Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 299

[Episode 98 To the Wulin Federation]

A room with only one lantern on.

Someone wearing a bamboo hat and black cotton came in, holding a cane.

And when he found a person with his back in front of a bookshelf, he asked.

“Did he send you?”

Inyoung answered that question without even looking back.


Someone in black cotton who heard the voice immediately recognized who the black seal was.

“I can’t believe you are coming in person.....”

“There is no need for the editorial to be long. “What happened to that?”

In response to Inyoung’s question, someone from the temple sat down on a chair, holding a cane, and answered.

“A variable has emerged.”


“There was a battle between the former leader and the vice-leader, but the North Yeongdoseong recommended Sogeomseon as the candidate for the leader.”


The black figure behind her back could not hide her curiosity.

Then he continued speaking.

“That person’s whereabouts are unknown.”

The last time he was seen was when he had an informal fight with Yeolwangpaedo Jingyun at the guesthouse.

After that, he completely disappeared.

The black-faced person asked what he said.

“So, is it possible that he has appeared again?”

“I don’t know that. “He ordered us to follow all of Sogeomseon’s movements, but he disappeared as if he had disappeared into thin air seven months ago.”

“It’s a situation where you can’t be sure.”

“Yes. “There is no change in the plan.”


The black seal laughed at the black seal's words.

And then he said.

“Good. Even if not, I will try to check using this variable.”


“The fact that he recommended the Sogeomseon, whose whereabouts have been unknown until now, may have something to do with the person from Bukyeongdoseong.”


“So we decided to proceed without announcing the election of the next leader.”

“There must have been a backlash?”

“They said that if we elect a leader publicly, the blood cult might take action, so everything should be done confidentially.”

“That’s a good method.”

If that happens, all manpower can be reduced by only monitoring one person in the Northern Capital City.

This will reveal what kind of relationship he has with Sogeomseon.

“But I don’t think I came here just because of the progress of this matter.”

“We need a subsidiary of the Four Thousand Dang Family.”


Dangwoojung, the deputy head of Sacheondanga.

He was the 9th elder of the current martial arts league and the leader in the best poisonous techniques in the faction.


“A lot of the extra phantom poison was used up while brainwashing that person.”

The man in black could not hide his surprise at those words.

“If so, is the brainwashing finally successful?”

“okay. However, as a result, there was a shortage of illusion poison.”

“......It looks like we failed to seize the blood liquor as expected.”

The person who created the Hwanma poison was Hyeolju.

They tried to seize Hyeolju by taking advantage of the martial arts alliance's subjugation war, but failed.

“It would be better if you or Seolbaek moved...”

“There is no need for that.”

“How can you say there is no need for that?”

“The blood master has died.”

“I can’t believe it... If that’s the case, then the magic poison’s recipe has really been lost.”

Only the blood lord knew the exact method of mixing the phantom poison, and if the capture failed, a countermeasure was needed. The

black-faced person clicked his tongue and said,

“If I do that, Galju will also die.”


“Did you succeed in escaping?”


“I’m glad we lost so much power. Then do you know who killed the blood lord?”

“Every blood.”

“Huh... It’s not just Sogeomseon, but that Blood Demon guy is also a bastard who keeps getting in the way.”

Even so, the defeat of this subjugation war had begun to bother the existence of the Blood Demon.

If everything had gone as planned, the Blood Cult should have moved according to their will as planned.

“Either way, like the Musou Castle, the Blood Cult would ultimately fail.”

“Why do you think it’s a failure?”

“I thought you wouldn’t touch the blood cult to detoxify Baekryunha, but wouldn’t killing her mean that you gave up on her? If you couldn’t secure Baekryunha, it would be impossible to move the bloodline religion that values lineage...”

“ “Hehehe.”

“Why are you smiling so much?”

“You missed the blood vessel, but it looks like you also failed to secure the White Lotus River?”

“What is that?”

In response, the black seal said in a meaningful voice,

“Nothing is as easy to move as a woman burning with revenge.”






_ She was sitting with her arms crossed.

Why was she, who was supposed to be in a religious cult, traveling in a carriage with a stranger? The

middle-aged man, who was staring at her with his eyes closed, opened his mouth.

“We’ll be there soon.”


Seeing her not being able to speak properly, the middle-aged man clicked his tongue inwardly.

‘The side effects of the phantom poison are scary.’

Even though she was so broken, she was a very strong-willed woman.

If she had not risked her life to escape from the underground gold prison, she would have been in the same situation as a blood lord.

‘She is an amazing woman.'

When I first saw her, she seemed to have no will to live.

However, after losing her own person, she literally became the embodiment of revenge.

It would have been a disaster if that revenge had been directed at them, but she only burned with anger towards the blood demons of her time.

‘The death of the blood lord has been restored.'

If the blood lord had been alive, the situation would have been different.

However, she believed that the loss of her precious person due to the blood lord was all the fault of the blood demon of the time.

She thought that keeping the blood lord alive was what caused this whole situation.

‘Actually, it is orthodox . ‘It's strange that the heir doesn't get angry when he loses everything to collateral or low-born people.'

She passed on quite useful information.

That those in power in the blood religion lack legitimacy. She

even said that the blood demons of the time had an important secret. She

also told them that if it were to become known, it would be a huge blow.

But that was it . She did not inform herself of that much.

[Please let me meet with the highest level.]

That was her request.

Addicted to illusion poison and being in the position of the weak, she accurately understood her utility value.

Therefore, she contacted the higher level and got what she wanted. It's to get something.

‘You don't know him.'

Unfortunately, he is not easy.

Even if he doesn't know, he will completely brainwash her by injecting her with more phantom poison.

If that happens, she will naturally reveal the secret of the blood demon.

‘It would have been nice if I had found out about this myself.'

It was disappointing.

But this seems to be enough.

At least we succeeded in taking away the White Lotus River.

‘With this effort, will we be able to receive the treatment for immortality?'

A significant number of those who followed the organization were hoping for that.

The biggest goal was to achieve immortality through meritorious merit.



Baek Ryeon-ha frowned as if in pain and gave him his head. I caught it.

But then I got caught in the chains of the restraints on both hands and couldn't move.

‘The poison must be painful.'

She was complaining of pain all the time.

It seemed like she was suffering from a severe headache due to phantom poison.

“Please hold on just a little longer.”

Even though her body was broken, for her own sake, they had stuck needles into her seven major energy points and restrained her both hands and legs so that she could not move. She could never escape their hands. How many carriages could there be to carry her in such


? She entered the manor, which was like a magnificent palace.

The carriage stopped and a middle-aged man took her out, blindfolded.

“Thank you for your hard work. “Galju.”

Numerous warriors were waiting outside.

A grizzled old man who seemed to be the leader among them greeted him.

The man called Galju said something to the old man in a telephonic voice.

Then the old man nodded.

“Follow me.”

At the old man's words, a middle-aged man called Galju supported Baekryunha, who was blindfolded.


“Soon you will be able to see the person you want.”


Baek Ryeon-ha nodded at this.

They passed several temples and entered the three-story main temple building.

When they entered the main church building, they went down to the basement instead of upstairs and eventually entered a room.

There was a table and two chairs placed in the room.

And on the table were several sheets of bibliography stacked on top of each other, and ink was placed next to it.

Galju said as he made Baekryeonha sit in front of him.

“Please wait a moment.”

Baek Ryeon-ha nodded.

And not long after, I heard someone coming into the room.

The door opened and a woman wearing a purple fur coat wearing a bamboo hat appeared.

The hair falling between the bamboo shoots was silvery.

When Galju saw her, he showed courtesy.

As if she was just pretending to see this, a silver-haired woman wearing an arrogant bamboo skirt sat across from Baek Ryeon-ha.

Baek Ryeon-ha opened her mouth.


Galju said.

“The effect of the phantom poison on my brain is so severe that I cannot speak properly.”

“You know how to write.”

“That’s how communication is possible.”

“Put a brush in my hand.”

At her command, Galju dipped in ink without saying anything and lifted Baekryunha's bound hand to hold the brush.

As Baek Ryeon-ha picked up the brush, a silver-haired woman wearing a bamboo lip spoke.

“You said you wanted to see the higher-ups, right?”

At her words, Baek Ryeon-ha wrote with a brush with trembling hands.

Because I wrote it blindfolded, the writing was a bit odd, but not so much that I couldn't read it.

[Are you the highest ranking member of this organization?]

At her words, a silver-haired woman wearing bamboo lips spoke with an expressionless face.

“Let’s just say it’s closest to the top.”

At those words, Baek Ryeon-ha waved her brush.

[You asked for the highest rank.]

The silver-haired woman snorted and said at her handwriting.

“This is not the person you want to see.”

- Ssuk ssuk!

[Then I have nothing to say either.]


[I made a promise to the highest ranking person and decided to sign an agreement with that person.] The

corner of the silver-haired woman's mouth twitched at her writing.

Galju clicked his tongue at the sight.

In the end, I ended up offending her.

‘Why is this person coming?'

She was a person whose actions spoke louder than her words.

As the silver-haired woman raised her hand, someone came in with a tray.

Inside was something that looked like a small incense burner, and inside was a thick black liquid and bedding.

The silver-haired woman said as she placed it on the table.

“Let’s just say that voluntarily opening your mouth isn’t the only way.”

Baek Ryeon-ha wrote like a scrawl with a brush, not a threat but a threat.

[Are you trying to force me to open my mouth?]

“I understand well.”

Baek Ryeon-ha sighed deeply at her words.

The silver-haired woman snorted and said.

“I’ll ask you one last question. “What is the secret of the Blood Demon?”

Before she knew it, her hand was heading towards the bedding that was plugged into a small incense burner.

If you didn't answer, I was going to stick a needle straight into the acupuncture point on your head.

Baek Ryeon-ha picked up the brush with trembling hands.

“I guess they didn’t want to force him to open his mouth.”

The silver-haired woman sighed and laughed.

And I looked at the bibliography to see what the blood demon's secret was, and there were only two letters written there.

[Snow White-Snow White]


Seeing this, the silver-haired woman's eyes widened through the bamboo shoots.

What was written in the bibliography was none other than his own name.

She was Seolbaek, one of the three confidants who served King Jonju.

“.......How do you know me?”

Galju also couldn't understand the English sentence.

It was incomprehensible that Baek Ryeon-ha, who was blindfolded, was able to figure out Seol-baek's identity just by his voice.

“I’ll let you answer.”

To answer these questions, Seolbaek's actions spoke faster than his words.

She pulled out the bedding and tried to stick it into Baekryeonha’s head acupuncture point.

It was that moment.


Baek Ryeon-ha spread her arms and blocked Seol-baek's outstretched hand with the chains of the restraints.


Galju could not hide his embarrassment.

In the first place, it was damaged by the white lotus phantom poison.

Moreover, because the Seven Great Energy Points were blocked, he could not block Xue Bai's move.

Seolbaek spoke in a harsh voice, causing a chill.

“What are you?”

Baek Ryeon-ha opened her mouth to that question.

“Whew. “It’s not easy to see the golden statue.”


Surprisingly, she was able to speak just fine.


Galju, who had been with me all this time, was so embarrassed that he was speechless.

But that was only for a moment.

What surprised them even more was the title of Geumsangje mentioned in Baekryeonha’s mouth.


At Galju's shout, the warriors in the room tried to rush at her.

At that moment, Baek Ryeon-ha’s body began to tremble.

Then, sharp needles came out of her body from each energy point, including the spine on her back.

-Papa pa pa pa paak!



The spittle that came out like that was shot like a memorization at everyone in the room.

Galju and the grizzled old man avoided it, but the others had their necks and heads pierced and died on the spot.

“Four bitch!”

Seolbaek, who easily dodged the flying needle, got angry and tried to throw a blow at Baekryeonha.

It was that moment.

Suddenly, Baek Ryeon-ha stretched out her hand to the ceiling.

I don't know what I'm doing

- Kwakwakwakwakwakwak!

The ceiling shook and a loud noise was heard.

“What the hell is this…”

I wondered what that meant, but then the ceiling pierced and a sword was sucked straight into Baekryeonha’s hand.

Seolbaek, who saw the sword, frowned and muttered.

“Blood Demon Sword?”

It was definitely a blood demon sword.

However, the hilt of the Blood Demon Sword was stained with blood.

At that time, someone urgently opened the basement door and rushed in.

“This is a big deal. Suddenly, a sword moves through the entire manor and slaughters all the warriors... Ah!”

The man was speechless when he saw the sword in Baekryeonha's hand.

The sword was here.

? Hanzhongwolya

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