Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 265

[ Episode 87 Infiltration (2) ]


A gradually reddened face and hot breath flowing from the mouth.


It was warm inside the barracks, but Seolbaek's breath was noticeable due to the chill from his martial arts training.

Even if she wasn't, she was wearing a thin, flowing suit that made her inner skin stand out, but with her flushed face, she looked kind of sexy.

she told me

“What...have you done to me?”


I didn’t do anything.

I simply used the secret techniques of Ju Ju-ryeon, the palace lord of Hyanghwa Delight Palace, which stimulates human instincts.

It is said that she used this secret technique to stimulate and confuse the emotions of countless people, subjugating their minds and turning them into slaves.

-Did it work?

I don't know.

He is a master whose name and color have surpassed the barrier.

There is no way that his mental strength is the same as that of ordinary experts.

However, this woman named Seolbaek had a strong affection for the Cheoninjang whom I dressed up, so it seemed like there was a possibility, so I performed a secret trick.

I don't even want to make them slaves.

It was just to confuse them and prevent them from becoming hostile towards me.

-Your cheeks are very red.

Looking at her current state, it seemed like she wasn't unaffected.

Seolbaek held my wrist and spoke in a trembling voice.

“Is it really Kang Rang?”

I think a woman's senses are really scary.

Embodimental manipulative techniques are on a different level from general human face masks or inversion techniques.

It changes its muscles and skeleton to resemble its counterpart.

Of course, that doesn't mean it doesn't have weaknesses.

‘......It would be difficult to deceive someone who has had a lot of physical contact.'

If Seolbaek had a physical relationship with this Cheoninjang that I dressed up as, and really loved him very much, he would know exactly his every move from the beginning.

Therefore, when you are confused due to the influence of Jujuryun's secret art, you should avoid further contact.

“Vice-Chairman....No, Seolmae. “The general will find you soon.”

I emphasized that on purpose.

This woman knows very well that the emperor may find her anyway.

Snow White stared at me with a face full of blush.

Then he soon opened his mouth.

“Kang Rang couldn’t kiss me for long.”

“What is that...”

“Because he was congenitally retarded, unless he was a highly skilled expert, he felt pain just by touching his skin with me.”


For some reason, just touching my skin made me feel cold.

Even now, a chill rushed into the wrist that was being held by her.

But even though it was cold, it couldn't affect me.

This is because I learned Seol-Eum-Hwayang-Seonmu from Master Cho, who carries a Yin-Yang board.

There is something my teacher said when he passed this on to me.

[There is a thing called compliance.]

[What is it?]

[All things are divided into the five elements and yin and yang. Usually, in order to respond to a relative energy, we know that we have to confront it with an opposing energy, but if we adapt with the same energy, we can handle it with less effort.] That is compliance


Even though she learned martial arts to deal with the cold of the North Sea Ice Palace, whether it was Cheonyinji, I was taught Seolyin Hwayangseonmu, which is infinitely closer to Zen.

So, I can also handle the chill and adapt to her energy.

Seolbaek told me.

“Even though Kang Lang couldn’t stand it, he accepted me and came to me.”

“I guess...there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding...”

I was about to come up with an excuse, but she cut me off.

“There’s nothing wrong with the hand that’s touching you.”

That's right, since they are acclimatizing to the cold.

Shouldn't it have been better to respond with positive energy?

If that were the case, it would have led to a battle of power and strength, which would have been painful for her.

“Kang Lang is not like that.”


As my doubts deepen, I need to memorize the secret formula.

Even if you can't control the mind, you have to confuse it and take the time.

“iced coffee!”

A strange sound came out of her mouth as she held her wrist.

-Woonhwi. I guess it works.

‘.......Strange. There's something wrong with this.'


If you have the mental strength and internal strength of this woman, you can force yourself to endure this.

But I just accept it.

I guess I need to stop memorizing the verses.

Rather, it seems to have the opposite effect.

“Seolmae. I guess I should just head out now. “If your Majesty finds it, I have to report it to you...”

At that time, she breathed on me and spoke in a softer voice.

“You were the man I was looking for.”


At that moment, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards her.

I could endure it, but after thinking about it for a moment, I moved closer to her rhythm.

Now that things are like this, I have to take advantage of my guard and subdue the blood sword.


I think it would be better to disguise myself as her.

Perhaps because her position is Deputy Governor of the Special Forces, she appears to be able to freely enter the central tent.

The person named Pakungwi Chosa also said a few words and went right in.

Since you have to instantly increase your attack power, you have to take advantage of the moment when your guard is off guard.

At that time, she boldly kissed me.


Her tongue explored her mouth.

It seems like this woman doesn't care if I'm a strong heavenly seal or anything.

He was only interested in satisfying his own desires.

If so, that's good.

If you quietly move your hand back and aim for the hunhyeol on the neck...

- Tight!


For a moment, I was startled and flinched.

Because she was so focused on suppressing the acupuncture points, she never imagined that her hand would go straight down.

There was no foreplay or anything, and I was burning with desire.

Her blush-stained eyes seem to eat me.

-What are you doing! Quickly press the blood pressure chart!

I want to, but her cold hands are grabbing it.

If you are not disciplined, your life as a man could be ruined.

At that time, Seolbaek pulled my wrist, which was holding on to his thin chest, where his inner flesh was visible.


I guess I'm a man who can't help it.

When her hand touched that soft, squishy spot, the place she had been holding couldn't help but react.

The corners of Seolbaek’s mouth turned up in an odd way.

She whispered to me, breathing heavily.

“You want it too.”


With that, she tore off her skirt, jumped up her exposed white legs, and wrapped them around my waist.

The moment their lower bodies touched each other, a moan escaped her mouth.


That voice was so provocative and erotic.

She tried to take off my pants like a wild animal, as if she wanted to have sex with me right away.

But the hand had no choice but to stop midway.

I could hear the sound of armor approaching this place clanking outside.


She couldn’t hide her regret.

At that moment, I noticed the blood on the back of her neck.



It was momentary, but even she couldn't hold out because the Seven Star's power was applied.

She opened her eyes wide and tried to say something to me, but soon her eyes closed and fell limp.

-Are you going to dress up as this woman?

I think that would be unreasonable.

Judging from the sounds coming from outside, I arrive within eleven or two steps at most.

After supporting Seolbaek, I looked around.

A bed was placed in what was assumed to be her room.

I laid Seolbaek down there, covered him with a blanket, and pretended to pat his stomach.


The entrance to the tent opened and someone came inside.

He was General Yeom.

When General Yeom saw Seolbaek and me lying down restlessly as if asleep, he clicked his tongue and said,

“It’s quite a bit. Tsk tsk let’s go. “Your Majesty is calling.”

“All right.”

General Yeom asked, pointing at her with a gesture of his head.

“Are you sleeping?”

“yes. “I fell asleep because I was tired.”

“Come out.”

General Yeom told me to follow him without another word.

Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any suspicion.

Indeed, who would imagine that someone who is only a mere thousand seal would do anything to an expert who has overcome the wall known as the Twelfth World.

Of course, if she wasn't careful, it wouldn't be easy for me to do the divination.

I followed General Yeom and carefully left the tent.

As he went outside and headed toward the central tent, General Yeom spoke in an irritated voice.

“It’s been over 20 years since I committed myself to military service, but I don’t like any of the people from Murim.”


“If this were the twelfth day of the world, I wouldn’t have hired a wayward woman. Isn’t there a lack of discipline in the military? Tsk tsk.”

I guess I really didn't like it.

I saw him say this to me, Kang Cheoninjang, with whom he could be in a relationship.

I could talk about it, but doesn't it bother you?

At that time, General Yeom looked at me with strange eyes.

“You’re sure you didn’t fall for that girl, right?”


“Your job is to please that woman and maintain a friendly relationship. “I’m not really saying you should fall for a girl.”


There was this secret.

It looks like they aren't really in a romantic relationship.

-Then that woman is also being deceived.


I don't know about that.

In my opinion, that woman named Seolbaek had better feelings than I expected.

There is no way to know whether he was truly deceived or whether he was pretending to be deceived to satisfy his own emotional needs.

If it is the latter, the relationship degenerates into a relationship in which both parties use each other.

However, when I heard her voice, it seemed like she wanted to fill some dry emotion.

-Anyway, I'm glad. You almost got hit.

Sodamgeom giggled.

What's wrong with being hurt?

We responded according to the situation.

Anyway, now that the emperor has called, we can check the whereabouts of the Buddhist monk hiding in that tent.

I covered myself in my arms and looked at the pendulum board.

The needle pointing to the central tent was trembling violently.

There is definitely a legal instrument in this.

-There's that emperor or something and Pakungwi Chosa.

Is that all?

Except for Seolbaek, there was a high probability that the other masters known as the twelve masters of the world were also in that tent.

Still, it was fortunate that Seolbaek was knocked unconscious.

The power has been reduced to some extent.

I need to go into the tent, look for an opportunity, steal the Buddhist tool that Vigilante has, and lure him out.

-Are you trying to lure me in with that?


There was an unexpected item in the lucky bag that could fit anything.

It was a replica of the Dharma Gu Cheondun.

This was probably given to me by Master Geomseon.

It was a suitable object to lure a vigilante.

Even though it's fake, if you just use the Daedo Cheondun Sword Technique's Thunder Sword Cheondun with a fake Cheondun, the guy's eyes will roll over.

General Yeom said to me as we climbed up to the main hall of the tent.

“You understand that you must only answer questions asked by His Majesty, right?”

“That's right.”

I also have no intention of mixing words with Geum Sang-je.

General Yeom went inside first, rolling up the tent.

I followed behind and went in, and inside I saw the general kneeling in front of the bamboo feet, bowing his head.

‘Can't I go inside?'

I would have guessed that the inside was covered with bamboo feet.

General Yeom went inside, knelt down on one knee behind the general, and bowed his head.

He winked at me.

So I also went behind him and got down on one knee.

‘It's meaningless if you can't go inside.'

Once you report in front of this bamboo foot, all your disguise and infiltration will have been in vain.

If that happens, you may have to push yourself a bit.

I'll have to watch the situation first.

But a voice was coming from inside.

The entire tent was surrounded by real energy, but once inside, a sound was heard.

“I still can’t see the nose of that place, so I guess my luggage didn’t fall for that man’s trick, right?”


Is this voice from Geumsangje?

The only person who would describe himself as a burden is the Emperor.

“There are still about 4 ri left to the place he said, so I think it will not be too late to decide whether to punish him then. your majesty.”

‘.....this voice.'

I've heard of it.

It's a very polite way of speaking, so it's strange, but it's definitely...

At that time, Namcheoncheolgeom's voice rang in my head.

-Woonhwi! It's him!


-How can I forget the voice of the person who harmed the previous owner!


My heart was pounding rapidly.

So, is there a one-eyed, gold-eyed man in here?

? Hanzhongwolya

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