Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 293

[Episode 95: The Majesty of the Blood Demon (2)]

All the noble Blood Cultists, including Haeakcheon, looked with tense eyes at the front covered in red ghosts and dust fragments.

Inside, the martial arts leader Jeongcheon and the cult leader, Blood Demon, were competing.

‘You boy.'

Unlike other nobles, as a teacher, Haeak-cheon watched the growth of Jin Woon-hwi, the blood demon of his time, more closely than anyone else.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jin Woon-hwi, whom he watched, was truly extraordinary.

I have never seen anyone grow so quickly.

However, the opponent is the greatest thief of his time and a monster beyond the realm of superhumans.

I thought that the blood demon's inaction would not be easily defeated by Mu-sang-do Jeong-cheon, one of the best fighters of the time, due to the tremendous herbivory just now, but there was no way to know what would happen if they competed properly.

It was a moment when everyone was concentrating on the sound as their vision was blocked.

-Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa! Grrrrrr!

“That cliff!”

“It’s splitting!”

“Everyone get back!”

The blood cultists hastily retreated from the cliff that suddenly cracked and collapsed.

This was the same for the political factions of the Murim League.

The sectarians who had their backs to the cliff suddenly collapsed and, without even having time to think, launched their new weapons towards the place where the blood cultists were.

“Prevent the political factions from coming up!”

Dojangho, a bloodletting man, shouted to the prisoners.

I couldn't miss this golden opportunity.


“Let’s wipe out the political faction bastards!”


The members of the Blood Cult, whose morale was soaring, hurled a new weapon at the members of the True Cult who were climbing over the collapsing cliff to survive.

Not to be outdone, the members of the political faction also stood against the oncoming blood cultists.

“Damn you bloody bastards!”

“Wipe out all of the Sima Wei Daoists!”

-visor! visor!

In an instant, the top of the mountain range became a battlefield.

As swords were running rampant and signs of intensification appeared, Seogalma, the master of the Nanmadong Dynasty, hurriedly struck Baek Hye-hyang with a new sword.

She stood with difficulty, using the sheath of her sword as a cane.

“Vice pontoon master!”

The hand holding the sword sheath was trembling.

Baek Hye-hyang's pale face looked like she was about to collapse at any moment, and her gaze was directed only towards the corner of the collapsing cliff.

“This place is dangerous. “Nobu will take care of you.”

With those words, Izon Seogalma hurriedly tried to hug her.

Then Baek Hye-hyang held out a trembling hand and refused.

“Vice pontoon master!”

“Ha...ha.....no. “I’m watching from here.”

‘Such stubbornness…’

Seogalma was extremely embarrassed.

I knew Baek Hye-hyang's personality very well, but who would have known that she would insist on staying until the end even after being seriously injured to the point where her life was in danger.


“…He said he would stay.”

‘.......iced coffee!'

Seogalma’s complexion darkened.

It was because I saw Baek Hye-hyang’s back.

Before I knew it, the entire hem of my clothes was soaked with red blood, just like it had been from the beginning.

It is no longer a condition that can be prevented by controlling the blood using Jinhyeolgeumche's luck technique.

Seogalma's fist, which stretched out its hand as if to infuse it with energy, gained strength.

It's already late.

The situation was already critical due to bleeding that had continued for over a month.

In the meantime, Mu-sang-do Jeong-cheon's internal organs penetrated into his body and he could do nothing more.

Even if God's will came, it seemed like he couldn't be saved.

- Wow!

Gritting his teeth, Seogalma pulled out his long sword, a German weapon.

“If you do this, Nobu will protect you.”

I had no choice but to listen to what she wanted.

His voice gradually stopped reaching Baek Hye-hyang's ears.

My eyes were open, but it seemed like fog was gradually forming and the surroundings were getting dark.

Baek Hye-hyang bit her lip tightly.

‘You have to see it.'

I had to check before I closed my eyes.

She felt it herself.

If you close your eyes now, you may never be able to open them again.

Before that, I want to check one last time.

The moment when the history of blood religion, stained with defeat, is overturned.

Then someone shouted.

“Look over there!”

At the sound of shouting, everyone's eyes instantly turned to that place.

A black figure flew out of the dust fragments of the collapsing cliff and landed lightly on the cliff.


Baek Hye-hyang's red pupils trembled when she saw this.

The summit of the mountain range, which had been clashing violently just moments ago, was tinged with silence.

Sighs flowed from the mouths of the political faction members of the Murim League branch.


“......How could this happen...”

“Lord of the Hawk!”

They couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes.

Blood was dripping.

A supply and demand held in the hands of the blood demon, the leader of the blood religion.

It was none other than the head of Musangdo Jeongcheon, the leader of the Murim League.

At that moment, a thunderous roar erupted from the top of the mountain range, telling them to leave.


“The Blood Demon cut off the head of the Murim leader!”

“Musangdo Jeongcheon has been defeated!”

One who has reached the peak as a Tao.

An absolute expert who can be counted among the top five among super people.

The defeat of Mu Sangdo Jeong Cheon, the leader of the current martial arts faction with numerous titles and supporting the martial arts league, was enough to shock and shock everyone.

This fight was a very important decisive battle for both sides.

The loss of the leader in the battle that would determine the future direction meant that the worst had happened.


Haeakcheon was so happy that he smiled, showing his yellow teeth.

It is a blood religion that has been proud of itself for over twenty years.

Who would have imagined that his long-cherished wish would be granted not by someone else but by someone he had trained as a disciple?

‘A guy like you...'

I really don't know what's going on in the world.

The reason I accepted him as a disciple was because of his spontaneous nature at the time.

I had no idea that my desire for revenge against the Namcheon swordsman, whom I regarded as my enemy, and my hope that his sword would never be cut off from the world again, would become like this.

“The Samjon’s insight was right.”

Before I knew it, the bloodletting seal that came next to me let out an exclamation and said.

Haeakcheon just shrugged his shoulders at his words.

If it were my normal self, I would have made a fuss and said that he was my disciple, but now he was the leader of a blood cult.

‘...Are you looking at the leader?'

If the deceased former religious leader were alive, it would be a day when I would like to have a drink for the first time in a long time.

The bloodletting Dojangho raised the corner of his mouth.

He too had a special feeling.

‘At that time, that boy became an expert who encompassed the world.'

It was Dojang-ho who saved him in a moment of whim.

However, I even thought that something like this would have happened if they had not killed Jin Woon-hwi, the current religious leader, and made him go to Yukhyeolgok.

‘You really never know.'

I am no longer the child I was then.

Dojangho, a bloodletting saint, raised his hands and expressed his sincere respect like other believers.

While the religious people were happy, the religious people were in the exact opposite situation.

They, who were shocked by the death of Lord Musangdo Jeongcheon, realized the reality.

“Damn it!”

“It’s not like this.”

The best leaders of each branch were instantly killed by the blood demons of the time.

Now the situation is completely different.

‘There is no chance of winning.'

Since half of the blood demons fell in one advance, there was absolutely no chance of victory even in terms of numbers.

If they didn't retreat now, they might suffer the same fate.

“The warriors of the female alliance must retreat!”

“Retreat immediately!”

As the branch executives shouted, members of the political faction shouted for retreat like an echo.

They had already decided that they had no chance of winning the war and were in a hurry to flee.

Of course, this was not a blood religion that would just leave this alone.

“Hahahaha! Do you think you’ll miss it!”

Haeakcheon shouted loudly.

Dojangho, a bloodletting person, also agreed with his words.

“That is correct.”

“Cultists of the Blood Cult! It's finally time to wash away our school's resentment with blood! “Kill them all!”


Hearing Haeakcheon's cry, the followers of the Blood Cult chased after the fleeing members of the True Sect.

Their morale was reaching its end as they thought of repaying the humiliation of twenty years ago.

It was no longer a war situation.

After losing their leader, the leader, and seeing the monstrous power of the blood demon before their eyes, they had no will to fight.

“You are a minister.”

The political faction members were being driven out like the ebb of the tide.

Ijon Nanmadoje Seogalma, who was watching this scene while protecting Baek Hye-hyang, was very heartbroken.

The victories so far have been different.

The leader, the symbol of the Wulin Federation, collapsed.

Seogalma, excited, turned her head and said to Baek Hye-hyang.

“Have you seen the vice principal? The leader of the cult...!?”

Seogalma’s eyes widened.

The image of Baek Hye-hyang with her head down appeared in his trembling eyes.

She was smiling and closing her eyes as if she was satisfied.

“Vice pontoon master!”

Seogalma urgently ran to her.

I put my finger to my nose as I lowered my head, but there was no breathing.

“no. “Vice-priest.”

I felt like my heart was dropping.

When I felt the pulse on the side of Baek Hye-hyang's neck, I found that it was barely running.

It was coming to a halt little by little.

Seogalma immediately sat her down and placed both palms on her back to protect her heart veins.

I will save you even if it means sacrificing all of my true potential.

I couldn't let my former religious leader's blood relatives die like this.

But her body became cold.

“Vice-priest! You need to come to your senses! Bugyojuuuu!”

* * *


Among the numerous shouts, the voice of Izon Nanmadoje Seogalma was clearly heard.


Baek Hye-hyang was seen through the crowd.

Without even thinking about it, I flew the new model toward where he was.

I wonder if I was the only one who heard this sound, and others including Master Haeak-cheon, Dojangho, Seven-hyeolseong, and Seommae-hyang, a blood-blooded demon, gathered together.

Master asked, looking at Baek Hye-hyang, who lowered her head with a surprised face.

“What is going on?”

At his question, Seogalma got choked up and spoke with difficulty.


I couldn’t continue my words.

Everyone's complexion darkened, as if they were already guessing what was going on.

The Master harshly admonished Ijon Seogalma.

“Get out of the way. Brother Seo. “I will control the blood flow by connecting your heart vein and mine.”

At this, Seogalma stepped aside.

Master placed his hand on her back and chanted the Jinhyeol Geumche.

I couldn't understand why blood flow was controlled, so I asked the phlebotomist Dojangho.

“This wound on my back. “Who paid for it?”

There were no cuts on the clothes.

But it was strange that my clothes were soaked in blood like that.

It meant that the wound was not from the confrontation with Mu-sang-do and Jeong-cheon.

Then, in place of Dojangho, Hyeummaso Seommaehyang bit her lip and answered.

“I was cut by a deadly and deadly sword.”

‘A scary sword?'

At that time, the voice of the Blood Demon Sword rang in my head.

-Your bad taste is still there.

‘What are you talking about?'

-If you get cut by that guy, the bleeding won't stop. It enjoys watching humans slowly die. That is why the yogi manifested itself in this way.

The blood demon sword clicked its tongue.

For even this guy to react like this, the power of the Cowardly Killing Sword must have been this much.

The Master continued his heartbeat and cried, but Baek Hye-hyang did not even move, as if she had already died.


Is that why you said it was the last time?

How could a dying woman smile like that?

It was the face of a person who had accepted everything.


Master's expression hardened.

It seems they have already decided that no matter what they do, they can't save her.

It was right then.

-........human. Put me on her body.


-Do you think you can save that woman by controlling the bleeding?

‘Can I trust you?'

-Do you think this body will let this bastard’s blood-descendants die?

I told Master what he said.

“Master, please get out of the way.”

“Cult leader?”


Master Haeak-cheon, who was upset by my stubborn voice, stepped aside.

So, I laid Baek Hye-hyang down and placed the blood demon sword on her.

Everyone couldn't understand my actions.

“Why on earth, leader....”

“Just watch quietly.”

The teacher tried to stop me from smelling the island.

At that time, the veins on Baek Hye-hyang's pale face bulged.

The magic power of the Blood Demon Sword, which causes the blood vessels to run wild and freely adjusts them, was unleashed.

Normally, blood vessels that were so overflowing like this would burst, but


“I can’t believe it...”

The protruding veins subsided, and Baek Hye-hyang’s bloodless face gradually began to turn fleshy.

It's as if blood is returning to the body.

-Forcibly moving the heart and squeezing out blood. This alone is not enough. Most of the energy has already been used up, and there is still vital energy left in the wound area, so there is no hope.

‘Vigor and energy.'

I looked down at Baek Hye-hyang.

The human body contains vitality, which can be said to be the center of life.

The moment when all this energy is exhausted can be said to be death.

I took out a wooden box from my pocket that holds everything in my arms.

When I opened the wooden box, a fairly large pill box was revealed.

Seeing this, Seogalma looked puzzled and asked.

“Is it the cult leader?”

“This is Shaolin’s Grand Hwandan.”

Everyone, not just Seogalma, was surprised at those words.

I guess I just expected it to be a medicine for internal injuries, but who would have imagined that it would be Daehwandan, which is called the treasure of Shaolin Temple.

Master Haeakcheon asked with wide eyes.

“A big welcome party? How on earth do you do that?”

“I received it after breaking the Shaolin Temple’s Hundred and Eight Arhats.”


Master was astonished by my words.

So did others.

“You’re destroying the Hundred and Eight Na Han Jin?”

“No way, the cult leader’s Wolak sword.....”

“I’ll tell you later.”

I put the Shaolin Daehwandan into my mouth.

Because Baek Hye-hyang fainted, she could not take the Daehwandan directly, so they chewed it finely with her mouth and passed it on.

[Our company's Daehwandan is not only an elixir that improves one's power, but it also has magical energy that can be said to bring back the dead. I hope that this Daehwandan will be used meaningfully.]

I must hope that the words of Master Jingak, the head of the Shaolin Temple, are correct.

After chewing the Daehwandan finely, I held her neck and kissed her.

Then, I pushed the chopped Daehwandan onto my tongue.

Looking at her cold lips, I could feel that death had sneaked in.

‘I'm saving you.' must.'

He put his finger to her lips.

Then, I slowly let the Daehwandan, which was broken down into small pieces into empty water, go down my throat.

Let it go down the esophagus

- human. Leave it to me. I will spread medicinal energy.

The blood demon sword came out.

This guy would be able to do it.

If I could energize myself with the great hwandan, what I had to do was decided.


I sat her down and tore off the clothes on her back.

There was a sharp scar on his back, and the area was stained black.

The Blood Demon Sword perfectly controlled the flow of blood, so there was no bleeding, but just looking at it was enough to make you frown.


I placed my hands behind my back and chanted the Seonwon fortune-telling technique.

Seoncheonjingi, formed through the fortune telling techniques of Taoists, can be said to be the purest energy and thus can respond to psychic energy.


“This is...”

Everyone was amazed at the pure energy coming from me.

Either way, I focused on protecting her heart veins and driving out the energy that had seeped in from the wound area due to the sword.

‘Get out of her body.'

Soon, something surprising happened.


A black haze rose from Baek Hye-hyang’s wounds.

Then, the discolored skin gradually returned to its original color.



Baek Hye-hyang, who was still as if dead, spit out black blood.

“Vice pontoon master!”

Everyone was amazed at this sight.

She, who had died and thought there was no hope for her, began to breathe slowly.

The bloodletting Dojangho stuck out his tongue and muttered.

“Ha!...How much of a surprise are you planning on giving me?”

? Hanzhongwolya

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