Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 595: Exposing The Plot

The group was about to separate and head out into two directions when Long Chen suddenly said, “Prince Lei Ming, please wait a moment.”

Lei Ming halted, and so did the other Battle Kings.

Long Chen and Lei Ming did not really know each other, so it was a bit strange when Long Chen stopped him. Even Jiang Wuya and the others did not know what Long Chen was up to.

Lei Ming furrowed his brows and turned to look at Long Chen. “What’s the matter?”

“I’d like to ask Old Vulture for some guidance on something; may I ask if you could take me to him?” Long Chen asked after some thought.

The moment Long Chen mentioned Old Vulture, Lei Ming’s expression stiffened. He shook his head instinctively and said, “You can’t. My father is deeply focused on his cultivation, so no one is allowed to disturb him!”

His tone was quite harsh, and he gave Long Chen no chance to reply. After that, he immediately turned and left.

Not only did Long Chen grow suspicious from his reaction, Jiang Wuya and the others did too. Lei Ming wanted to leave as quickly as possible to avoid more questions that would affect his father’s plans. However, he had not expected his reaction to cause even more suspicion.

Whoosh! The Dragon clan members surrounded him, and Jiang Wuya asked with confusion, “Brother Lei Ming, is there some problem with Old Vulture? Is there any way we can help?”

“Is that a joke? My father is a great Second Earthly Martial Stage cultivator—of course there’s no problem with him,” said Lei Ming, his face turning slightly green. His gaze swept across the group and he said, “Why are you guys blocking me? Don’t you think you can disrespect me just because you guys are close with our clan leader!”

Lei Ming was willing to say anything to leave.

“Lei Ming, how could you say that? The Dragon clan members are the Battle clan’s brothers!”

“Yeah! They are willing to risk their lives to help the Battle clan! How could you speak to them with that tone?!”

The other Battle clan members disapproved of Lei Ming’s unfriendly tone. Every Battle clan member had endless gratitude for Jiang Wuya and his team. Without the Dragon clan helping them, the Battle clan would likely be in ruins by now.

In the face of such pressure, Lei Ming’s face slowly turned pale. He knew that this was a very critical moment for his father, and he could not ruin the plan now!

That was why he chose to remain silent.

This brat is behaving very strangely; there must be something going on if he won’t let me meet Old Vulture. Yesterday, Old Vulture arrived late to the scene. Was it because he wanted to let Zhao Danchen kill Fourth Brother? And Old Vulture isn’t here now, which means …

Long Chen’s face changed!

“Oh no, Second Brother!”

Long Chen was not sure if he was right, but in case he was, he had to act as quickly as he could. He disregarded the rules of the forbidden area and used the Dragon Soul Transformation, then he dashed towards the depths of the forbidden area like a gust of red wind.

“Long Chen, you can’t enter the Battle clan’s forbidden area!” shouted a Battle King in panic, but he could not stop Long Chen in time. Looking at the red gust of wind, he sighed at Long Chen’s speed.

Every Dragon clan member trusted Long Chen’s abilities. Long Chen had rushed into the forbidden area and called for Jiang Wuya … Jiang Wuya was no idiot, so he quickly guessed what was going through Long Chen’s mind and followed him into the forbidden area. At the same time, he instructed, “Third Brother, you guys stop Lei Ming!”

From the Battle clan’s point of view, the Dragon clan was being too rash, especially when they heard the order to stop Lei Ming. The Battle Kings were very confused, but they trusted Long Chen and the others. Lei Ming had indeed been acting strangely today, so they did not move when Jian Chen and the others surrounded him.

When Lei Ming saw Long Chen and Jiang Wuya rush into the forbidden area, his face paled and he became very anxious. When they saw his expressions, everyone drew the same conclusion.

Lan Ling’er was always first to speak. “Is Seventh Brother thinking that Old Vulture is planning to ambush Fourth Brother in there?”

Jian Chen and Chi Ying’s faces changed, then they replied coldly, “Yes!”

They had no time to worry about anything else, so they immediately trapped Lei Ming. Since there was little space to work with, Lei Ming could not retaliate at all. Jian Chen’s Cloud Sword rested on his neck.

“What?” The other Battle Kings gasped and looked at the pale Lei Ming in disbelief. Lei Ming did not argue, which meant that what Lan Ling’er had said was likely true!



“Did you and your father get kicked in the head?!”

The Battle Kings roared with anger and ran into the forbidden area. Jian Chen and the others also entered the forbidden area while holding Lei Ming hostage. No one had expected something like this to happen today. Until now, no one knew why Old Vulture would do such a thing.

The Battle clan members held out a ray of hope. They hoped that this was not true. The Battle clan had always been united and never killed each other. If a plot like this was truly unfolding, it would be a major blow to all of them.

Even Long Chen did not know why Old Vulture would want to do this.

All he knew was that it was strange for Old Vulture to arrive late yesterday, plus Lei Ming’s reactions had been strange. That was why he could not help but probe. Lei Ming’s mind was torn, and the moment Long Chen asked him a question, his expression gave him away.

Sensing the severity of the situation, Long Chen ran as fast as he could, disappearing from Jiang Wuya’s sight. Jiang Wuya initially thought he could catch up, but to his shock, not only could he not catch up, the gap between them was increasing!

Jiang Wuya soon caught up to Xiaolang, who was still in human form. He did not say much and immediately passed Xiaolang, feeling anxious and shocked. He was anxious about Lei Zhen’s safety and shocked by Long Chen’s speed.

Gusts of wind blew past Long Chen!



When Long Chen was still feeling uncertain about his guess, he heard the sounds of collisions up ahead. They were definitely the sounds of a fight between Earthly Martial Realm experts, as they were deep and dull, but very powerful!

Just as I expected! They’re fighting! If Long Chen was right, Old Vulture had been hiding here for a long time. This was a Second Earthly Martial Stage cultivator ambushing a First Earthly Martial Stage target; there was no way Lei Zhen would be able to hold him off for long if he was caught by surprise!

“Third Brother!” At this moment, Lei Zhen could only call for Jian Chen, who was outside the forbidden area. Since sound traveled quickly, both Long Chen and the others heard him at the same time.

Lei Zhen’s voice was filled with rage and even sounded a bit hoarse. He was likely injured, and severely too!

“It’s true!” Every Battle King was in disbelief. When they heard his shout for help, everyone was certain that Old Vulture and his son had plotted to harm Lei Zhen. Fortunately, Long Chen had discovered their plot. They could only pray that Long Chen and Jiang Wuya would arrive in time to save Lei Zhen. If Lei Zhen died, the Battle clan would be done for!

“Those bastards! Why would Old Vulture do this? Even though he has done so much for the Battle clan, he is looking for death this time! The warriors of the Battle clan will never forgive him!”

“Yeah! If Clan Leader really dies, how will we ever face our old clan leader in the afterlife?”

Everyone roared with rage, and their eyes turned red as they dashed through the forbidden area.

When Long Chen heard the voice, he was able to pinpoint Lei Zhen’s location. He sped up and zoomed through the dense forest. Every dull thud and furious roar coming from up ahead felt like direct blows to his heart!


A powerful bolt of lightning exploded. Relying on the power of his Dragon Soul Transformation, Long Chen forced himself through and entered a col. He saw a large figure flying towards him!

Blood sprayed out of the person’s mouth, almost landing on Long Chen. When Long Chen looked closer, he realized that it was Lei Zhen. Lei Zhen’s face was pale, and several deep gashes ran across his chest, bleeding profusely. He was severely injured!

“Die!” A thin and small person was running after Lei Zhen. It was Old Vulture, whose features were twisted into a sneer. He had successfully injured Lei Zhen, leaving him incapacitated. Now he was launching a powerful talon attack in order to kill Lei Zhen once and for all!

That was when Long Chen showed up!

A blood-red figure suddenly appeared in front of Lei Zhen. He quickly caught Lei Zhen and then laid him flat on the ground. Then the red figure pounced on Old Vulture, and blood-red claws collided with his talons, which were crackling with electricity, causing a shrill screech from the collision.

“Who are you?!” Old Vulture never expected another person to show up. No one could find out that he was the one who had killed Lei Zhen. Now that Long Chen was here, he had to kill Long Chen too!

Long Chen’s claws carried as much force as Old Vulture’s attack. Old Vulture had used his favorite attack, which brought harm through lightning. However, he discovered that the blood-red flames were burning his skin, and they were more powerful than his talons!

Old Vulture was thrown back in the air!

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