Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

Quest 88- Encounter

Quest 88- Encounter

Cirrus asked his questions to Bara, and she answered them to the best of her ability. Having left the country and Familia on amicable terms, it was 20 years ago.

"Thank you for answering. That’s all that I had to ask." Cirrus said, getting up.

"Not at all. I’m surprised you were so thorough in your questions," said Bara. "Finn, you should learn from how he asks questions, all to the point."

"I doubt my questions will do Finn any good," said Cirrus. "He is trying to find and uproot Evilus, so being straightforward will get him one step and Evilus three steps ahead."

Finn had a revelation when he heard that.

"Three steps ahead…. yes, I need to plan in advance." He said.

"… Well, I must be going; it has been nice to meet with you all outside the dungeon." Cirrus bows his head. "I’ll be going now."

Cirrus turns and leaves through the door.

"What an odd kid," said Loki.

"What’s odd about the kid?" said Dain. "He seems fine enough to me."

"He’s far more mature than I would have thought." She said. "It’s creepy."

"I would assume it’s because he has been dealing with Evilus." Said Noir. "I doubt facing them will make a child grow up far quicker to survive."

"Hmm… in that respect, he has an understanding of an Amazoness from Telskyura."

"We can’t be sure; we don’t know his situation," said Finn.

"That is true, but say, Riveria, didn’t you wish to talk with him?" said Gareth.


Leaving the home, Cirrus goes through the alleyways.

‘So, are we going as soon as we can?’

"Hmm, who knows? It’ll be easier to sail there. We should make plans for Mel…" Cirrus stops in his place. "Nox." He says it softly.

‘I know, we're being watched.’

Standing in the alley, Cirrus heard heavy footsteps. He turned to see a familiar face.

"Ah Ottar, do you want a rematch?"

"No," he says as he stands a few feet away from Cirrus with no weapon in hand. "I’m simply here to ask you. Cirrus Zephyr."


The air grew tense as Nox and Cirrus grew sharp. Their instincts were on edge.


Nox flew up and checked the area.

‘It’s just him, no one else.’

"So Ottar." Cirrus disengaged his mask, showing his face to Ottar. "What’s your question?"

He carefully looked at Cirrus and slightly smiled.

"You are The Empress’s son, aren’t you?"

"… He… he-hahahahahaha!!!!!" Cirrus couldn’t help but laugh. Ottar was by far the simplest person he had ever met. He didn’t—no, deep down, he knew of anyone in the city. The one who fought against his mother the most would be him. "Ah… of course you would know." Cirrus combed back his hair with his finger, and a big smile grew on his face. "Was it the eyes? The chin? Cheekbones? Brows? Nose? The one who raised me told me I inherited a lot from her appearance and talent-wise."

"It was your eyes; I’ve seen those eyes many times before as she beat me down."

"Hmm yes, I heard you used to fight the captains of Zeus and Hera, so… what now?"

"Nothing. I simply wish to confirm this theory of mine."

"Well now you know, one of the handfuls of people to know of my heritage, having a bloodline of the Hera Familia still in the city."

"…" Ottar remained silent for a bit before smiling. "What a joyous occasion. I get to cross blades with one of their descendants! Cirrus, I will keep this between us on the condition that you will have a rematch with me."

"Heh~, do you really wanna beat my mom that badly you’d settle for her orphaned son?"

"Yes." He said it flat out. "You are a level 6, correct? Your speed and magic are that of a level 7 or low 8, so those two stats must be your highest stats."

"Seems you’re really experienced in knowing that from a single fight, but yes, I am."

"Then you already surpassed your mother in terms of ability and talent at the age of 10. That is why I wish to fight you again."

"So I'm a bigger fish than they are, huh? Thank you for the compliment. I’ll fight if you want, but I’m rather busy, as you know."

"Hm, then some other time." He nods and turns around.

"By the way," Cirrus says as he looks at Ottar's back. "If you know who I am and I’m not talking about my blood, does that mean your goddess knows what’s behind the mask?"

"…" Ottar stops and turns his head and nods. "Little word of advice. Your mother had a temper, a explosive one. Whenever she got mad her eyes would change. As her son you should keep that in mind. The moment they see your swirling eyes and they know who you are without a skip of the beat." He then turned it back and continued to leave.

"Thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in mind."

‘Given his question, I assume Freya only knows of my identity and not my lineage, and seeing how loyal Ottar is, she doesn’t know… well, what an odd circumstance. He even told me something about my own mom... Swirling eyes huh? Does this world have eye powers like in Naruto?'

There isn't.

"(Exousía, Adorn: Ceryneian)."

Nox comes down and lands on the antlers.

‘So your mom is a big shot, huh? When were you going to tell me?’

"You never asked."

‘True, but I guess having a walking skeleton as a parent is cooler, right?’

"Well, I guess it’s pretty metal."

Cirrus returns to Ouranos and Fels and informs them he has gained the information and that he will make plans to have someone sail him to Telskyura.

"I see, very well," said Ouranos.

"Will the Artemis Familia be coming as well?" Fels asked.

"I will have to ask them, but who knows if Artemis can track sea creatures?"

"Hmm… she is more inclined to hunt land-orientated beings. I would suggest having Poseidon to help." Ouranos said.

"I’ll see what I can do."

Cirrus bows his head and leaves through one of the secret entrances, heading south.

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