin Fei, as a Grand Elder, rarely made appearances, it didn't affect his prestige in the hearts of the numerous Nine Profound Sect disciples.

"Hm? He's arrived!"

The sect master suddenly looked up and saw a faint shadow approaching in the distance outside the main hall. The shadow quickly closed the distance, arriving in the main hall within a few leaps.


Everyone's gaze turned toward the figure that had just entered the hall.

"Grand Elder Lin, these disciples have been eagerly awaiting you!" The sect master said with a smile. The eyes of a dozen inner sect disciples simultaneously focused on Lin Fei.

"We greet the Grand Elder!" These inner sect disciples spoke in unison, saluting Lin Fei. Lin Fei nodded slightly in acknowledgment, having grown accustomed to his Grand Elder identity.

"Sect master, can we depart now?" Lin Fei asked.

"Grand Elder Lin, I entrust these disciples to you," The sect master saluted Lin Fei.

These disciples were the elite of the Nine Profound Sect and represented its future. There could be no room for failure. Thus, for each Martial Alliance Exchange, an innate martial artist would lead the team to ensure the safety of the disciples to the greatest extent.

"Alright, let's set off."

Lin Fei led the group of disciples out of the grand hall and arrived at the mountain gate. At this moment, at the mountain gate, more than a dozen swift horses had already been prepared for the long journey to the Martial Alliance. The dozen inner sect disciples had been carefully observing Lin Fei, but he remained silent, leaving them hesitant to overstep their bounds.

Finally, one disciple, carrying a large saber and presumably skilled in saber techniques, couldn't help but ask, "Grand Elder Lin, it's widely rumored that you are the 'Immortal-Slayer Saber,' possessing divine saber skills that can slay Qi Condensation cultivators from the Immortal Sect.

However, we notice that you don't have a saber on you. Without a saber, how can you be the 'Immortal-Slayer Saber'? Pardon our boldness, but may we ask, Grand Elder Lin, have you forgotten to bring your saber?"

This disciple, carrying the large saber, displayed some courage, voicing the greatest doubt in all the disciples' minds.

As a result, all the disciples' gazes were now fixed on Lin Fei. They had searched but couldn't find Lin Fei's saber. But without a saber, how could he be the "Immortal-Slayer Saber"?

With a calm expression, Lin Fei glanced at the disciples and noticed the confusion on their faces. He slowly spoke, "Watch closely, all of you! Slaying immortals, who needs a saber?"

The next moment, Lin Fei extended his hand. Instantly, the Saber Qi within his body burst forth.


The saber energy on Lin Fei's hand surged and rapidly condensed into a thirty meters tall saber in mid-air.


Some disciples carrying sabers were astonished, their faces filled with horror. Their sabers, seemingly beyond their control, began to tremble and hum as if wanting to break free from their sheaths. Simultaneously, Lin Fei fiercely swung his hand down toward the empty ground outside the mountain gate.


The thirty-meter-tall saber energy viciously slashed the ground, causing the earth to shake violently as if a dragon was turning beneath it. Where Lin Fei's Saber Qi passed, a massive fissure was cleaved into the ground.

From a distance, it seemed as though the empty land outside the mountain gate had been split in two. All the disciples stood with their mouths agape, staring in amazement at the seemingly miraculous fissure on the ground, unable to speak for a long time.

"Let's go!"

Lin Fei didn't linger. He mounted a swift horse and sped away, leaving a trail of dust behind him.

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