Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch103- Back in Business

Ch103- Back in Business

As they walked through the corridors, Harry could sense the curiosity and speculation from his fellow students. The news of his mysterious fainting spell and the dramatic broomstick delivery had made him the center of attention, a role he was long accustomed to.

Daphne, observing the glances and whispers directed at Harry, commented, "You're quite the celebrity now, Potter. First the fainting out of nowhere, now a Nimbus 2000. What's next?"

Harry shrugged, "Who knows? Hogwarts is full of surprises. But right now, I'm more concerned about catching up on what I missed while I was out."

Tracey nodded, "You should. But don't overdo it this time. We can't have our new Seeker collapsing again."

Harry smiled, appreciating their concern. "I'll take it easy, I promise. But first, I need to speak with Professor Snape about the Potions class I missed."

Nigel's voice echoed in Harry's mind. "Ah, a rendezvous with the charming Potions Master. Do remember to duck if a cauldron comes flying your way."

Harry mentally rolled his eyes at Nigel's comment, "Thanks for the tip, Nigel."

Entering the dungeon with a sense of purpose, Harry paused at the entrance of Professor Snape's office. Taking a deep breath, he knocked gently and asked with respectful caution, "May I, sir?"

Professor Snape, his focus momentarily diverted from the stack of parchments on his desk, looked up and gave a curt nod. "Enter, Potter."

Harry stepped inside, his eyes adjusting to the dimly lit room filled with the peculiar scents of various potions. He remained silent, waiting for Snape to initiate the conversation, knowing well the professor's preference for control in his domain.

After a moment, Snape finished reviewing a document and set it aside. His gaze, sharp and assessing, fixed on Harry. "All better, I see, Mr. Potter," he remarked, his tone hinting at a mixture of curiosity and skepticism.

"Yes, thanks to your potions, sir," Harry replied, maintaining a respectful stance.

Snape's lips twitched into a semblance of a smirk. "How do you know they are mine?"

Harry allowed himself a small grin, responding, "I doubt Sopophorous Bean is a standard ingredient in a Sleeping Draught."

Snape raised an eyebrow, his expression showing a flicker of surprise. "You figured that out from a potion you drank while about to pass out due to sleep deprivation? Impressive, Potter."

Harry responded confidently, "I believe it's prudent to be aware of what one is consuming, especially while they are weak, where danger is closest."

Snape's typically impassive face broke into a slight smirk, a rare display of approval. "Cautious and talented. An unusual combination in a student," he commented, his voice still carrying its usual edge. For those familiar with Snape's demeanor, this was high praise indeed.

"We worked on the Forgetfulness Potion in class yesterday," Snape continued, his gaze fixed on Harry. "I assume you've prepared yours?"

Harry reached into his robe and pulled out a small, carefully sealed flask, placing it on Snape's desk. "Yes, sir. I've brought my potion for your evaluation."

Snape's eyebrow arched in surprise. "I generally do not accept potions not brewed in my presence. However, given your proven capabilities, I'll make an exception." He uncorked the flask and took a whiff of its contents, his expression unreadable. "Another variation, Mr. Potter?"

Harry nodded, "Yes, sir. I thought a slight adjustment might enhance the potion's efficacy."

Snape inspected the potion closely, a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes. "I shall review it. Do not make a habit of missing my classes, Potter."

"Understood, sir. Thank you," Harry replied, feeling a sense of relief.

As he exited Snape's office, Nigel's voice resonated in his mind. "Well, well, Master Harry. Earning Snape's begrudging respect is no small feat. Are you sure you haven't brewed a Charm the Teacher Potion?"

Harry chuckled internally at Nigel's jest. "No potions needed, Nigel. Just a bit of potion-making skill and some common sense."

Walking through the corridors of Hogwarts, Harry made his way to the library. His conversation with Professor Snape had gone surprisingly well, and now his mind was set on a different task. As he entered the library, he spotted Hermione Granger, the person he had been hoping to meet. Approaching her, Harry sat across from her, noticing the stack of books beside her, a testament to her insatiable thirst for knowledge.

"Harry. I am glad you are okay," Hermione said upon noticing him, her tone tinged with genuine concern.

Smiling, Harry responded warmly, "I am equally delighted to see you, Ms. Granger." He then reached into his robe and pulled out a small, neatly wrapped box, presenting it to Hermione. "Sorry, I missed your birthday yesterday. I was out of commission—" But before he could finish his sentence, Hermione leaped forward to hug him.

"This is my first time anyone beside my family giving me a birthday gift," she said, her voice muffled against his shoulder.

Harry was taken aback by her reaction, feeling a connection in their shared experience of seldom receiving gifts. The only gift he had ever received from his family was from Petunia, right before he started Hogwarts, marking his first birthday celebration that he could recall.

As Hermione opened the box, her eyes widened in surprise and delight. Inside was a simple yet elegant leather-bound notebook, its cover embossed with intricate designs that seemed to dance in the light. Along with the notebook was a set of quills, each feather carefully selected for its unique color and texture.

"It's not much, but I thought you might enjoy something for your notes... or your stories," Harry said, watching her reaction.

Hermione's eyes sparkled with unshed tears as she looked at the gifts. "Harry, this is wonderful. Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with emotion. She gently ran her fingers over the embossed cover, appreciating the craftsmanship.

Harry smiled, pleased with her reaction. "You're welcome, Ms. Granger. I know how much you love to write and research. I thought this might be useful."

Nigel chimed in, "Ah, Master Harry, resorting to the timeless art of gift-giving, I see. How very gallant! Next, we'll be serenading in the moonlight, no doubt. A parchment and quill today, tomorrow perhaps a love potion brewed with your exceptional skills? The ways of wooing are indeed mysterious and varied. Do proceed, I'm all eyes and ears!"

Harry mentally rolled his eyes at Nigel's comment, choosing to focus on Hermione's reaction. "Do you like it?"

Hermione nodded vigorously. "I love it, Harry! This is the best birthday gift I've ever received."

Harry's expression softened, "I'm glad to hear that."

Getting up, Harry said, "I will take my leave now. Take care, Ms. Granger." With a final smile, he left Hermione with her new gifts, her expression one of pure joy.

From that day on, time at Hogwarts seemed to fly in a whirlwind of activities. Harry balanced his days between classes, studying, and diving into his various magical projects, whether it was in the Enchanted Haven Briefcase or the Virtual Room. The versatility of these spaces allowed him to test new theories and ideas, fueling his relentless curiosity.

His social life was equally dynamic. Harry spent time with his friends, both in moments of leisure and in study sessions. His relationships with Daphne, Tracey, Neville, Susan, and Hannah had grown stronger, forming a circle of trust and camaraderie. Hermione, too, often joined him, their conversations filled with intellectual exchanges and mutual respect.

In the midst of this busy schedule, Harry hadn't forgotten about the compelling spell cast on Hermione and Ron. After his recovery from the infirmary, he checked their statuses again, relieved to find that they were no longer under the influence of any spell. However, the mystery of who had cast it lingered in his mind, an unresolved puzzle he was determined to solve.

As October rolled in, the atmosphere at Hogwarts began to change. The air grew crisper, the leaves turned golden and red, and a sense of excitement permeated the castle. Halloween was approaching, a time of celebration and festivity at Hogwarts.


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