I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Ch.85 The Battle Begins

Ch.85 The Battle Begins

The Black Roses were the first to go on the offensive as 100 archers took their aim at the opposing forces. The archers shot their arrows at Quin's forces, trying to push them back or hoping to split them from the rest of the Ironside forces.

Hajdah and his five other mages use their magic to intercept the projectiles. Most of the arrows bounced off and flew back to the attackers.

"Laika! Use your Water Wall!" Hajdah ordered his water mage. She began to chant while her mana made her eyes glow blue and a wall of water formed around the dwarven soldiers. The wall of water knocked all of the archers' arrows backward, sending the projectiles flying back to the mercenaries.

"Damn! So, the mages guild is with the prince as well! Slave! Destroy that wall! We can't let them neutralize our archers," Rudolf ordered Rya.

"Slave! Do as the command says!" Jeremiah ordered Rya with the slaver tool.

'My body is moving on its own! Dammit! I'll aim higher so I don't hit them!' Rya cursed.

"Rock Spike!" Rya stomps on the ground causing a cannon-sized rock to float in the air as she hits it with the palm on her hand sending the rock spike smashing into the wall of water making a huge hole in the wall. The water floods the area, soaking everyone and covering them in mud.



"Get up! Get up! You're not dead yet!" Yelled a dwarven soldier trying to pull one of his comrades out of the mud.

"That was from the dark elf! How is she so powerful!?" Akashia the Wind Mage said in shock.

"Shut it! She aimed high so we wouldn't be hit! She's trying to fight the slave collar but we shouldn't wait too long! There's only so much she can do!" Hajdah yelled.


"LOOSE!" Rudolf orders his soldiers.

The Black Roses archers continue to fire arrows that bounce off the water shield Hajdah created around him and a few of his mages as arrows rained down on the soldiers.

"Raise your shield!" yelled a dwarf in the front line. The other dwarves quickly raised shields in front of them.


The second volley of arrows shot past the shield, hitting several soldiers in the shoulder.

"Shields down!" Rudolf yelled.

The third volley of arrows hit the shield knocking the soldiers back and into the mud.

Quinus couldn't hold back anymore as he drew his longsword up in the air. It began to glow red like a fire.

"LET THE SUN SMITE THEE!" Quinus yelled as the sun flares out of his sword as he swings it in the direction of the Black Rose archer.


A bright light illuminated the battlefield as the Black Rose archers were blinded by the light. Most of their bows fell to the ground, unable to use them as a wall of flames was coming straight at them.

"Slave! Protect us!" Jeremiah ordered as Rya put up a rock wall protecting Jeremiah and the men closest to her.

'Come on! Not a big wall!' Rya thought as she tried to get a bad angle for the archers as they caught on fire from Quin’s attack.

"Charge! Charge!" Rudolf commands his troops.

The mercenaries start to charge forward.

"Defensive position! Defensive position!" Zellin ordered his men.

"Shoot!" Hajdah commands his archers.

Arrows rain down on the charging Black Roses.


The mercs slammed against the shield wall of the dwarves.

A mercenary comes straight at Quinus and Sir George who are in the front line.

"PREPARE FOR COMBAT!" Sir George said as he readied his shield and sword.

"I got this one!" Quinus yells to Sir George.




Sir George blocked the blow as Quinus stabbed his sword into the man's stomach.

"You're next!" Sir George yelled as he swung his shield knocking the man away.


"Not bad!" Quinus says to Sir George.

"What?" Sir George asked, confused. "We need you to take care of the Kings Slayer and their Commander, Rudolf!"

"I know," Quinus said, looking down at the dead body of his opponent before slashing down another one.


"Keep moving! Weaken their front," Rudolf yelled to his men as he climbed onto the back of his horse.

"Jeremiah! Dietrich! Lead the men and kill the prince! I'll deal with the mages!" Rudolf orders.

"Yes, commander!" The two mercenaries asked.

Dietrich eyes the slaver tool in Jeremiah's left hand.

'If Jeremiah dies, I can grab the tool and get the hell out of here with the slave. Play this smart Dietrich.'

"Back me up, slave!" Jeremiah orders.

Rya comes running alongside Jeremiah as they make their way toward Quin as the battle rages around them.

While running up Jeremiah unsheathes his wooden sword.

He then lands a blow on a dwarf. He then slices another one across the neck.

"GAAAHHH!" the dwarf screams as blood gushes from the wound.

Jeremiah's wood sword moves around like it's a whip. It cuts through the enemy.

'How can a wood sword do that? I know magic is a thing in this world but come on!' Rya thought to herself as she blocked some incoming attacks on Jeremiah's blindside.

"Hmm! You’re doing good, slave." Jeremiah says to himself as he stabs his sword into the leg of the dwarf in front of him.

‘No...no! Fuck you, Jeremiah!’ Rya thinks to herself as she blocks the attack coming at Jeremiah's back.

"Haha! I could stop all those attacks if I wanted to but I needed to test your skills. And you're performing admirably." Jeremiah said as he jumped over Rya and sliced the head off one of the dwarves that attacked him.

Dietrich and Jeremiah move closer to the prince.

"QUIN! Look out!" Rya yelled as she blocked a crossbow bolt aimed at Jeremiah's back.

Quin looked over his shoulder and saw the Kings Slayer closing in on him.


Jeremiah and Quin were exchanging and pairing blows left and right.

Quin felt a sharp pain in his side. His armor protected him from getting stabbed but he knew that the strange sword would pierce his flesh if he didn't block it.

"Ugh! Is that all you got Kings Slayer!" Quin shouts.

"Putting on a brave face! I'm going to have fun with you indeed!" Jeremiah said as he unleashed a spinning kick against Quin.

Quin dodged the attack and kicked Jeremiah's leg out from under him.

"You're nothing but a coward that wears crowns that don't belong to you!" Quin shouted as he swung his sword down at Jeremiah.

The Kings Slayer was ready for it and caught the sword with his own.

"Better men have tried before you! You may be strong, but you lack the heart to fight!" Jeremiah taunted.

Quin was about to unleash a counterattack against Jeremiah but was faulted by Rya's earth magic as a rock wall formed between them.

"Quin! I can't stop myself from protecting him! RAH!" Rya yelled as she blocked an arrow fired by a dwarf.

"Rya!" Quin shouted as he was kicked in the stomach by the Kings Slayer.

Rya couldn't help Quin as she was controlled by the collar.

"Interesting? You love her, don't you? SLAVE, KILL THE PRINCE!" The Kings Slayer commanded.

Quin took Jeremiah's opening and punched him hard enough to send the Kings Slayer flying.

"Haha! *cough* Let's see you fight the one you love, Toothless Lion!" Jeremiah laughed as he landed on his feet.

"NO!" Rya yelled as she came in, sending a stone spike at Quin.


"Rya..." Quin said as he blocked another strike of Rya.

"QUIN! You have to kill me! I can't stop myself!" Rya screamed as she threw a rock wall at Quin.

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