Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 96- Westward Cloud, 3rd Chapter, Part 2- The Roaring Sea

Quest 96- Westward Cloud, 3rd Chapter, Part 2- The Roaring Sea

Being flung at the monster with a spinning spear. He shreds his way through the arrows of black algae hair and steps on the monster's thick hair. The hair and algae freeze up.

"Time for a fucking buzz-cut!!"


Running along its body, Cirrus cut deep into it, slicing off massive amounts of hair. Its skin breathed the air of the world, but to Lance and Cirrus's disgust, its flesh was a putrid color of green, brown, black, and yellow. Its scent overtook that of the salty and fresh air of the sea.

"Ah fuck! Dude!"


‘Look out! Its horns are acting up!’

Cirrus looks at the horns and sees them grow more twisted as its horns grow out like tree-charred branches growing out rapidly, sprouting out black leaves that let out an ash-like powder into the air.

Lance and Cirrus breathed in the powder, and only Lance started to cough.

"Cough! Cough! I’m poisoned!?" Lance said. "My resistance is at E! Zephyr! What’s yours at!"

"D Rank!"

Unfortunately, or fortunately for Cirrus, who was exposed to the Nuckelavee’s poison and survived, it drastically increased his Immunity Rank. With such a high rank, Fels and Ouranos doubt anything could poison Cirrus. Cirrus even thinks this is the highest ever recorded and that when he’s old enough to drink, he doubts he could get drunk from how high it is.

"Can you handle, Cough! Cough! It!"

"Sure thing! Go on!"

Cirrus quickly runs up its body, reaching its head where he cuts its right eye.


Its blood wasn’t even red or black, but puss-like green blood.


Its horn grew and attacked Cirrus, sending him off the monster's head and back into the swirling water.

With its right eye gone, it grows its horns to cover its head to ensure no one else lands on its head.

They bombarded the monster with cannon fire. It finally grew tired of this beating down. Its eyes glowed more brightly, and the black algae returned to cover its body, even the cuts Cirrus made until it was a black aquatic goat-like monster in the sea.


 Its hair was devoured by the algae to serve as food for the algae to grow until it was moving like actual tendrils with a width the size of cars whipping around at high speeds, striking even the ship.

"Lance!!" shouted Cirrus. "Get outta here! We can’t have Lord Poseidon or any of the ships damaged!!"

Lance saw the ship growing black algae.


He quickly ran off and cut off a chunk of the ship.

"Lord Poseidon! You must leave! This has gotten far too dangerous!"

"Aye! Do you mind stopping the water?"

The whirlpool slowed down enough for Lance to push the ship from the back onto calmer waters, but as he did, the storm that was coming in finally came and now the whirlpool was not his own any longer as thunder and lightning crashed down with raging winds.

Lance and the rest of the crew watched as they heard more and more claps of thunder fall on the area.

"Huff! Huff! It’s gotten way more annoying!"

‘Are you sure you don’t want me to jump in?’

"I’m sure Huff! Huff! I need to beat this monster on my own! Relying on you will only get me so far."

‘I understand, but... You have been fighting this monster for about 30 mins already. Lance is recovering from his poison, so only you and I remain here.’

"Well, then it seems it’s a duel then. Nox, return to the ship. I don’t want you caught up in my magic."

Nox didn’t enjoy having to leave Cirrus, but it was his order and if need be, she would break it to save him.

‘Fine! but don’t make me save you alright!’

"I’ll try not to."

Nox flies back to the ship, leaving Cirrus in a stormy sea with a disease-riddled goat monster.

"Well, time to put you down! Disengage!!"

As his armor fades away and his magic circle appears behind him, the Iku-Turso attacks him with its tendrils and horns.

"Fucking water and wood-style Naruto bullshit!! (Exousía, Adorn: Chimera)!!! Show them how it’s done!! Hecton!!"

As the mix of armor covers Cirrus, several arms emerge from his shadow, striking away the tendrils and punching away the horn-like branches. With his weapon still magnetically charged, Cirrus spun it again with even more speed and came at the monster.

Since Cirrus had little time or privacy to practice his new skill, there was some work to be done.

Smack! Smack! Stab! Smack!

Smack! Stab! Smack! Stab! Smack!

Stab! Smack! Smack! Stab! Smack!

Being struck by some tendrils, the algae spread to all but the magic armor, and his body heated as some strikes left a wound for the algae to seep in.

‘Fuck! Fuck! My body is slowing down! Push forward!! Focus—!!"

He could see some algae reaching near his necklace and, just as it was about to corrode it, a feeling of anger filled Cirrus, sharpening his senses, his heart began to beat faster and harder.

Thump-thump! Thump-thump!! Thump-thump!!!

His eyes were lit with a fire as his emerald eyes turned to a liquid whirlpool. An inheritance from his mother, her swirling eyes along with her explosive anger.

"YOU FUCK!!! (Sword of Damocles, sing your vespers.) [Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!!!"

He chanted it at such a speed that he didn’t realize that thunder danced around him in a dense flurry. The black algae that were on his body fried off while the one inside was still kicking.


With a rage-filled shout, he charged ahead recklessly, not caring for anything but the safety of the charms. He got cut from the tendrils and horns, getting more infections. That did nothing, as his mind was laser focused on killing the monster.

The Iku-Turso saw the wrathful thunder. Its trees made grey and red ash-like powder. It turned red, as did what Cirrus was seeing.

It was a disease that drastically bolstered both of their strength at the cost of their reason. A berserk-induced state of mind that accelerated the traits his mother had, her temper and swirling eyes in reaction to anger.



A vicious exchange of attacks fell on Cirrus. The Iku-Turso bombarded Cirrus with everything it had, even covering its now vulnerable skin in a mist like the Amphisbaena.

The water turned as dark as its lowest depths, and a miasma of the disease rose from the ocean and several fish popped up to the surface, all washed away from the force of the attacks.

"(Sing your Vespers, Swords of Damocles) [Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!!! (Sing your Vespers, Swords of Damocles) [Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!!! (Sing your Vespers, Swords of Damocles) [Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!!! (Sing your Vespers, Swords of Damocles) [Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!!!"

Cirrus fired several colossal blades of thunder, electrocuting the monster and frying more of its algae, but its horns grew to replace them.


Cirrus's swirling emerald eyes swirl faster and faster, to the point where even the whirlpool he is fighting above was tame in comparison.

From afar, it was as if the gods were letting off their anger at the sea.

Several bolts of lightning and thunder crashed down like concentrated Catatumbo Lightning.

"RAAAAAH!!!!! RAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Cirrus kept the attack going until the monster couldn’t keep up.


The Iku-Turso had no more energy to use its diseases and poisons. Even its horns couldn’t hold on for much longer.

"YOUR FUCKING MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Savagely breaking through its horn-like branches, Cirrus breaks onto the monster's back.

"(Sword of Damocles)!!!"

His magic circle appeared up above, much like his fight with the Hecatoncheires.

"(Sing your vespers.)!!!!!"

Three massive blades of thunder emerge halfway. He was putting everything into it.

It let out one more bellow into the heavens.


Its bellow shook Cirrus down to the bone, but he didn’t care.

The monster’s body cracked apart as its final attack was used.

The white and puss green looked like gaseous spores, but like everything else the monster threw at Cirrus, he ignored it.

He leaps into the air; the monster looks up at him with its one remaining white eye, and the last thing it felt was fear as it saw its killer appear truly more monstrous than itself with eyes that rooted fear deep into it.

His armor disappeared as he pointed his spear at the beast. The green gem glowed as he finished his chant.

"[Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!!!"

Its final last words it hears are not Cirrus but the crack of thunder filling its ears.



A blinding light filled its eyes, and the silhouette of a horned monster liquefied it.

From afar, many from the port and ship could see a massive pillar of energy crash down.

The force sent waves crashing into the ship and even the port. Even the clouds above parted, making an eye of the storm.

Cirrus was standing in the swirling water on a small piece of ice.

His temper had cooled and the final attack of the Iku-Turso had taken its effect. His eyes began to calm and they slowly returned to normal.


A deep chill ran up his body as his skin felt as if he was in magma. His eyes rolled back from the pain as everything blurred and became upside down.


Cirrus fell into the swirling water. With no energy to swim, he fell deep into the water’s depth, and all he could hear was a faint voice that dimmed.






And then nothing.

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