Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

0119 The End of the Ruins (Part-2)

0119 The End of the Ruins (Part-2)

As Bryan uttered his final words, they reverberated in the empty temple hall, creating a chilling echo that filled the air with a mysterious atmosphere of killing. Across a distance of fifty feet, the two people locked their gazes, seeing the unyielding determination in each other's different-colored pupils. Bryan's eyes were a deep blue, like the ocean, while Cliodna's eyes were a bright green, like the forest. It seemed that a fierce conflict was inevitable.

Bryan looked indifferent, his face showing no emotion. He was confident in his own strength, but he had never fought with a druid before, and he was also on guard against whether Cliodna had any means that a wizard could not imagine. 

Hiss– And just as he was on alert in his heart, the burning sensation in his palm made him startled, and then his face changed. He felt a sudden pain, as if his hand was being bitten by a venomous snake.

Since overcoming the temptation of power, until Bryan cut off its connection with the earth, the Twin Serpent Staff was like an ordinary staff, without any resistance or strange phenomena. Bryan easily pulled it out from the stone pedestal, and after he got it, the time barrier around the altar also dissipated. Everything was so simple that it was unbelievable.

But without any warning, the two Basilisk carved on the staff opened their clear yellow eyes again, and a force of resistance that was hard to resist suddenly surged from the cold staff, just like the previous time when it bounced off Gryffindor's grab. The staff seemed to have a will of its own, and it did not want to be taken by Bryan now.

In the blink of an eye, Bryan threw the Twin Serpent Staff into the air, summoning a silver metal shield to block in front of him. He did not know what the staff was going to do, but he did not want to take any chances.

The sudden change also stunned Cliodna, she looked at the Twin Serpent Staff spinning in the air, and only hesitated for a very short time, then threw away her hesitation, and brought a desperate determination, summoning the golden staff to her hand. 

The millennium vision was realized like this, and Cliodna was also a little dazed and speechless, but the abnormality of the Twin Serpent Staff continued, and a heart-pounding gray magic power surged from the golden staff. The Basilisk with open eyes climbed on the golden staff and spit out thick black smoke. The smoke gathered into a grim reaper-like figure in mid-air, staring at the somewhat at a loss Cliodna below. The figure was cloaked in a dark robe, and its face was hidden by a hood. Only a pair of red eyes could be seen, glowing with a sinister light.

Hum– The majestic humming sound echoed in the temple, and Bryan looked solemn. He suddenly remembered the scene he saw on the mural, the hidden shadow that emerged from the body of the legendary black witch Morgan Le Fay when she was about to lose to Merlin and King Arthur. He had a bad feeling about this, and he wondered if the shadow was somehow related to the Twin Serpent Staff.

"Why–why do you do this!"

The humming sound from the shadow contained a revelation that Bryan could not understand. This revelation seemed to contain some incredible information, which made Cliodna's green eyes show a gradual change from confusion to disbelief, and even, asked in disbelief. She could not believe what the shadow was telling her, and she felt a surge of anger and fear.

"What exactly did you hear!"

The mysterious and weird scene that happened in the empty temple hall made Bryan frown, and he asked Cliodna loudly. He wanted to know what the shadow was saying, and what it wanted from them. He sensed that this was not a good sign, and he prepared himself for a possible attack.

The priestess of the Druid sect seemed to have heard something extremely absurd, and the green eyes showed all the astonishment. From the expression on her face, she seemed to resist the revelation given by the shadow in the Twin Serpent Staff very much. She clenched her teeth, and shook her head, as if trying to reject the voice in her mind. As a response to Cliodna's resistance, the humming sound from the shadow became more sharp, as if ordering her to execute the absurd order it issued. The sound was like a knife, cutting through the air, and piercing into Bryan's ears. He felt a chill in his spine, and he wondered what the shadow wanted from them.

"Tell me, what is it saying!"

The mysterious and weird scene that happened in the empty temple hall made Bryan frown, and he asked Cliodna loudly. He wanted to know what the shadow was saying, and what it wanted from them. He sensed that this was not a good sign, and he prepared himself for a possible attack. He held his wand tightly in his hand, and his eyes flashed with a cold light.

Cliodna gradually became calm, she looked at Bryan, her eyes still unwilling, but for some reason, Bryan also noticed some apologies in this woman's complicated eyes. She seemed to regret something, and she also seemed to pity him. She opened her mouth, and said in a low voice, as if she was confessing a sin.

"I don't know much more than you, Mr. Watsoon, anyway, thank you for getting it for us–"

When she finished this sentence, in mid-air, the shadow that had completed its mission suddenly disappeared. It vanished without a trace, as if it had never existed. Before Bryan could react, the Twin Serpent Staff that was not driven by anyone suddenly floated above Cliodna's head, bursting out a gray halo, and directly took Cliodna away from the temple with a flash, and disappeared. It was like a portal, opening and closing in an instant, leaving no trace behind.


Bryan yelled and ran towards the spot where Cliodna had just stood. He tried to use the residual magic in the air to lock onto Cliodna's position and chase her with Apparition, but the chaotic magic field in the ruins and the spatial restriction were stronger than the Anti-Disapparition Jinx. Bryan's figure suddenly blurred, as if he was about to squeeze into the air, but the next second, he was repelled. He felt a powerful force pushing him back and he stumbled and fell to the ground.

"This woman!"

Bryan almost cursed, he still wanted to try to locate again, but at this time, the temple suddenly shook violently, and the sudden weightlessness made Bryan stunned for a while, 

Crash! He heard a loud noise, and he saw the ceiling of the temple collapsing, and the stones falling down like rain. 

"The ruins is collapsing!"

The space created by magic quickly collapsed, and the earth cracked open with shocking cracks. The world began to tilt in Bryan's eyes. All these signs indicated that this ruins that had existed for more than a thousand years was about to collapse after the Twin Serpent Staff left.

If he couldn't leave here before the ruins collapsed, then he might be banished to the chaotic void and never come back. 

Thinking of this, Bryan didn't dare to delay, and prepared to leave the hall immediately, fly to the door that entered the ruins, and leave the ruins, but when he stepped forward, he suddenly remembered something and looked at the altar. His sight fell on the silver sword that belonged to Gryffindor. The sword was still stuck in the stone pedestal, and it shone with a faint light. It was a relic of the ancient wizarding world, and it had a great value. Bryan hesitated for a moment, and then decided to take the sword with him. He ran to the altar, and pulled out the sword with a strong force. He felt a surge of power in his hand, and he admired the sword for a moment, before putting it in his robe.

He then turned around, and ran to the exit of the temple. He saw a huge stone door, carved with mysterious runes, and it was slowly closing. He realized that he had no time to waste, and he sprinted towards the door, hoping to make it in time.

He barely managed to squeeze through the door, before it closed completely. He felt a gust of wind blowing on his face, and he saw the bright sunlight outside. He was relieved, and he thought he had escaped from the danger.

But he was wrong.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, he saw a scene that made him speechless. He saw the Stonehenge Park, where he had entered the ruins, but it was not the same as he remembered. There were hundreds of muggles, standing around the stone circle. They were looking at him with curiosity, shock, and fear. They saw him coming out of the stone door, wearing a strange robe, and holding a wand and a sword. They saw the dust and smoke behind him, and heard the rumbling sound of the collapsing ruins.

The originally noisy Stonehenge Park became extremely quiet in an instant. Hundreds of muggles stared dumbfounded at the few huge stones that suddenly fell down, and the young man in a strange robe who ran out of the waving dust. They did not know what to say, or what to do.

"Who are you, what did you do?"

The muggle guide who specialized in introducing the origin of Stonehenge looked at the gray and gloomy young man and asked stutteringly. He was scared and confused, and he wondered if he was dreaming.

Bryan ignored him, and looked around. He saw the familiar scenery, but he also saw something different. He saw the cars, the buses, the signs, and the people. He saw the modern world, and he felt a sense of alienation.

He glanced at the sun hanging in the middle of the sky, emitting infinite light and heat, and Bryan was in a trance for a moment.

He and Cliodna entered the ruins in the second half of last night, and they only stayed for a few hours inside, but when they came out it was already noon. No!

"What date is it today?"

Bryan looked at the muggle guide and asked in a deep voice. He had a bad feeling, and he hoped he was wrong.

"July 28, sir. You."

"It's been five days. The time flow speed of the inner and outer space is different?" 

At this time, a snow-white owl that had been hovering in the high sky for several days swooped down and landed directly on Bryan's shoulder, and tilted his head and pecked Bryan's cheek hard, seeming to have been waiting for a long time.

Bryan ignored the whispering muggles and unfolded the letter paper. He only glanced at it twice, and a tick mark appeared on his forehead.

"Thank you, little guy, I already know–"

Bryan smiled slightly at the snow-white owl and nodded in thanks.

Coo– This very smart owl pecked Bryan's earlobe again with his beak, urging him to leave quickly, and then flapped his wings and flew away, soon disappearing from people's sight.

There was a commotion not far away, and several muggle policemen were squeezing through the crowd and rushing towards the precious historical relic that was destroyed.

 Bryan turned around and waved his wand, restoring the massive stones that had lost their magic, and then, with a slight apology, addressed the muggles who were questioning their sanity, 

"I'm sorry to disturb your tour, I'll leave right away- Obliviate!"

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