Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 114- The Goddess Festival Part 1

[Vol.2] Quest 114- The Goddess Festival Part 1

A month or two since Cirrus gave Ai the invitation, the Hero Elegy has come about.

The Hero Elegy was one week before the Goddess Festival, and it held a very important place in the hearts of the citizens of Orario. It was the day you mourn and honor the heroes who fought off the monsters in ancient times and to remember those who perished within the dungeon.

This was a day even Evilus and its fanatics and gods wouldn’t try to disturb it from how sacred it was to the mortals of Gekai.

“Are you not gonna put a candle for anyone?” Nox asked.

“… Just one.” He holds the candle in his hand.

Now that he gained more experience in this world, Cirrus felt a faint connection to his late mother. The reason she left him made far more sense now, and it saddened him deeply. A mother who never saw her child grow and a son who only remembered his mother’s parting words and expression. He would only grow to understand her reason more as he grows older.

“And what of you, Yoru?” Circe asked. “I’m sure you lost friends to monsters and the like?”

“Hmm… I did… heh maybe I will make a little shrine to honor them, and you Little Witch?” Nox said with a smirk.

“Stop calling me that! One customer said that and now everyone is calling me that! And yes… I do, a friend who died saving me. His name was Odysseus, a kind-hearted fisherman.”

“… I’ll get started on the shrine. You two can go get the candles.”

“Can I put mine next to yours, Sora?” asked Lili, holding two in her hands.

“Yeah. By all means.”

He knew who they were for her deceased parents.

Cirrus built a quick little shrine. Nox, Circe, and Lili put their candles on the shrine. Lenoa came out putting several candles.

“Seems you lost people too, huh, Lenoa?” said Cirrus.

“Of course, I have lived a long life. I have seen many a mage buy stuff from me and never returned… I still remember their fresh faces… well, I hope they’re in a better place now.”

The five of them would spend the Elegy together.

One week pass by and the Goddess Festival was on its way in early November. The Guild along with the Astraea, Loki, Susanoo, and Ganesha Familia were working overtime to ensure this festival goes off without a hitch.

Day of the festival.

“Got your badges?”

“Yup!” said Lili.

“Of course!” said Nox.

“Come on! Come on! There is food to eat!” Circe said.

“Yoru do you mind if—“

“Say no more! Come on, let's go find some good food!” she grabbed Lili's hand and left.

“Eh?” Lili said before she was yanked away. "Sora!!" she shouted out. 

"Sorry!!" He waved to her as the three of them disappeared into the crowds.

‘Sorry, Lili, but this day I will be spending it with someone else.'


Walking through the streets, Cirrus had a bit of a spring to his step. He finally was going to cash in on the deal he and Ai made.

He readjusts the way he walks back to how he normally walks, his back straight with a nice attire for the occasion and for the performance he was hired to do.

Arriving in the East at the store Facilis, there he waited until he heard a familiar excited voice and face.

“Ci—Sora!!” Ai shouted, waving at him in the Yukata. She looked beautiful in it, her snow-white hair was tied up and kept together in a bun with a hair stick,

Cirrus had made the Yukata from material both in and out of the dungeon. He learned to make it by buying several yukatas from merchants and essentially reverse engineering them to have an understanding of them. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t know Ai’s measurements, as she was helping set up the festival so they are—


—Big on her to be safe.

“I got you!”

Cirrus quickly catches her before she falls.

“T-thanks!” she said with a bright smile and blush as Cirrus helps get her up.

“No problem, sorry the outfit is rather big. I did my best trying to make it fit, but…”

“It's fine!” she said, showing it off. "It's really well made and comfy!"

The Yukata was primarily blue with the purple lotus as the design.

“Hold on a second.”

Cirrus then begins to sew it to make it fit as much as possible. His fingers were dexterous enough to not prick her.

“Your pretty good at this!”

“I should be. Took me months to get this down and more… and there it should be good!”

“Hmm…” Ai touches and messes with it to find it fits well. “It fits perfectly! Can we get going? I wanna see the stalls!”

“Of course, let’s begin our date!” Cirrus said with no hesitation and red ears.

“Hm!” she said with a look of excitement and some nervousness.

From a distance, Kaguya and Susanoo were watching from afar.

“Grrr!! It’s that damn bard!” said Kaguya.

“Nothing good ever comes from a bard!” said Susanoo. “They even have matching earrings! I wanna punch his face in for making a move on our little Ai! I should have given him a good talking-to-back during the banquet!”

“If he does anything, I’ll be sure to cut his fingers off!” Kaguya said, ready to draw her weapon.

“Ah, before we go, here.” Cirrus hands her a badge. “So we can eat whatever we like from the stalls.”

“Are you cheapening out on me?” she said with a look on her face.

“Of course not. Do you think I have not saved up enough for today?”

“Well, you do always go to that pub so…”

“I don’t spend that much!”

“You buy their expensive liquor.”

“My Immunity is high enough to handle it, yours isn't. But don't mind that. I’m not going to have a drop of it today. I want to remember this day perfectly.”

“Mmm…” Ai looks away with a blushed face. “Your dam cheesy lines.”

They both walked to the festival chatting but from afar Susanoo and Kaguya watch like a falcon.

Up above, Artemis was also monitoring Cirrus.

‘T-this is just to keep him and his d-date safe! Yeah! that’s it!” she said to herself.

Behind her, Rethusa was with her.

‘I hope this all ends well… I’m also very concerned for Lady Artemis... I'm kinda hungry.’


While walking with Ai, Cirrus could feel some eyes on him.

‘There are many eyes on me. Is it too much to get some privacy!?’

“Ai wanna get away from prying eyes?” Cirrus whispers over to Ai.

She remained silent for a while as her ears twitch.


“Hold tight.”

Cirrus links his arms with hers’ and moves through the crowd.

“Dammit, they're trying to shake us off!” said Kaguya.

“After them!”

Up from above, Artemis had her eye on him, but from a much greater distance.

“Seems I was too close; Susanoo and Kaguya aren’t skilled enough in hunting to hide their presence. Hm! Hm! I have taught him well!"

“Hmmm…” Rathusa said, following Artemis, thinking of the food the rest of the Familia are eating.

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