I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 115: Kneel Before Me

Chapter 115: Kneel Before Me

Well, that didn't turn out as expected.

Since I haven't really considered integrating with my Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf, it just came out of my soul and almost covered the whole coliseum by how large it was. Although this was my second time seeing the Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf, I'm still just as amazed at its size.


The Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf let out an ear-piercing roar that shook the heavens and the earth. Just its presence alone was enough to instill fear in everyone's hearts. And even I, who was the one who summoned the Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf, found myself almost cowering in fear at the power it displayed. What's before me was the king of beasts itself. And fortunately, he was on my side. I wouldn't want to fight something so formidable.

"Why did you summon me, master?" The Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf softly said. His voice resembled a flowing river, clear yet it held great command and power.

The audience and participants alike were in an uproar!

"No way, does he have the summoning element?"

"Wait, I heard he has another element that lets him summon dark beings?"

"How many elements does he have?"

"Is he really just in the King Realm?"

"Impossible! And such a powerful beast!"

"He's basically cheating, right?"

"He must be from a rich family. How could he have subdued such a powerful beast by himself?"

I ignored the murmurs of the audience and participants. Well, I didn't want to do it but I was in the middle of the match. If I released such a powerful beast and lost the match, then I would not only lose face, I would also lose my pride and dignity as a Sect Master.

"I'm fighting with someone and he dared integrate with an Ice Wolf in front of me, or rather, he dared integrate with an Ice Wolf in front of you. Surely, we wouldn't let this pass, right?" I told my Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf. Since it was already in a sour mood, it was easy to use him to my advantage. He's my summon but I don't really want to order him around. I would only do so if I already wholly accepted him and fully integrated with him.

As for now, turning his switch is the only thing I decided to do.

Letting out another roar, my Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf slowly and coldly approached Xiao Xue. By now, no matter how strong he seemed, it was obvious that he was already afraid for his dear life.  Just the pressure emanating from my Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf alone was enough to turn his legs into jelly. His face paled, but he never dared look away nor take a step back. For someone who was scared shitless, he was holding his ground quite well.

"How dare you show your fangs in front of me. You're just a mere Ice Wolf Spirit Beast. Kneel and Worship your king, fool." The Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf said as he literally looked down on Xiao Xue and the Ice Wolf Spirit Beast he integrated with.

If I were in that position, I would have pissed my pants. I can't imagine what thoughts are going through Xiao Xue's mind right now. Honestly, I never wanted to scare him like this but it was already too late to stop my Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf.

The only thing I could do was watch as everything plays out. And once Xiao Xue admits defeat, I would immediately bring back my Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf. 

But just when I was hoping for the best-case scenario... well, everything played out just as I expected it to. Without further ado, Xiao Xue undid his integration with his Ice Wolf Spirit Beasts and cupped his hands towards the Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf. Since he had already fully integrated with his Ice Wolf, I'm guessing that he felt the fear in his spirit beast, causing him to lose heart.

"I concede. This is my defeat." Xiao Xue said, walking out of the stage. 

"Hmph, you made the right decision." My Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf said as it returned to my side. "You know, Yongrui, I like that kid. He knows how to back down from an unwinnable fight. If he had done the opposite, however, I would've given him a merciful death."

"Yeah, thanks a lot for that. You didn't have to scare them that much though. You're already in the apex when it comes to spirit beasts, after all." I sighed. Good thing this fight didn't end in a massacre.

"Yong Rui, I was overstepping my boundaries. I should've recognized your strength before I challenged you into a fight. And for that, I hope you will accept my apology for underestimating you." Xiao Xue cupped his hands.

"Why are you apologizing? It was a good fight. If it weren't for my Spirit Beast, I would have lost." I casually admitted.

"I hope I could challenge you into another match in the near future, Yong Rui." Xiao Xue waved his hand before rejoining the audience.

"Sure, whenever you challenge me, I will gladly accept it if I'm not preoccupied. You bet I will." I continued. 

Since my fight was over, the other participants who were in the middle of their qualifying match continued fighting. The audience went silent for a few seconds as well, making me wonder if I did something wrong.

Then I realized that what I did was something out of the ordinary.

"No way! That's a spirit beast?!"

"It's more powerful than a Titanium-rank Spirit Beast! No, that can't be a beast."

"He's so handsoooome!"

"I told you he came from a rich family. I wonder which clan it is."

"We should befriend him."

"Hey, with your looks, you can totally make him fall for you. Why don't you take a chance?"

"Is he really just in the King Realm?"

I sighed as I returned to my seat. There was nothing I could say to Liu Zhi and the others since I revealed another one of my trump cards. It was just one and I've already received weird reactions from the masses. What more if I revealed my Dark Element or Blood Element? They might curse me to my grave.

Still, this much attention takes getting used to.

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