I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Ch.108 Letting Go

Ch.108 Letting Go

The door opened wildly as Quinus and Rya were confronted with a naked wolfkin standing before them.

'Gah! The smell of sexual fluids is stronger than ever!' Rya thought as she tried to cover herself.

"Alpha! Beta! What brings you two over here?" Dalia asked with a confused look on her face.

"Wha- What the fuck!? Dalia cover yourself up!" Rya barked in anger as she was getting embarrassed that Dalia was walking around naked.

Dalia blushed and covered her breasts. "Hehe. Sorry about that, Alpha. I got carried away last night."

'She only covered her breasts! While her pussy is this leaking Percy's cum! Oh my God!' Rya thought as she struggled with Dalia's lack of decency.

"G-Get a robe or something! You're embarrassing me— I mean, YOU! I meant you! Cover yourself!" Rya barked as she pointed at Dalia.

"Hehe. Sorry! I can't help it!" Dalia laughed as she walked back into their room and got a robe and pulled it over herself.

Quinus chuckled lightly.

'What!? Is Quin entertained by this!? Why would he be?' Rya thought as she got angry again.

"Hey, Rya. You know you look adorable when you get embarrassed." Quinus smiled as he saw the dark elf blush.

"I'm not embarrassed! I just don't want Dalia to be seen like this!" Rya growled as she glared at Quinus.

Quinus moved in closer to Rya's ear and whispered, "Well you're adorable nonetheless. And it makes me want to kiss you and pet you until you're all frisky."

Rya blushes and closes her eyes her anger starts to fade away. 'Ugh... His breath is so warm.' Rya thought as she tries to ignore his words but feels shivers going through her body.

"Q-Quin? What did you say to me?" Rya said as she felt her cheeks start to burn.

"I said that you're adorable when you're embarrassed and I want to kiss your lips until they turn red," Quinus smirked as he saw Rya's blush grow.

She started to feel her heart race a bit faster. Her breathing became heavier and she felt her nipples harden.

"Mhm. B-But we have things to do today. We should leave soon." Rya said trying to change the subject.

"Hmmm... Yeah, life gets in the way sometimes. But, we will continue this later today. I can't let my adorable, cute, sexy, dark elf fiancee be ignored for too long." Quinus grinned as he grabbed Rya by the neck and kissed her passionately.

'Q-Quin!? Mmmmh! God, he knows how to get me aroused!' Rya thought as she felt herself become wet between her legs.

Dalia turned her head and watched in confusion. 'Why is Alpha so shy about nudity? I mean she's been marked by Beta? Why make such a stink about it?' Dalia thought as she looked at Rya's blushing face and her hands on the top of Quinus' shirt as he kissed her at the doorway.


"M-My Lord! I'm s-sorry! I didn't know you were here! OH, GODDESS! Dalia! Where are my clothes?! I need my clothes!" Percy awoke to see his Lord standing at the doorway and panicked as he fell out of his bed naked.

This broke Quin of his out of his make-out session with Rya. 'Haah... I guess fun time is postponed for now. God damn, Rya is so adorable. Later Quin! She needs to learn magic. I can't hold her back. Later.'

Back to Percy who was desperately looking around for his clothes.

"I tore them off? You seemed to like it when I did that, Gamma," Dalia said as she walked over to the panicking Percy and smiled at him.

"What!? Then why didn't you wake me up earlier!?" Percy yelled as he covered himself with a blanket.

"You looked like you were having such a nice dream and I didn't want to interrupt it. And you didn't get that much sleep. You needed it my Wolf," Dalia giggled as she picked up some clothes from Percy's dresser and handed them to him.

Percy looked wiped out like a shriveled prune and had dark bags under his eyes from their all-night mating session.

Quinus could only shake his head and whispered, "Shit Percy... Haah... I think I need to let him rest. Dammit... And how is Dalia still functioning? Must be a beastkin thing?"

'Yeah, I have to agree with Quin. Percy is in no shape to work. And— Huh?'

Rya noticed the same red particles running through both Dalia and Percy's bodies.

'It's the same particles I saw in Sir George! But it's focused on their private parts! God damn! Those two fucked so hard that they injured themselves!' Rya thought as she watched poor Percy trying to not fall over with exhaustion.

Rya sighed and whispered, "Well, I better heal both of them up to."

"Huh? You're saying they injured themself?" Quinus asked in disbelief as he was able to hear Rya.

She gave Quinus a look of "Yeah, I can't believe it" and then turned to Dalia and Percy. Rya walked closer to the two of them and outstretched both her arms at them and began to channel her mana.

"Alpha? W-What are you doi—"

"Ssshhh! Don't move!" Rya said as she focused on healing their injuries.

Dalia quieted down and did what she was told.

'OH! Oooohhh... I-I haven't felt this since I was in the goblin nest! Mmmmh!' Dalia thought as she wagged her tail while she felt her body healing up.

Percy's body didn't look like a prune and looked like his old self but he still had dark bags under his eyes.

"Lady Rya... I don't know what to say?" Percy said as he tried to keep his eyes open.

"Don't worry about it. Whoa!" Rya was surprised when Percy fell over from lack of strength and was luckily caught by Rya and Dalia.

Quinus rushed over to help support Percy while Dalia helped Rya hold him up.

"I got him. Come on Percy. Back to bed with you," Quinus said as he grabbed onto Percy's arm and began to drag him back towards his bed.

"B-But my Lord... I need to... perform my duties... A prince shouldn't...." said Percy but he was too tired to even finish his sentence.

Quinus got Percy in his bed.

"Percy, you're duties are to protect this bed until we get back tonight. Your job is to sleep here and wait for us. Understand?"

Percy nodded weakly.

"Good! Now go to sleep."

With that, Percy curled up into a ball and passed out.

Dalia smiled at her man laying in the bed. Rya noticed she was looking at Percy but Rya worried that Dalia might be thinking dirty thoughts about her mate. And if they left her alone with him long enough, she would break Percy mentally.

"I guess I should watch over Gamma while—OW! ALPHA!? W-Why are you pulling my ear!?" Dalia yelped as Rya pulled her head up by her ear.

"You seem to be working fine? So, you're going to take a bath and get dressed. I need my retainer so I can go to the Mages Guild. Let's go, Dalia," Rya said as she grabbed Dalia by the hand and started walking away.

"Hey! B-But if I take a bath how will people know that Gamma's my mate!?" Dalia whined.

"Dalia! Humans, Dwarves, and Elves don't have your nose. If you're worried about women going after him, then I suggest you put a engagement ring on him so women won't try to get close."

"A ring!? Your races are weird! EEP!"


*COUGH! Cough!*

"Alpha! You didn't need to toss me in!" Dalia complained as she stood up from the water.

"Yes, I did. Now sit down so I can clean you," Rya said as she sat down on a side of the Fae-Bath.

"N-No! Gamma's scent! I'm losing his scent!" Dalia argued.

"His scent isn't fully going away, Dalia. Now sit still and relax," Rya said as she grabbed some clothes and poured some soap into the water.


It took Rya ten minutes to clean her reluctant friend. But somehow the magic of the Fae-Bath worked as it gave her a nice smell and refreshed her body.

"Well done, Dalia. Now let's get you dressed up. I sure Nieren's waiting in the hallway for us," Rya said to her friend as she helped her dry off.

"Sniff... Sniff... I miss Gamma's scent already..." Dalia whined and sniffled.

Rya shook her head. "Don't worry. His scent will still be around. It just won't be at full strength anymore."

Dalia didn't like the idea of losing his scent but she knew she couldn't argue with Rya.

Dalia when to put on a short flowy orange dress that showed off her legs and cleavage. Then she went to put on a pair of black leather boots.

"O-Okay. I'm ready, Alpha," Dalia said to Rya.

"Alright. Kiss your boyfriend goodbye before we leave," Rya said as she walked out of the bathroom and towards the door leading to the hallway.

"Huh? That's a great idea! I can get Gamma's scent on my lips!" Dalia exclaimed as she ran out of the bathroom and towards the bed of a sleeping Percy.

As she got closer to him she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

When Dalia pulled back she looked at his face. His eyes were closed, but he smiled after getting her kiss. He was breathing easy and he seemed to be having a good dream.

'Hmm... I wish I could tease him. Haah... But Alpha would get mad.' Dalia thought as she looked at his face once again.

Dalia reached up and lightly brushed her fingers against his lips. 'I wonder what kind of dreams he has?' The wolf girl wondered to herself.

She traced her finger along his bottom lip and moved it upward. She began to trace the curve of his mouth with her finger as she felt him smile slightly.

Then she slowly pressed her lips against his. She was careful not to push too hard because she didn't want to wake him.

"Sleep well, my wolf," Dalia said before standing up and walking out to the hallway.


When Dalia came out of her room she was getting by Rya, Quinus, Sir George, Nieren, and two dwarven guards.

"Where's Percy?" Sir George asked looking confused.

"He's taking a sick day," Rya replied.

Quinus turned to her with a raised eyebrow as Rya smiled.

Dalia didn't care and Nieren seemed confused before George chimed in.

"A sick day, my Lady?" Sir George asked.

"This a dark elf term. It means you get paid while not working." Quinus said with a smirk on his lips.

"Huh? What a strange concept! How do you learn about it, my Lord?" Sir George asked.

"Ah? Well..." Quinus wasn't expecting Sir George to continue to ask about work policy that really came from Earth's business.

Rya walk next to Quinus and grabbed his hand. Interlaced her fingers with his.

"Yes. I wonder where Quinus learned some dark elf terms from," Rya said in a joking manner to Sir George.

Sir George looked at Rya and felt a little stupid for asking Quinus a question like that.

'Goddess! Have I grown so used to Lady Rya's presence that I forget she isn't human? Haah... Or maybe I'm getting too old. I need to stop drinking so much wine and beer,' Sir George thought as he looked away.

"Where are we going?" Dalia asked looking around the group.

"To see our new friend at the Mages Guild," Rya said as she looked down at Dalia.

"But I need to stop by my mother's place," Nieren stated.

"Oh yeah! We'll stop by her mother's house before going to the Guild. Sorry about that Nieren," Rya said as she followed Quinus towards the main entrance of the Palace.

"Well, I want you two to watch Rya's back while she's out on the streets of Ironside. Can you do that for me, ladies?" Quinus asked.

"Of course, Master Quinus!" Nieren said with a smile.

"I like to see someone try, Beta," Dalia added.

Rya and Quinus couldn't help but smile at their enthusiastic response.

"Good. Now Rya. Before you leave I like to give you something," Quinus said as he pulled Rya closer to him.

"W-What is it?" Rya asked with a nervous tone.

"I just need to give you this," Quinus said as he gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

Rya's heart flutters like crazy. Her body tensed up as she tried to control her breathing.

Then Quinus leaned his head against hers and whispered into her ear.

"Please don't get caught again. I don't know if my heart can take the stress," Quinus said and Rya felt herself blush.

"I won't. I promise to not put myself in a stupid situation like last time," Rya said with a nervous laugh.

Quinus smiled and kissed her on the forehead, "Thank you."

"Now let's go. Learn what you can, okay," Quinus said as he watched Rya and her walk out the entrance of the palace.


After Rya was out of sight Sir George walked closer to his Lord.

"My Lord, she'll be fine. I don't know why but I feel she won't get herself enslaved again. She's a smart woman," Sir George stated.

Lord Quinus looked at his loyal servant and nodded, "Yeah, I know. It tough letting go sometimes, that's all... And I like looking at her as much as I can."

"Well, I was wrong about her when we bumped into her in the labyrinth. She is the best woman in all of Tertius. Your judgment was right. She is worth fighting a war for," Sir George said.

"Haha... I'm glad you've come around, Sir George. I have a feeling that we might have a few wars we'll need to get ready for soon enough," Quinus said with a sigh.

Then they both turned and started to walk down the hallway of the palace towards the Baron's study.


They stopped outside the door and Sir George knocked twice before opening the door. The room was dark except for the light coming from the fire in the fireplace. In front of the fireplace sat the Baron of Ironside.

"Ah! Your Highness! I believe that you want to talk about the future of the kingdom business?" Zellin asked as he stoop up from behind his desk.

"Yes. I'll need you and your trusted nobles to start building an army. While I root out all of the rot in my father's council that curry favors with my uncle Alaric," Quinus explained as he took a seat.

Zellin nodded and got up from his chair, "I understand. We will begin immediately then?"

"With building an army? Yes, but we need to be discreet about it until my uncle's influence is gone."

"Will you be departing back to the capital as soon as possible, your Highness?" Zellin asked.

Quinus shook his head, "No. I'm going to stay here for a little bit longer. Rya's safety and growth in magic is priority for me right now and Ironside is the best place for her until she's ready to come with me to the Tairal."

"But what if the duke raises an army and comes out to confront us?" Zellin asked.

"That would make life easier for me to rid him, to be honest. No, he's a shrewd man. And I'm sure he will come to learn about the Black Roses' defeat. He is going to know about Lady Rya being a healer after everyone she healed after the battle. He won't try to beat me on the field but rather try to beat me in the council and public opinion," Quinus answered.

Zellin nodded, "A political battle? That's what I'm best at! Your Highness? Do you think I can pass as a human if I wear stilts? Or maybe a wig?"

Quinus laughed, "Hahaha! Ah, sadly it would be tough for you to pass yourself off as a human. Your arms and hands would be the biggest giveaway if you were on stilts. I'll need you here, Zellin."

"Well, It was worth asking," Zellin said with a sad look on his face.

"Don't worry. I'll need you to weed out nobles that curry favor with the Duke. Use your political wit of yours to figure out which ones are loyal to me and crush those who aren't. Is that understood?" Quinus asked as he looked at Zellin.

"Yes, Your Highness! Now let me get a list of nobles that I know we can trust your Highness," Zellin answered happily as he got up to retrieve something from another room.

Quinus sighed once again and leaned back in his chair. He thought about his uncle and how he betrayed his own brother and king.

"We'll be fine my Lord," Sir George whispered to Quinus as he stood next to him.

Quins smiled softly and nodded his head, "Yes, I'm sure we will."

But then his face because serious again.

"It's my mother and father that I'm worried about."


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